Chapter 730 Waking of the Progenitors

Name:The Witch Hunter System Author:
Chapter 730 Waking of the Progenitors

Shortly after Melchior departed with the second army, the Second Progenitor's gaze flashed with unfathomable depth and seriousness.

He had heard different accounts of the battle from the members of the Blood Ancestor's Night Parade. However, they all shared the same view: They didn't want to mess with the Demigod-rank human with desirable blood.

Even Fergus Albatroz, a Divine Being, couldn't gain any advantages over that human in battle and was forced to flee.

Although Fergus's power was suppressed to Half-step Divine Being, he was still a vampire who had officially stepped into the Divine Blood Realm. He should have been more powerful than other Demigod-rank beings.

However, the reality was that he couldn't hold a candle to the Demigod-rank human being.

According to Melchior's understanding, that person's comprehension of multiple laws most likely surpassed his soul rank. Moreover, it was by a large degree, especially in the Spatial Law.

Furthermore, the Demigod-rank human being even used an unknown law capable of slaying vampires with a single touch – it was also what gave them the most dread.

'Normally, a Peak Demigod can only comprehend Peak Demigod-rank laws, a First-stage Divine Being can only comprehend First-stage Divine-rank laws, and so on. This is because one's soul is only at that level. They can't perceive laws beyond their level of perception. That is why one's soul rank and law comprehension are always directly related,' the Second Progenitor recalled.

However, there were always exceptions that were capable of breaking away from the standard beliefs.

For example, beings with very special Soul Constitutions were usually granted such superior perceptions above their soul rank. And those with the most special Soul Constitutions could even become Soul Masters.

'Soul Masters!' the Second Progenitor remembered with a heavy expression.

All Soul Masters were capable of defying the natural laws of the world and bending them to their own wills. They were beings with powerful destinies to stand above all other life forms and rule over them.

More importantly, the most frightening aspect of Soul Masters was their terrifying growth speed.

What could take others to accomplish in ten thousand years, they could achieve in one. This was especially true for young Soul Masters who have found experienced Soul Masters to guide them.

'When encountering a Soul Master, don't offend them. But if offended, eliminate at all costs.' – A wise sage once said.

It was a popular phrase throughout Chaos, and its meaning was pretty clear.


Although the Bathory guard couldn't confirm whether the Second Progenitor was telling the truth about receiving the Blood Ancestor's permission, he could only do as the Second Progenitor told him.

He had neither the power nor the authority to stop the Second Progenitor in order to validate the truth.


The Bathory family's forbidden ground was a dark region of dead trees filled with cold fog and freezing winds. Several dozens of coffins could be found in the center.

It was where the oldest generations of the Bathory family slumbered.

The Second Progenitor went straight to the central stone coffin and opened it up, revealing an icy-cold corpse devoid of blood and heat – the clear signs of one currently in forced sleep.

Vampires in forced sleep could not wake up on their own; they were damned to slumber for eternity until someone else woke them up.

Usually, only vampires who have committed crimes would be punished with forced sleep. Furthermore, their slumber period was determined by the severity of the crime they committed.

"It's time to wake up, Old Third," the Second Progenitor uttered as he sliced his finger, allowing a single warm drop of divine blood to fall on the cold, slumbering corpse's lips.

The drop of divine blood quickly melted away the thin layer of ice on the cold corpse before blending with the body. Afterward, the cold corpse thawed at a hasten rate, and some color returned to its pale skin.

Ba-dump! Ba-dump!

The corpse's heart started beating after the drop of divine blood fused with it. It revived its vital functions, allowing new blood to form and circulate throughout the body.

Moments later, the corpse's eyes snapped open.

"Welcome back to the world of the living, Old Third," the Second Progenitor casually said with a cold grin.

The Third Progenitor's gaze sharpened before he asked in a low, hoarse tone, "The Blood Ancestor... Is he dead?"