Chapter 55: That Was Easy

Name:THEOS Author:
Chapter 55: That Was Easy

Frowning in irritation at the falsely bored expression on her face as they sparred, Luke ducked underneath Nels lazy swipe. Correctly recognizing her attack and the mischievous glint in her eye for what it was a trap. Not one he was keen on falling into, he wanted to cut loose, not get a beat down from someone a tier higher than him. Unfortunately for him, Nel liked to keep Luke on his toes, and he had been caught unprepared more than once in the past.

By now though, he knew better than to try and meet her blow for blow when she made her intentions that obvious. The last time he had made that mistake, she had sent him hurtling through the sky, the Warriors monstrous strength letting her toss him around with contemptuous ease. Her grin as she batted him around like a ping pong ball still gave him the chills.

He had his boots which gave him some options when that happened, but another lesson he had learned was that fighting her in the air was a terrible idea. Not only was she infinitely more mobile, flitting around both faster and with more grace than he could even dream of in more directions and with a lot more leverage than him to boot, but that whatever method the shoes used to keep him anchored in the sky wasnt infallible. Every time she maneuvered them up there, she would trade a few blows as a courtesy until she decided that she had humored him enough.

When that happened, his blade would meet the shaft of her spear and the next thing he knew, he would be pushed back towards the ground. No amount of mana pumped into his boots would let him stop her from driving him into the earth.

Not wanting to pick worms out of his teeth, he stepped back, narrowly avoiding another swipe of her speer.

She grinned. Will you not attack? She asked, amused that he had seen through her game twice in a row.

It wouldnt be fun if I didnt. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Lukes frown vanished, instantly replaced by a challenging grin, as he stepped forward. Slamming his golden blade into the shaft of her spear with every ounce of strength he could muster. He did his best to ignore the ringing in his arms, as he pitted himself against what was for all intents and purposes, an immovable object.

She flicked her wrist, and blasted him back. His feet dug trenches in the grass as he pumped mana in his boots to slow himself down. Only to charge her again a moment later.

Why do you even fight her? Rex said, resting with his back against the griffin side, idly biting into the core of an apple as he watched them. You know you cant beat her, so whats the point?

I mean, hes not wrong, not really. Shes so far above my level, that I might as well be trying to draw blood from a rock. Even with all the improvements Ive made. And its not like shes skillfully picking apart my movements and showing me weaknesses in my form. Honestly, shes just beating me by virtue of being both stronger and faster. But

Dont worry about it. Luke yelled as he charged her again, only to once again, be sent hurtling back.

Theres something liberating about being able to go at it with one hundred percent of my power and not having to worry about hurting anyone.

Luke had never really had the chance to just go all out, and test the limits of his physical abilities. In the Tomb, it was either life or death, or no death. In moments where his life was on the line, the correct response was to fight smarter, not harder, because nearly everyone in there hit harder than he did.

Fighting a monster comes close, but it isn't the same. A monster would kill me if I made a dumb mistake. Whenever Ive fought one, I wasnt holding back, but I wasn't exactly letting loose either. It was strategic, and every move calculated to bring death as efficiently as possible.

And sparring against someone at the same level is the worst. You always need to be careful not to push too hard, so you dont actually kill or injure the person, and you have to be even more careful so you dont get injured, in case the person sparring with you slips up.

This though. He grinned as he charged her one more time, leveraging every drop of his hard earned strength to strike her. Is what it's all about. Pedal to the metal, full throttle, maximum power. Zero restraint, because I dont need to. There is no real chance of me hitting her, and if I did, shed probably be fine anyway.

Nel shifted her posture slightly as Luke closed in on her.


Wai He yelled as she lunged forward. His eyes widened in shock.

The next second, he was laying flat on his back, with the tip of her spear pointing at his neck. Arcs of electricity, traveling up and down its shaft, and buzzing annoyingly in his ear.

You win. He relaxed onto the ground. Sighing softly when she removed the deadly weapon from his throat.

I did not win. That implies we were competing in the first place, and I assure you, any competition between us will have to wait until you become a warrior yourself. Your progress however, has been nothing shy of amazing. I can see why grandfather went to such great lengths to recruit you. She said, extending her hand.

Fuck yeah it is. This place is practically heaven for someone with my advantages. As for Cyzicus recognizing that, I dont think so. Probably just recruited me because he saw that I knew a Technique.

Luke opened his Status as he climbed to his feet. Strictly speaking, he didnt need to even look at it anymore. At least not for the time being. He just liked seeing it.

Status | Skills | Quests | Inventory

Perhaps. She said, her tone suddenly clipped. Her eyes for the briefest second darting over Luke's shoulder and then back.

Whats she loo

LUKE, LUKE, LUKE. How could you have such little faith in me? A voice echoed around them.

Is that?

Cyzicus tapped Luke on the shoulder, making him jump into the air in fright. Ahh! Why cant you come from the front? Luke said, clutching his chest with his hand.

GRAMPS! Rex came sprinting forward. How long have you been here?

A couple hours, give or take.

This guy Luke resisted the urge to facepalm at his antics, as he turned to face him. Wow He looks terrible.

Cyzicuss long hair was in a mess. He had deep bags underneath his eyes, while his gold robes were pristine, his posture screamed exhaustion, and even his smile felt hollow.

Have you defeated the Rebel? Nel asked.

He lifted the crown from his head, and scratched his hair. Not yet. He frowned. It took a while to find her, and once we did he slipped his crown back on his head. Once we found her, the coward that she is, she didnt even attempt to fight. He shook his head in disbelief. She activated a talisman, and disappeared. Once we caught up with her again, it was the same thing. Again and again and again we find her, and she runs.

I see.

Did you come here to get us out of here? Your friend. Rex stared intently at his grandfather. Has kept us locked up for over a month.

I hadnt noticed. He smiled, looking at their faces with a grin on his face. Before walking up to Rex and rubbing his hair affectionately. I do apologize for that however. Sophia is rather wilful, and she doesnt have too many friends. Sometimes her judgment is a little suspect. In this case however, I do believe she made the right call. At the least, you two have benefited greatly.

Where is she now? Luke asked.

Hunting after Tyrisa as we speak. Im afraid, circumstances have changed, and I can no longer be an active participant in her demise. Sophia will keep her occupied until such a time that I am able to rejoin the battle. If it comes to that. She has been remarkably brutal, shall we say in her pursuit. To be frank, Im not even sure Tyrisa will live long enough for me to rejoin the battle.

What changed? Nel asked.

The Tide. Ive been told that it will begin three days from now, and as such, I am required at the Capital. It was my hope to have Sophia take my place there if matters dragged on for long enough, but she refuses to be among any company greater in number than five. He shrugged.

What? Nels jaw dropped open.Why would the Tide come earlier? Thats not supposed to happen! The cur- Cyzicus cut her off with a glare. A pulse of pressure radiated out from his body, before subsiding. Nel turned pale before glancing awkwardly between Luke and Rex. I uh. That.. I

The curse? Is that what she was going to say? Luke looked between Cyzicus and Nel, before his eyes met Rexs. He looked just as confused as Luke felt.

Luke. Rex. Im afraid both of you have become privy to something that you need not be concerned about. As you have no doubt deduced, there is more to the Gegenees invading Sylcra than meets the eye, but I will caution you to look no further into the issue.

I couldnt care less. Luke responded right away. Meaning it too.

Cyzicus beamed. Good. Rex?

His eyes darted between Nel and his Grandfather, before reluctantly nodding. Fine.

Very well. Cyzicus clapped his hands. Lets steal some sheep, and get out of here.

What? Nel, Luke, and Rex said simultaneously.