Chapter 816: Darksea Abyss

Name:The Witch Hunter System Author:
Chapter 816: Darksea Abyss

"Lady Hecate, will you tell me more about the two uninhabitable territories of Gehenna?" Vaan requested.

Hecate glanced at him with astonishment and surprise. After recovering her wits, she quickly asked, "Don't tell me you wish to make one of the two uninhabitable territories your Great Devil domain, Sir Vaan?"

"I do have that idea in mind, but I will have to hear more about the two uninhabitable territories first, Lady Hecate," Vaan replied with a thoughtful look.

Considering Hecate's reaction, he was willing to bet that even the other Great Devils wouldn't expect him to set his eyes on the uninhabitable territories. And since the Great Devils wouldn't have expected it, they wouldn't have set any conditions for them either.

"Although those uninhabitable territories are indeed ownerless, that's because those places are not suitable for living due to the extreme environment and dangers. The difficulty in turning them into habitable territories isn't worth the effort. I wouldn't recommend it, Sir Vaan," Lady Hecate advised.

"However, since you already asked about them, I am inclined to at least explain their situations to you. I trust you will be able to make the right choice."

"Of the two uninhabitable territories of Gehenna, the Purpleflame Territory is undoubtedly more famous... It used to be the most valuable territory in Gehenna due to its high quality and quantity of magical plants. But now, it has been reduced to a land of fire and death."

"Everything that was once there had been burned to cinders by the Eternal Purpleflame-only vengeful spirits born from the eternal fire plague that land now. As such, I wouldn't put any hope on finding anything of value there."

"However, it does make an excellent battleground for tempering oneself in the art of combat. The Great Devils generally send their Transcendents and Half-step Divine Beings there to train, albeit on small scales."

"After all, the Purpleflame Territory is an uninhabitable land with unpredictable changes and dangers. Even Divine Beings could lose their lives if they underestimate its dangers," Hecate stated.

Vaan calmly nodded with understanding.

If the Purpleflame Territory's danger level hadn't at least reached the Divine rank, it wouldn't have been labeled as an uninhabitable territory.

The Eternal Purpleflame ravaging the land was a higher divine power that even the Great Devils dreaded.

Although Vaan failed to see the value in choosing the Purpleflame Territory as his Great Devil Domain, he figured it was at least an excellent cultivation land that he had to visit at least


After all, his comprehension of the Fire Law would most likely advance by leaps and bounds in such a place.

Although Hecate was optimistic about his future, she still couldn't figure out how he intended to conquer the Darksea Abyss Territory when all of the Great Devils had failed at their level of power.

Of course, only Vaan knew exactly why he was confident in the Darksea Abyss Territory.

However, even he did not know the extent of his Boundless Sea and Sky Aura's power. Fortunately, he had a lot of time to explore it.

The Eastern Sea was a good place to study it in preparation for the Darksea Abyss Territory.

"There's something I don't understand, Sir Vaan. Why are you fixated on the Darksea Abyss Territory? Although I don't know how you intend to conquer it, I know it won't be easy if you plan to move parts of Pangea to it. You must have a very good reason if you plan to go through all that trouble, right?" Hecate asked.

"Lady Hecate, you yourself have personally seen the state of the asteroid field," Vaan


"Not only has it been destroyed by some Outer Beings, but the space is so unstable and fragile that it is quite easy to tear a rift into the endless sea of nothingness. The longer I remain in that world, the greater the uncertainty."

"I don't know if the Outer Beings will ever return to finish its job, but I do know that my people and I will be in a better position if we move to the Darksea Abyss Territory," Vaan


Hecate couldn't help but agree with Vaan after learning about his reason.

Indeed, if the Outer Beings that reduced the asteroid field to its current state returned to destroy Pangea, the Wolf God Domain and Evernight Territory would be affected first.

Everyone else not in those places would be given time to react to the impending disaster.

Nevertheless, that was only speaking hypothetically.

What were the chances of the Outer Beings actually returning one day? Wasn't Sir Vaan being too cautious?

That said, Hecate would also prefer to err on the side of caution. It was better to be safe than
