Chapter 158

Concise tone of sarcasm, cold Yao instant face ugly.

Concise, she even knows that she likes her little uncle!

She glared succinctly, exuding a kind of inexplicable anger.

Mo Su Qing pulled Leng CuO Yao over and asked her to stand by her side. She was angry and stared at her simplicity. "Succinct, are you sick? I'm here to see off the guests. You still stay here and don't go. What do you want to do?"

Concise not only did not have the vitality, but stretched out his hand, looking at his slender fingers, gently stroking the back of his hand, leisurely opening his mouth.

"Mo Su Qing, you won't be proud for a long time. However, I still want to talk to this Wannian spare. Isn't she the most fond of fighting with others?"

Concise finish saying, proud pick eyebrow to see Mo Su Qing one eye, arrogant like a peacock general.

Leng CuO Yao looked at her angrily, just like a little leopard who was always angry. "Concise, you are the ten thousand year spare tire. I think you are mentally ill. If ye Zhongjue would like you to be such a mental twisted talent monster!"

Mo Su Qing pretended to nod, "moreover, it is a thousand year spare tire which is ignored by people!"

The cold is suddenly happy.

She looked at Mo Su Qing with a smile, "yes, yes, useless ten thousand years spare tire. This is a proper address for someone!"

Mo Su Qing and Leng CuO Yao, you, I, succinct, immediately face red, orange, green, blue and purple in turn.

She angrily stares at Mo Su Qing, "Mo Su Qing, don't show off your tongue here, I won't let you be proud for too long!"

Looking at her resentment in the eyes, Leng CuO Yao suddenly felt very uncomfortable, she took Mo Su Qing to the ward.

"Go, go! Su Qing, don't pay attention to this psychopath! "

Concise looking at Mo Su Qing and Leng CuO Yao's back, more and more resentment


in addition to this, Leng kuiyao told Mo Suqing about something special.

As soon as the two of them entered the ward, Leng kuiyao excitedly pulled Mo Su Qing aside. Ye Zhongjue looked up at them without paying attention, and continued to look down at the documents. However, when she heard words like the engagement day of a strange old man, little uncle, his eyes flashed slightly and sent a text message to Zeng Hanyu, still looking down at the document.

Leng CuO Yao's interest looks very high, she pulls Mo Su Qing's arm, opens a way.

"Su Qing, you don't know. Today, it's the second time I met a wonderful flower. On my way to here, I met a strange old man who had to pull me and talk to me. He said that he was lost and didn't know the way. He followed a lot of bodyguards. He really thought I was blind!"

Mo Suqing was kidnapped last time. She was always timid. She looked at Leng kuiyao anxiously. "You should be careful. He won't have any intention. You'd better be careful. When you go back today, I'll ask Zeng Hanyu to send you back!"

Leng CuO Yao rolled his eyes, "it seems that he didn't send me one day!"

Since Mo Suqing took care of Ye Zhongjue in the hospital, Leng kuiyao reported to the hospital almost every day. Every time she went back, Zeng Hanyu would send her back. Although she had said that she would not use it for N times, Zeng Hanyu still insisted.

However, in recent days, Leng Kuo Yao is also thoroughly acquainted with Zeng Hanyu. She doesn't see outside any more. She wants to send her off as soon as she wants. Anyway, it's for her safety!

"It's just plain feeling. Don't worry. I know that old man today."

Mo Su Qing frowned, "do you know?"

"Yes Leng CuO Yao sat down on the sofa.

"At first, I looked at him a little familiar, but after thinking about it carefully, I remembered that the old man had been here at the engagement banquet between my uncle and an Huilin, and he seemed to know Zeng Hanyu. Do you have any impression?"

Mo Su Qing thought, it seems that there is such a thing in memory.

"A little bit of an impression. What's the matter?"

Leng CuO Yao shrugged, "nothing. At first, he said that he was lost and asked me to show him the way. I also said to him kindly. However, when he pestered me with asking questions all the time, I suddenly remembered his identity. He was definitely not a person that my uncle knew. He could only be the relative of an Huilin, and I immediately had no heart to respect the old and love the young It is. "

"And then?" Looking at Leng CuO Yao a little narrow and strange smile, Mo Su has a bad premonition.

Leng CuO Yao smile's thief spirit, "I gave him the direction is opposite, he estimated that the more he walked, the farther away from the target!"

Leng CuO Yao finished, happily rolling on the sofa, Mo Su looked at the ceiling, it seems that this girl is really a grudge, as long as it is with an Huilin, it is estimated that she will not have a good feeling.

Ye Zhongjue, who looked at all these things at the bottom of her eyes, lifted her eyelids slightly.

He was suddenly a little curious. When Leng CuO Yao knew that the man she had cheated was her own grandfather, what expression would she have? As for the anheilin in her mouth and Mo Suqing's mouth, if he didn't think wrong, Leng CuO Yao should call her aunt.It seems that Zeng Hanyu should tell Leng CuO Yao the truth as soon as possible, otherwise, in case of any unexpected changes.

