Chapter 20: It’s Training Time

Name:THEOS Author:
Chapter 20: It’s Training Time

The Heros apparition vanished moments after delivering those ominous words, leaving the crowd alone to process the information.

Surveying the room, Luke wasnt all that surprised to see that most of those present were okay with the situation. They were all confident enough in their skills to come here after all, and then survive the shitshow that resulted from it. None of them truly believed that they wouldnt be able to learn the techniques being displayed, in fact, a significant portion of the people were walking around with excited smiles, seemingly pleased with the arrangement.

Regarding the predicament they were in, both as a chance to learn some clearly mystical and equally mysterious techniques, and walking away with a treasure at the end of it. A classic win-win scenario.

I might be a bit pessimistic, but I dont think theres going to be as many smiling faces when some of them inevitably realize that theyll never leave here.

Luke. Arya. I think I might die here. I think we all might die here. Spiros said, looking more panicked than Luke had ever seen him.

Why? Luke asked, suddenly feeling a nervous knot forming in his gut.

Those techniques. There aren't just motions that we need to imitate. They represent fundamental aspects of reality. Its hard to explain but youll get it when you try doing them. Its like, the world itself will stop you. Its Youll see. He finished lamely.

What do you know, and how do you know it? Arya tilted her head, her eyes squinted, as if she was trying to solve a particularly hard problem.

Well uh. Ive seen them before. I mean, not them, he pointed to the podiums, but other Techniques like them. My great-grandpa showed me a few.

Your great-grandpa showed you a few? Luke looked at him incredulously.

Yeah. He's in the Hero-tier soThe source of this content nov(el)bi((n))



Arya suddenly stepped in really close, pulling both Luke and Spiros into a very tight huddle.

Your grandpa is a Hero? She whispered as quietly as she could.

Now isnt that a bombshell. It does explain some things about him though. Not why he shit pants, but some things. Luke thought, recalling his startling strength when they were pulling the snake back into the town. He had meant to ask him about it earlier, but had forgotten when he saw Arke not long after.


There arent any Heroes on the Island. She interrupted him.

Well, I never said I was from here did I? My family has this thing where they send us all out when we turn fifteen, and were not supposed to come back until we become Warriors. Me, June, and Myko were all sent here.

...So where are you from? Luke asked.

You probably havent heard of it.

Come on, just tell us. Whats the harm? Arya egged him on. Batting her eyelashes.

Luke suppressed a grin when he saw Spiros suddenly turn pink.

He really is a simp.

Nothing I guess. Were not really supposed to talk about it though, so on the off chance that we actually do make it out of here, promise not to tell my sister I told you okay. Shell kick my ass.

I promise, I wont.

Me too. Luke chipped in.

Okay. Im from Troy, it's a kingdom, way north and a little right from the archipelago.

Troy? The Brad Pitt movie.

Luke sighed softly. It only made sense that if the gods were real so were some of the locations that featured in the myths.

Really, I should have figured it all out sooner.

Olympus is real, so is Atlantis.I have Bellerophons sword attached to my wrist, a mythical city shouldnt really surprise me but you know what, it still does. He eyed Spiros. For his sake I hope his home doesnt get razed to the ground by some Greeks hiding in a fake horse.

Hmm. Does this mean that Achilles is kicking around somewhere. What about Hercules? Or is it Heracles? Whatever, its another mystery for when I get Arke off my tail. It would be cool to meet them though.

He lifted his sword, holding it vertically in front of him. The first motion was simple. All he had to do was tilt his sword to the side, and slice it down diagonally. A motion he had performed hundreds, if not thousands of times before, since he had bought his sword.

His blade moved a millimeter forward, and immediately he felt resistance. As if there was another sword pressed against his, stopping his from moving forward.


Quietly, Luke started to panic at the strange event. Remembering Spiross words, and finally realizing what they meant.

How am I supposed to learn this, if I cant even do the actions?

A prompt from the Seed flashed before his eyes.

Quest Alert: A Paragons Path

Warning The Technique: First Stance of the Sword, if learned, must be fully mastered as per the Paragons Path. Perfection in all things is required to advance to the Warrior Tier.

Create Skill: First Stance of the Sword


Luke eased his grip on his sword, and lowered it. Whatever had stopped his movements didnt prevent him from backing away. Blinking in surprise as he read over the warning.


Luke opened the status and read through the original quest prompt. It hadnt changed. The only conditions still listed were maxing out his bloodline, and getting all four attributes to one-thousand at the same time.

So whats this about then? If I learn it, I have to master it, and if I cant or dont Im stuck as a mortal until I die? I guess thats not too different from being trapped in here, but still. Bummer.

His eyes flashed between the two other podiums.

Chances are, once I attempt to learn those two, Ill also be required to master them completely. I cant leave here until I learn them to the Hero's satisfaction either. Not unless I find a way out of here, but I have the first quest to work through as well.

I need to get the Heros mask, activate the portal, and skedaddle.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Navigating back to the Quest Alert, he read it again.

What does it mean, Create Skill? He directed the query at the Seed, and frowned when it didnt answer.

This is bullshit. The Paragons Path locks me to the Mortal-tier unless I do everything perfectly. I thought that was just my attributes, murdering a bunch of stuff is doable, easy even. Even if it ended up taking me years, I was confident I could get there. Mastering a Skill though? Theres no guarantee Ill ever be able to do so.

Was accepting the Paragon Quest a mistake?

His eyes skimmed through the room, and his gaze locked onto Yjarn. Sitting silently in front of the Spear Podium. Enraptured.

Anger bubbled inside of him again. He remembered the fear that had overtaken him when he saw Arke flying above the Society's sky. The terror he felt as he watched Aeolus eat one soul after the other.

I want to be the strongest I can be. I dont ever want to be helpless in the face of power ever again. I know that. So why am I hesitating?

I have to get out of here. I have to learn the three Techniques to do that.

I guess I could use a charge, but then what? Ill just have Arke on my trail again.

He sighed as he ran his hands through his hair.

Yes. He directed his thoughts toward the Seed. Immediately sensing a change in his status as he did.

Well thats new.