Chapter 418 - Chapter 418: Chapter 237 'Heaven’s Timing, Earth’s Advantage, People’s Harmony” and 'Pure Power of Faith” (Seeking Subscription)_2

Chapter 418: Chapter 237 “Heaven’s Timing, Earth’s Advantage, People’s Harmony” and “Pure Power of Faith” (Seeking Subscription)_2

Translator: 549690339

If Milton Cheney is chosen by the World Consciousness of this world, he might have a chance to become the Realm Master.

After all, the Realm Master can also be referred to as the incarnation of the World Consciousness.

“It seems I underestimated the worlds in the center of the World Sea.”

“The last time I reincarnated into the True Spirit Realm, I was really lucky.”

Milton murmured to himself.

As Milton got familiar with the Tide Realm, he understood more and more about the complexities of this world that was very mysterious even in the True Spirit Realm.

One little world was like this, let alone the countless little worlds in the Tide Realm.

Last time he reincarnated into the True Spirit Realm and was able to become a True Spirit, he was absolutely lucky.

Because during his last reincarnation into the True Spirit Realm, he happened to coincide with the right timing, place, and people.

Otherwise, becoming a True Spirit would not have been so easy.

If he had been a little less lucky, he might not have been able to become a True Spirit even after hundreds of reincarnation simulations.

Even though Milton became a True Spirit during his last reincarnation simulation into the True Spirit Realm, he actually didn’t really touch the core layer of the True Spirit Realm.

The core of the True Spirit Realm is actually located in the first ring of the True Spirit Ring.

But when Milton reincarnated into the True Spirit Realm, he was only in the eighth ring of the Sage Ring till the end of his life.

Thinking of this, Milton stopped pondering and continued his cultivation of the Power of Faith.

Although the hope is not great, it does not mean that Milton would give up this reincarnation simulation.

After all, less hope doesn’t mean no hope at all.

What if a figurative pie in the sky falls on his head?

Sometimes, completely giving up is to lose all hope, and perseverance might lead to unexpected gains.

Of course, Milton is not completely leaving his hope in nothingness.

He simply doesn’t have the habit of giving up directly.

After all, to Milton, every simulation is precious.

To live one more second in the simulation is to earn one more second.

Milton can’t waste the opportunity for reincarnation simulation just because he can accumulate one now every two years.

This is impossible.

After all, every bit of his strength is accumulated from numerous simulations.

Without any of these simulations, Milton could not have achieved his current strength in reality.

As time flies, in a blink of an eye, four hundred and fifty years have passed.

By now, almost five hundred years have passed since Milton reincarnated into this world.

In a pure white space.

Milton gradually absorbed the Power of Faith that surrounded him into his body.

A moment later, Milton ended this training.

“Realm Master.”

After stopping his training, Milton said to a young man in front of him.

Hearing Milton’s voice, the Dusk Realm Master turned his head to look at him.

A flicker of light flashed in his eyes, and then he nodded slightly.

“Still can’t see through it, the Power of Faith you practice seems to be directly linked to the Main World.”

“If you weren’t standing in front of me, I wouldn’t even sense your existence.”

“It’s as if you don’t belong to this world.”

The Dusk Realm Master spoke in a calm tone.

It seemed that even this special situation of Milton couldn’t stir any of his emotions.

Hearing that, Milton’s expression didn’t change.

After all, since he was brought here two hundred years ago by the Dusk Realm Master, this was not the first time he had heard these words.

According to the Dusk Realm Master, the Power of Faith that Milton cultivated was too pure.

To the extent that this faith, which should have been linked with the Dusk Realm Master, was linked to the World Consciousness of the Tide Realm the moment it was cultivated.

The difference in between is immeasurable.

Simply put, at that moment, Milton and the Dusk Realm Master had a common point.

That is, the Power of Faith he cultivated, or rather the Power of Destiny, was directly linked to the World Consciousness of the Tide Realm.

Not the World Consciousness of the little world where he was born.

In other words, at this moment, Milton is a person of the Tide Realm, not a person of the Dusk Realm.

