Chapter 449

Name:The Wizard is Coming Author:Wang Wu
Shalan completely threw the blood clan's matter to alitette, with seleya and Ronald on the side, Shalan didn't need to worry about the blood clan's affairs. If a blood prince couldn't do these things well, Shalan really didn't need to keep him by his side.

After returning to lance castle, saran didn't take the initiative to talk about the blood clan. Terea and Hugh's mother and son didn't ask. They played polo, drank tea and ate outside every day in lance castle, and had a good time. Hugh was the happiest one. However, in his heart, it was almost his happiest time.

Almost a week's quiet time, the arrival of the 11 person visiting team led by alite was completely ended.

Terea had extraordinary insight, and naturally saw that alaret and his party were different from ordinary people. Therefore, after arranging a conference room with good confidentiality for them to have a conversation with Saran, she took sue to visit the nearby noble family under the protection of Lennard.

For terea's understanding and the convenience of giving, saran naturally also remembered in mind.

In the conference room, Irwin did not come here, but chose to go to the flower field near lance castle to pick flowers. Saran knew that she wanted to make time for herself, so she did not ask for it.

Sitting in the conference room, saran looked at some people she had not seen before, but was not worried. Instead, she said to alite, "alette, introduce yourself."

Alaette for his own identity change is very fast, he immediately stood up and saluted Saran, a pair of old gentleman style, in turn to Sha LAN introduced up.

"Master Saran, selea and Ronald will not be introduced. They are still the parents of the drovan family and the Kur family. Let me introduce the parents of other families to master saran."

After the introduction of Alite, Shalan knew the identity of other people.

Kiraven Bruch, the parent of the Bruch family.

New Miller, the parent of the Miller family.

Devon Torrey, the parent of the Torrey family.

Liana noveler, the new parent of the family.

Aknagir asamat, the new parent of the asamet family.

The five of them, together with selea and Ronald, are the leaders of the seven clans now under saran's command. Nominally, they are all under the jurisdiction of arlette. Of course, selea and Ronald have special identities. In fact, alite can't control them and do not want to manage them, so as to avoid encountering minefields.

"Arlette, the chief of the seven clans and you are eight in all. Who are the other three?"

"Tell the young master, this is my own opinion."

"Talk about it."

"Young master, the three of them are not blood clan. They are wolf clan, that is, werewolf."

As soon as her eyebrows were raised, Sha LAN suddenly thought of those werewolves who suddenly changed to attack the blood clan in the hall before. She nodded slowly, and he roughly knew how these werewolves came from.

Sure enough, without waiting for saran to ask, alite took the initiative to explain.

"Young master, they were found on the ground floor of the building controlled by the asamet family. At that time, the three of them were imprisoned to make werewolves that can be manipulated. In fact, the former werewolves can only be regarded as semi-finished products. In fact, the real warriors of the werewolf clan can crush multiple blood clans of the same level in terms of strength alone."

"Werewolves are so powerful, why are they caught?"

"This is because the werewolves can't transform themselves in the daytime. The moon is the source of their strength. In the daytime, they have no strength, so it is relatively easy to deal with them. Then, when using silver tools to control their power, they can basically be completely bound."

Looking at the three men, two men and one woman among them, they all seemed to be more or less rough. After hearing arlette's words, they didn't attack, although their faces were slightly dissatisfied. They seemed to have a lot of self-control, not like the way that the desire to kill broke through their heads.

"Arlette, are you bringing them here because of my plan? Are you sure they can comply with me? "

This time, without waiting for arlette to answer, there were tall men who looked like they were in their thirties. They directly replied, "if arlette's plan is true, and you can promise not to treat us as cannon fodder and give us the treatment we deserve, then we can naturally submit to you. Our people wake up too little Force and human struggle, as long as you say that is true, we can immediately swear to submit to you, at your disposal

"It seems that arlette has revealed some of the plans I told you, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm going to say that my plan is to rebuild the dark Council in history. When the supernatural power of the subject matter world gradually returns, it will gather the power of dark creatures to seize a share of our resources and status in the subject matter world.

I think you should be very clear that if you do this alone, there is very little chance of success, but if the dark creatures unite, they can do it.Now most of the blood clans on this continent are under my command. They reward the dark Council with the blood clan as the foundation, and absorb the dark creatures a little bit. When the strength of the dark Council reaches a certain degree, we can walk out of the underground and really participate in the struggle for the world!

It's just that I didn't expect that before I really started to build the dark Council, some werewolves had joined in. It was a surprise

In the history of the dark Council, in addition to the blood clan and the wolf clan, there are also some dark sorcerers, the black dragon clan, who have their own spiritual guardians. The Dark Wizard, not to mention, is impossible for the black dragon clan and the intelligent spirit body to find in the present subject matter world, especially the black dragon clan.

If the guardian spirit can barely meet one or two, then the black dragon clan basically does not exist in today's subject matter world.

Of course, Sha LAN does not have so much expectation for the dark Council that he has established again. He will expect a black dragon to join in. In fact, if a black dragon suddenly appears and says he wants to join the dark Council, the most likely way is that Sha LAN will gather the fighting power of the dark Council and kill the dragon and explode materials together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!