Chapter 805 The Shortcut

Name:The Witch Hunter System Author:
Chapter 805 The Shortcut

"Did I say something funny, Lord Kuvat?" Emperor Varan asked with surprise.

Although it was rude to laugh at him after he was speaking seriously, he didn't find it offensive. Instead, he only felt relief. After all, if Lord Kuvat wasn't concerned about it, then it probably wasn't something to be worried about.

In other words, he most likely raised a false alarm.

"As a matter of fact, you did, Emperor Varan," Kuvat continued to chuckle before saying, "That power you fear is not dangerous. It's not a secret within my Red Dragon Clan, either. If you want, I can explain it to you."

"Please," Emperor Varan pleaded.

Shortly after, Kuvat recounted the common knowledge of Chaos and its eternal growth with every passing chaos cycle.

Indeed, a higher being with power far beyond the Great Devils existed. However, that alone shouldn't be regarded as a great threat. Just because many things in Chaos could kill them didn't mean they would.

Even if they did, they could do nothing about it since they were too insignificant.

So why fret over it?

"So the Great Devils are only considered among the bottommost ranks of Chaos? The world is truly vast..." Emperor Varan's lips twitched.

"That is just how it is. Don't let the truth of reality burden you, Emperor Varan. Compared to the long history of Chaos, your lineage of the human race is very young. So, there's no need to look down on yourself," Kuvat said.

"Alright," Emperor Varan nodded before changing the topic, "It's been a few days since Lord Vaan left. When will he return? I'm not sure what his plans are for this country..."

"The Supreme Leader currently has businesses on the moon, Emperor Varan," Kuvat replied.

"He has left me in charge of supervising the cooperation between the Great Ratholos Empire and the Holy Knight Empire or the seven witch kingdoms and making sure they proceed smoothly."

"You may have submitted to our Supreme Leader, but you haven't lost your sovereignty. The Great Ratholos Empire is still yours to govern as you see fit," Kuvat stated.

Emperor Varan was immediately surprised.

Emperor Varan's jaw dropped.

He already knew the Red Dragon Clan's new Dragon God was someone amazing and overflowing with talent. However, even after he gave the person high expectations, the person would still find ways to exceed them.

"What is this pure mana source, Lord Kuvat? What's so special or different about it?" Emperor Varan quickly asked with interest after noticing Kuvat's particular emphasis on it."

"The pure mana source is..." Kuvat patiently explained the benefits of pure mana and how it differed from regular mana.

Pure mana didn't just allow men to cultivate magic; even witches and dragons would benefit from cultivating with it, ranging from increased progress to overcoming bottlenecks.

It was beneficial to all life and had far-reaching applications.

After Emperor Varan finished learning about pure mana, he was immediately shocked and confused.

"I don't understand, Lord Kuvat. Why is such an amazing discovery being made public? It will attract countless greed and troubles," Emperor Varan mentioned.

"Indeed, that would be the case," Kuvat acknowledged before calmly replying, "But at the Supreme Leader's current level of strength, would he fear the greed and troubles it would attract?"

"In fact, the Supreme Leader is looking forward to the greed and troubles it will bring. This move will undoubtedly speed up the process of uniting the continent," Kuvat added.

"Will it, though? I don't want to sound pessimistic, but too big of a wave will capsize the ship," Emperor Varan shared his opinion on the matter.

"I understand your concern, Emperor Varan. However, our Supreme Leader's wisdom isn't something you can measure with your understanding," Kuvat coolly stated before saying, "Our Supreme Leader doesn't care how many troublemakers there are; he only cares who they are."

"This bold move will undoubtedly draw them out of hiding and let us learn about our enemies. You have already personally experienced how terrible it is once a hidden ticking-time bomb finally erupts," Kuvat stated.

Emperor Varan's expression turned somber as he nodded. He finally realized how brilliant the move was.

He, too, did not wish for a second incident like the Sacred Tirtha's large-scale sacrifice to occur again, not to his Great Ratholos Empire, not to any other human country.

Such a tragedy shouldn't be allowed to repeat itself.