It’s a bit twisting, but not hard to grasp.

Just like in the Wizard Realm, a person born in the Subcontinent can be called a Subcontinent man, but also a Wizard Realm man.

But the premise is, he is both a Subcontinent man and a Wizard Realm man at the same time.

The same logic applies to the Tide Realm.

Milton Cheney was born in the Dusk Realm, he can declare himself as a Dusk Realm man, but also a Tide Realm man.

Normally speaking, Milton Cheney is both a Dusk Realm man and a Tide Realm man at the same time.

But now the situation is different.

Although Milton Cheney was born in the Dusk Realm, he is only a Tide Realm man, not a Dusk Realm man.

Even the Dusk Realm Master wouldn’t perceive his existence unless he saw him in person.

To put it more simply, from the very moment Milton Cheney started cultivating the Power of Faith, he has been a Realm Master.

But this title of Realm Master was not earned through his cultivation.

It was a status that he was born with.

To call him a Realm Master, although there are some differences.

Because if he truly became a Realm Master the instant he started cultivating the Power of Faith, then the current Dusk Realm Master should have been overthrown by now.

Of course, it’s also possible that this world originally had the existence of a Realm Master.

Even if Milton Cheney directly had a fate entanglement with the World Consciousness of the Tide Realm, he did not become a Realm Master directly.

Milton Cheney guesses that this situation might probably be related to his Reincarnation Simulation.

His reincarnation was directly into the Tide Realm, not choosing to reincarnate into a small world within the Tide Realm.

Reincarnating into the Dusk Realm is merely external.

The core of his reincarnation lies in the Tide Realm.

The Dusk Realm belongs to the Tide Realm, which is beyond doubt.

The Dusk Realm belongs to the Tide Realm, but the Tide Realm does not belong to the Dusk Realm.

This could possibly be the reason why Milton Cheney’s World Consciousness was linked to the Tide Realm, the Great World, rather than the Dusk Realm Master of the Dusk Realm, the moment he started cultivating the Power of Faith.

These are all Milton Cheney’s guesses.

As for the fact that it might or might not be the same as his guess.

Milton Cheney could only say that it is likely, with a high probability, but not one hundred percent sure.

Milton Cheney had a thought after knowing all these.

He wanted to try to reincarnate into a small world without a Realm Master, and then practice the law of faith in that world.

Wouldn’t he be able to become the Realm Master of a small world in an instant then?

There are definitely many worlds in the Tide Realm without a Realm Master.

Just like the world he reincarnated into last time, where there was no existence of Transcendent Power and thus no possibility of a Realm Master.

But this idea is just one of Milton Cheney’s for the moment.

He can’t reincarnate into the Tide Realm again right now.

But the possibility alone is enough.

No matter the outcome of this Reincarnation Simulation, Milton Cheney will definitely reincarnate into the Tide Realm once again.

Because he has to verify his guess.

If this guess turns out to be true.

Then amongst timing, geographical, and human conditions, timing alone will be enough for Milton Cheney.

As long as he can reincarnate into any small world in the Tide Realm without a Realm Master, he can directly become the new Realm Master.

And once he becomes the Realm Master, it implies that he is highly likely to achieve his every plan.

While Milton Cheney was deep in his thoughts, a green stone appeared in the hand of the Dusk Realm Master with a flash, who then casually threw it towards him, expression remain unaltered.

“Here it is, you can leave now,” said the Dusk Realm Master, who disappeared from the space right after he finished talking.

Looking at the Inter-realm stone in his hand, surprise flickered in Milton Cheney’s eyes.

Does the Dusk Realm Master’s reputation happen to be this good?

Milton Cheney had casually proposed a condition back then, not expecting that the Dusk Realm Master would actually let him leave and give him an Inter-realm Stone.

Milton Cheney thought he was going to spend his entire life in this space in this simulation.

He didn’t expect the turn of events to come only two hundred years in.

ps: Thanks for following along, thanks for the Monthly Tickets, Love you all kisses~