Su Ye has heard of the name of the sword of the storm. Once used, even the most powerful legendary purgatory demon will be either dead or injured.

Su Ye was not careless and went all out to cast the spell.

All kinds of magic flew intensively to snick.

However, snick's three pairs of bloody blades, wings and semi artifact are too powerful. No matter what kind of magic, including the fire of disaster, can interrupt batola's sword skill.

Finally, Su Ye realized that the demons were really powerful. If they were human heroic soldiers, as long as they were not the hero king, they would have been melted by their own magic.

"In that case, I'll take it a little seriously."

Behind the Soviet Union as like as two peas, the next one was the same as the Suiye, who was all alike in the same spirit. The flames were wrapped around their arms, and their arms were bosom, and they looked forward proudly.

Twenty legendary magic incarnations!

"Are these my brothers? I really want to touch it. " Little Medea's eyes twinkled.

At this time, a succession of ethnic curses rang out in the audience.

Translated into human language, that is, the whole audience is using a way of swearing.


Larens was stunned and muttered, "I thought Su ye and Aristotle were the most abnormal magic geniuses. Unexpectedly, there are more abnormal ones in hell."

"The dwarf God is on..." the black beard was covered.

Gigg and the green black tongue opened their mouths, their long tongues drooped outside the corners of their mouths, and their saliva dripped slowly.

Both crimson priests were stupid.

Magic avatar is not something you can have if you want. It is not only difficult to make, but also the success rate is very low.

It's quite good for ordinary legendary magicians to have one.

Two legendary crimson priests, none.

The purgatory demon, 20 in one breath?

Snick's body shook and almost interrupted his sword skill.

"It's useless to use magic here!" Snick said, his breath rising, and the dark blue magic gushed like fire.

Then, a translucent chopping burning sword appeared behind him, and then, one by one, it quickly appeared, and soon it would be hundreds of thousands.

"Magic?" Su Ye smiled and stretched out his hand to snick.

"Great lysis!"

At the moment of successful casting, Su Ye teleported 50 meters away from snick.

A whole twenty-one colorful lights came out? Converging into a colorful torrent, like dozens of rainbows entangled together, instantly drowning snick.

After the rainbow flood? The bloody blade behind snick is gone? The sword of the storm disappeared.

The light on the four legendary swords dissipated? The magic is exhausted.

The light on the surface of the chopping fire sword is dim.

Snick's body collapsed from inside to outside. Those powerful talents are slowly recovering, but the small talents fall into a long sleep.

His original Turquoise scales? Pale.

A faded hero.

After a moment of silence? It is also a continuous wave of family abuse.

It's horrible!

There is an essential difference between the simultaneous effect of twenty-one large lysis and the continuous use of twenty-one large lysis.

This is equal to snicker being attacked by 21 legendary masters at the same time!

Don't talk about heroes? Half gods will be confused.

The 20 legendary incarnations behind Su Ye suddenly disappeared? then? Reappear.

This moment? Snick had a bad feeling.

The audience faintly thought of a possibility? Wide eyed? Full of expectations.

Su Ye pointed to snick.


Twenty one gray lights fell on snick in an instant.

People even had an illusion. At this moment, the shadow of death holding a sickle appeared behind Su Ye.

If the legend encounters the terrible "death 21 finger", it will die.

Heroes don't die easily because their souls are stronger? He's not dead.

But? On him? Twelve big holes? Each is the size of a washbasin and runs through the body.

Each big hole is a perfect circle, which seems to be polished by craftsmen.

Flesh and blood, bones and magic in the big hole? All dissipated.

The strong gray white smell of death churned around the smooth and neat wound.

Snick didn't die, but all the body tissues at the twelve big holes died completely.

Snick roared, and his whole body was full of magic. He wanted to use his natural power to restore flesh and blood.

But the twelve big holes didn't respond.

Flesh and blood do not flow.

They're dead.

The audience looked at the scene with great shock, without exclamation or scolding.

This is also the six armed snake demon famous for its strong body. It is a giant group.

If you replace it with a slightly weak hero demon, it has completely died.

"You shouldn't end up."

Su ye said. Twenty avatars disappeared and reappeared again.

Snick moved.

Not forward, but backward.

His cold snake pupil was full of fear and deep chagrin.

At this moment, there was still no cheering from the audience, because they tried to open their eyes and want to see what happened next.

We must not miss this scene enough to board the history books of the deep prison plain.

"You shouldn't provoke me."

Su Ye finished and pointed to snick again.

