Chapter 1174

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
When situ Xuan saw him downstairs, he immediately burst out with a big smile, as if he could see the sun through the clouds, or the joy of the dark.

He said a word with his mouth in silence. In the dim yellow light, Zidian still understood what he meant. He was saying "done!"

Qi Dean suddenly panic, cold cold from the heart out, return home, brought these three words, is he agreed to Xiao Shurong's unreasonable request?

When he went back, he must have discussed the result with his family. Did the situ family agree to this "done"?

Myself How can he de be so cherished by them!

In a trance, she saw situ Xuan hook her, which meant to let her Downstairs?

She's not going down!

Inexplicable, there is a kind of anger in the chest, she "bang" all of a sudden closed the window, blocking gas like lying back in bed.

The window that she closed didn't ring. She waited for a long time and didn't wait for the pebble.

There's a feeling in Qi Dean's heart that he can't say. If he turns around and leaves her with a cool back, it's situ Xuan that she knows. He's so cool that he can calculate everything thoroughly.

The cold genius who only wants to fulfill his sister's dream with blood on his hand for his own sake.

That cold light, the first time to meet a refused to marry her proud youth.

That's situ Xuan! That should be his nature.

It's not a fool who is aware of the ambition of others, but willing to pay for it all.

Situ Xuan, you idiot! Stupid, stupid!

Zidian was holding the quilt, her heart twisted and her whole body trembled with pain. Her whole body seemed to be put on a fire rack, fried and boiled!

Originally, her heart to fight against Xiao Shurong turned into a circuitous tactic, but now, because of situ Xuan's decision, is she going to knead round and flat?

Situ Xuan was cold on the outside and warm on the inside, with a pure heart of sincerity.

Xiao Shurong is hot outside and cold inside. She has the heart of steel snake and scorpion.

You can't fight her like this, you can't fight her!

At this time, Zidian's tenderness was like a thousand turns, which was the surprise, fear and joy of situ Xuan's decision. I'm worried about his decision again!

She really regretted pretending to have lost her memory. She should have exposed Xiao Shurong's mask on the first day of meeting and let situ Xuan see her dark heart clearly.

Will he not be a fool to offer a heart to be used and abused by others?

Or she does not have a moment of infatuation, can't help pestering with him, can't you avoid him falling into this dirty trap?

Zidian didn't understand why he was so confused that he took the road of repentance. Now he didn't give up and didn't dare to love him. What should he do?

Zidian can't think about it. After thinking about it, his heart is sore and burning.

"Katcha There was a slight noise, and Zidian's back froze.

Followed by a steady sound of footsteps, and then the door of the bedroom was pushed open, into a room breeze, blowing curtain flutter.

All of a sudden, Zidian didn't know how to face him. He just froze.

The edge of the bed was slightly sunken, and situ Xuan leaned over. Her cool skin was close to her shoulder socket. Her beautiful voice called softly: "Dean? Are you asleep? "

Zidian ignored him, thinking that she had been lying down for such a long time. At least half an hour had passed since he threw stones. It was not impossible for her to fall asleep.

Situ Xuan said: "I know you didn't sleep!"

Zidian: --

She thought to herself, obviously I have a good breath control, and my body doesn't move. Even if you press me over, I show amazing calmness, and I don't show any flaws

"Your ears are red." Si Tu Xuan sighed and said, reaching out to brush the red halo gently.

Zidian: --

Is it too late for her to pretend to sleep now? She didn't want to talk to him!

But obviously situ Xuan came to talk to her. He lay on her side, put his hand behind her, and rubbed her hair lovingly. Qi Di couldn't install it any more. She opened her eyes and didn't move or look back. She just said in a voice of resentment, "I'm with you. It's a matter of mutual willingness and mutual affection. Once you shake off your hand, it's all your belongings. Is this money for me? Is there anyone who can bury people like this? "


"That's it Zidian turned around and stared at him with black and white eyes. "Situ Xuan, I know you have money, but I don't go for your money. If you promise my mother, where will you put me?"

Situ Xuan stretched out his hand, rubbed her little face and said, "it will be the common property of husband and wife in the future. What's the difference between your name and mine?"

"I promised to marry you?"Situ Xuan was stunned!

Zidian added, "aren't you afraid I'll dump you? If a man is unmarried and a woman is unmarried, I don't know how many variables to save. Do you want to ruin my reputation by throwing money at me now? "


"Since it's not, you can fall in love cleanly. Don't give me money like an uncle. I don't want to be inferior to you and make you look down on me Well... " Zidian opened his eyes wide.

Before her words were finished, situ Xuan grabbed her chin directly, blocked her mouth, and blocked the draft she had made for a long time.

Zidian: --

No such thing!

She struggled quickly, and she was reluctant to let go of his hand for a long time. So she thought hard about a lot of harsh words and recited the draft for half an hour. Suddenly, his head was blank and nothing was left!

Situ Xuan gave her a punitive kiss. After that, both of them had some unstable breath.

His eyes are gentle, staring at her eyes, voice hoarse way: "before going upstairs, I met aunt."

Zidian's heart sank. It should have occurred to her that the distance between the upstairs and the downstairs was more than half an hour

Situ Xuan said: "I have made it clear that I am willing to transfer all the assets under my name to your name. She can choose any day and find a lawyer to notarize the name change."

Zidian was shocked: "you are crazy!"

"That's what my parents mean, too." Situ Xuan seized her hand and said: "for us, people are always more important than money. They want your daughter-in-law more than I do. "

"You You... " Zidian's lips trembled. After a long time, he was shocked and said, "you are all crazy, you..." Qidian's eyes are red. She's too busy to let situ Xuan see her embarrassment and move. , the fastest update of the webnovel!