After Zeng Hanyu came, Leng CuO Yao saw that he and ye Zhongjue had something to talk about, so he took Mo Su Qing and went outside to breathe.

As soon as they left, Zeng Hanyu said, "what's wrong with calling me in such a hurry?"

"Ask the old man who settled in first, where will this be?" Ye Zhongjue didn't lift his head and said without expression.

As soon as Zeng Hanyu was about to make a phone call, an's call came in.


"What's the matter? Grandpa Ann

"When will you tell an an the truth? I think an an's attitude towards me is a little hostile. I don't know whether it's my psychological function or whether I'm old and think too much about it!"

"What's going on?" Zeng Hanyu looked up at ye Zhongjue and continued to speak to the phone, "did you go to see An'an?"

"I miss her a little bit. Today I went to her place and saw her waiting for a bus by the side of the road, so I went up and asked her the way. At first, she had a good attitude. Later, I didn't know if she was bothered by my questions. She pointed me a reverse way directly. I didn't care. Who knew that it would all go to the suburbs, so I was told that I was going in the wrong direction."

Zeng Hanyu couldn't help but smile. This kind of thing is really like Leng kuiyao.

But why did she treat him like this?

"Don't worry. I'm going to find a suitable opportunity to tell her about her life experience in the next few days. After all, the time is almost the same now."

Hang up the phone, Zeng Hanyu looks at ye Zhongjue.

"That's why you asked me to come here?"

"Yes Ye Zhongjue light mouth, "I heard Leng CuO Yao say with Su Qing, she cheated old man an to the opposite direction."

Zeng Hanyu looked up at the ceiling in silence. It seemed that he really had to tell Leng CuO Yao the truth as soon as possible.

"In fact, I have been thinking about how to say it in such a way that she can accept it better. After all, she grew up in a cold family, and it is difficult for her to accept the news that she is not a cold family member."

Ye Zhongjue put the documents in his hand aside. He looked up at Zeng Hanyu with a calm expression.

"I don't think so. Although Leng CuO Yao grew up in the cold family, she has feelings for the cold family, but how can you be sure that she wants to be a cold family?"

Ye Zhongjue was staring at Zeng Hanyu. Zeng Hanyu's face became ugly.

"You mean, because of Leng Haoyun, she doesn't want to be a Leng family member!"

"Yes Ye Zhongjue nodded, "I don't believe such an obvious thing. You can't see it. It's just that you don't want to believe it. In fact, in Leng Yao's affairs, you have not been decisive enough. You are afraid of the wolf before and the tiger behind. You are afraid that you will hurt her if you are not careful. Have you ever thought that the later she knows, the greater the harm to her!"

"But..." The bitterness and embarrassment in Zeng Hanyu's eyes made his expression even more ugly.

"But she's my fiancee, and I'm..."

"So you plan to hide her all the time and wait for an Huilin to marry Leng Haojun. After Leng kuiyao has no chance, you can tell her the truth and let her know that she is not a child of Leng family. Even if she falls in love with Leng Haoyun, there are no taboos and ethical taboos, right? Han Yu, do you know that it's a bit selfish to do so. No matter what choice you choose, you should let Leng kuiyao come by herself instead of you making decisions for her. If you really want her to be good... "

As soon as ye Zhongjue's good words fell to the ground, he heard something moving outside the door.

Zeng Hanyu looked stiff. He walked quickly and opened the door.

Leng CuO Yao's pale face, and Mo Su Qing's unbelievable eyes, all reflected in his eyes.

In the end, she found out in this way.

Zeng Hanyu looked at Leng kuiyao anxiously. He didn't know what he should say to comfort her at this moment.

"What did you all hear?" Zeng Hanyu's eyes shifted to Mo Su Qing, a little hoarse and powerless.

Mo Su looked at him coldly, "what should be heard, what should not be heard, all heard!"

Leng CuO Yao looked up and took a deep look at Zeng Hanyu and ran out directly to the outside.

Zeng Hanyu immediately panicked and looked back at ye Zhongjue.

Ye Zhongjue shrieked, "go after her, she is not stable now!"

Zeng Hanyu took a breath and strode to catch up.

Mo Su Qing looked at their back, a trace of worry flashed through their eyes.

Should she say something good or not?

Yao Yao always felt that it was against ethics for her to like Leng Haoyun. Even if she loved him deeply, she was very sad every time. However, she could only allow her grief to spread and dare not fight for it.

Love but not, love can not be brave, she can only shrink in the dream she weaves, silently like that person.But now, she knows that the man is not her uncle, and has no blood relationship with her. She can enlarge her courage to love.

However, living in a cold home since childhood, it is not a kind of shackles to her!

She loves Leng Haoyun, but she never thinks that she is not Leng's family. Mo Su Qing doesn't know how much damage this incident will bring to Leng CuO Yao.