"Soul shackles!"

Twenty little purgatory demons also stretched out their fingers.

At the moment of hearing the spell, many demons had a painful mind and stiff body.

Those ordinary demons were almost scared out of control!

The process of 21 great cleavage and 21 death is vivid. What will happen to the 21 soul shackles?

The dense dark chains poured into snick like an overwhelming swarm of snakes and swam under his skin.


Snick looked like a mad devil, threw down his weapons, covered his head with six hands, howled wildly, rolled all over the ground, and hit the ground pitted.

Cut the burning sword and drop the dust.

All the demons are cold everywhere, which can make the great heroes hurt like this. What happened?

At this time, lantern girls everywhere coveted.

"His soul is cracking."

People suddenly realized.

One yoke is imprisonment, but more than twenty chains are not imprisonment, but crushing or tearing.

Magicians, wizards, priests and magicians were shocked.

The purgatory demon changed the nature and use of a legendary magic.

Nasnek rolled and wailed for five minutes before he slowly lost his breath and his body twitched slowly.

People vaguely saw that there was a fine blue light in his body.

The soul of a hero is just like the essence.

But even if he was so strong, he was crushed and torn by a legendary magician.

A legendary lantern girl sent it nearby, first saluted Su ye and said, "I'm ordered by the Yan devil batola to collect broken souls for you."

Su Ye nodded.

The lantern girl first beat snick with a barbed meat picking whip and a thorn howling whip. Then the flame in the lamp shocked her heart, and her face showed an expression of infinite joy. Holding a soul taking blade, she plunged into snick's head.

"Pain was born and happiness died." The expression on the lantern girl's face became more and more cheerful.

Snicker's body was like an electric shock and twitched rapidly. Then, wisps of blue light flew into the soul taking blade.

Soon, a dark blue polyhedral crystal condensed under the dagger.

"Do you need to change it into prison money?" The lantern girl opened her mouth, with sharp black teeth, glittering gemstones at the root of her teeth, and light yellow saliva flowing down the corner of her mouth.

Su Ye threw 100 prison coins to the lantern girl and said, "his soul is useful to me."

"Yes." The lantern girl had no choice but to hand over snick's heroic soul and receive 100 prison coins.

Su Ye hung snick's space head at his waist, and then put snick's soul, weapons and body into the space head.

Su Ye raised his head and looked forward.


The other seven legendary six armed snake demons were all in a state of dementia. They trembled heavily when they heard the voice of death.

Some of the legends hurried to Gigg and the black tongue.

The two couldn't see the eyes of the same family at all, because they were in dementia like their subordinates near Su Ye.

Only little Medea flashed her little wings and jumped excitedly.

Bartola's violent voice spread throughout the audience: "dear audience! You cheap, despicable and shameless scum! Did you see that? Legend, about to rise from burning skull city! Legend has been written in the devil's stomach! The war of fame of the new legendary purgatory devil sugra, which easily killed the six armed snake devil, who is also a giant hero, will become a heavy color in the history books of the deep prison plain! I know some people lost prison money, but it doesn't matter. What matters is that we witnessed an unprecedented battle! This battle will certainly affect the pattern of the future deep prison plain! Let's thank sugra for his wonderful battle and unimaginable magic ability! Let's cheer for the future devil Lord, sugra! "

As a result, sparse people respond accordingly.

Because most demons haven't figured out what happened?

Great hero giant, just die?

Was that magic just now?

Why are there so many legendary avatars?

Purgatory demon's full name should be su. - take 20 yourself with you. - gra?

There are many demons with sad faces. Lost too much! Impulsive“ Damn it, dneck, what a waste! "“ Shit, my three thousand prison coins were originally kept for the earthworm devil under the ground! "“ Why don't these damn six armed snake demons die! " Bartola didn't care about the cheers of those people at all. A burning devil's heart was pounding! Big money! Too much money! Now you don't have to abscond with the money. Today's transaction only needs to pay tribute to major forces. What you finally get is less than 1 million prison dollars! For any legend, this is a huge number, and you can go back to your hometown in the abyss to provide for the elderly. It turned out that opening a gladiator was more profitable than selling slaves. I didn't know before. The two crimson priests looked at each other with strange eyes. Has the boy been pretending? Twenty magic incarnations, don't they hang all the legendary crimson priests? Key avatars can also release protective magic, including famous Spell Reflection and spell ablation. If these twenty magic parts use attack magic, protection magic and magic reflection and magic ablation, the legendary magician can't help him. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.