Chapter 221

Name:The Wizard is Coming Author:Wang Wu
Annan and Bob walked in first, followed by their disciples and two first-class witches, and finally there were only four wizard apprentices left.

At the moment when she walked out of the entrance, Sha LAN subconsciously raised her hand to block the sunlight. She walked in the dark environment for a long time. Inevitably, she felt a little uncomfortable with the strong light. But it was just at this time that Sha LAN suddenly realized that there was no nightmare abyss in this place that should be underground space. The intensity was enough to make a wizard apprentice feel his eyes Uncomfortable sunshine!

With her hand half covered by the sun, Sha LAN looked up at the sky. The blue sky, the long white clouds, and the flying birds from time to time made her think that she might have come to another world.

Other people are also like this, they are also looking around, look at this, look at that, everything seems very fresh.

"Well, everyone, now you go into the garden one by one. You should be careful. According to the information I got, there are some magic arts in the garden, which may make you lost in the garden. Although this place is very beautiful, it is definitely dangerous. You must be careful."

With these words, Annan took his two apprentices into the garden and walked forward along a large number of footpaths in the garden.

It's just that the road in the garden twists and turns. If it wasn't for Annam's apprentice who took him with him tightly, he couldn't keep up with him at all. He could only take a chance and walk slowly along the path in the garden.

As he walked, saran gradually lost track of Bob's master and apprentice who were walking in front of him, and the footsteps of others behind him disappeared.

Looking around, Sha LAN suddenly found that the height of the bushes and flowers on the side of the garden path seemed to have become much higher, and had reached his shoulder. Sha LAN could only barely see where other people were. At this time, the remaining 11 people had scattered in the whole garden in twos and threes. Shalan was in the east of the garden, and there was no one around, only himself.

"This garden looks very beautiful, but I'm afraid it's not a safe place. It's unrealistic to walk back. The key now is to go straight ahead and see what's ahead."

Thinking of this, saran took a deep breath and went straight ahead.

As he walked along, the shrubs and flowers on the side of the path were higher than Shalan's head. He jumped up to look at the others. Except for a few very tall people, she could not see where anyone else was.

Without any hesitation, he continued to walk towards the front, and as Saran passed a corner, he suddenly saw a small round European Pavilion made of white marble. The circular bottom of the pavilion is only about three meters in diameter. In the center of the pavilion, there is a sea demon siren statue with fish tail, which is also carved from white marble.

Saran went to the pavilion and looked at the statue of siren. At this time, he found that the siren statue was closed eyes, and in the mouth of the siren, there was a key the size of a palm.

The key is golden with red lines. Sha LAN looks at the key and touches it gently. She wants to find out what kind of material it is. But she doesn't think about it. When Sha Lan's hand just touches the key, the key suddenly falls from the statue of siren and bounces several times on the ground of the pavilion At the feet of saran.

At this time, the eyes of the siren statue suddenly opened, and with the opening of the eyes, the siren statue seemed to live. Although the texture of its body was carved marble, it was full of flexibility. She looked at Sha LAN and sang with an aria singing poetry.

This is a secret garden. What do you want, intruder.

A beautiful girl is a shining treasure.

This is a mysterious place, adventurer. What are you looking for.

Powerful sword, or strong armor.

This is the abyss of nightmares, witches, what are you avoiding.

The spirit in the shadow, or eternal sleep.

Come on, come on, embrace your destiny.

Come on, come on, embrace your destiny.

At the end of the song, the statue of siren slowly looked at Saran, and said to saran in a very pleasant voice: "ask me a question. If I answer correctly, you need to promise me a condition. If I answer wrong or can't answer it, then you can make a condition like me."

Listening to the siren's words, Shalan suddenly felt as if there was an existence watching him. If the siren answered his question, he would face terrible results. But if the siren didn't answer his question, it would be a very important opportunity to wait for him!

Sha Lan thought about the siren. The siren once said that if she answered wrong or could not answer the question, she would win and could raise a condition.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, I'm afraid there is no possibility that the siren can answer the question he raised. This option is more like confusing saran. In his opinion, he has only one choice, that is, to ask a question that the siren can't answer!While Sha Lan was thinking, the siren suddenly said to Saran, "you still have three minutes. Please ask questions as soon as possible, otherwise you will be punished as your failure."

Hearing this, saran felt a little awe in her heart. She immediately opened the power and accelerated her thinking.

"You still have two minutes. Please ask the question as soon as possible, otherwise it will be treated as your failure."

"You still have one minute. Please ask questions as soon as possible, otherwise you will be punished as failure."


"Your time has already..."

"Siren, can you answer me, the Almighty God, can he make a stone that he can't lift up?"

Hearing saran's words, siren immediately wanted to answer, but when she just opened her mouth, she did not say a word.

If the answer is yes, then the God in the question is not omnipotent. On the basis of the same topic, the answer is naturally wrong. But if the answer is not, then the God is not omnipotent. On the basis of the same topic, the answer is also wrong, that is to say, the answer to this question is wrong in any case, and there is no correct answer! , the fastest update of the webnovel!