Chapter 59: Culling Enemy Numbers

Name:THEOS Author:
Chapter 59: Culling Enemy Numbers

We are. Clite nodded to the man, before taking off at a brisk pace towards the barrier that surrounded the town. Not even sparing a second glance at him.

Were saved! He yelled, pumping his fist into the air, and twirling in a slow circle. The Olympic hopefuls squinted their eyes at his antics as they stepped off the platform, amused grins on their faces as they passed him.

Dont get your hopes up yet. Rose mumbled under her breath, pouring water over his enthusiasm. Only to wilt when Clite turned back, and shot her the coldest stare Luke had ever seen.

Is there anyone outside the walls that needs to be rescued? She asked.

No one, milady. The Emperors messenger came to us two days ago, and we were able to get everyone inside. I even ordered riders to go out, and collect all the travelers.

Good. Clite nodded. What do your rations look like?

Enough to last us three weeks.

Her ring flashed, and a large wooden crate, littered with talismans, appeared behind them in the street.

With that, you should have enough for five. Ill make a note that you received the extra supplies, and someone will be here with more before they run out. If something unforeseen happens, you know how to signal us, right?

We will light the three-color fire from the tallest tower. He said, thumping his chest.


Luke craned his neck as they marched after her, tracing the paths of the shattered remains of the near countless boulders rolling down the curve of the spherical barrier all the way to the walls jutting out from the horizon. Barely managing to see the bobbing, stone-like heads of the Gegenees peaking over it as they wailed at the barrier. Waves of light pulsed through the bubble with every impact, but for the moment at least, it held strong.

A red bird flew through the raining stone and flew unimpeded through the shimmering barrier and landed imperiously on a brick and mortar building.

That cant be a normal bird. Thought Luke. And it seems like the barrier only stops the giants.

The townsfolk pointed at them and whispered as they walked down the cobblestone path. Some of them whooped and cheered, while others glared. A little girl, clutching a doll to her chest waved, and out of the corner of his eyes Luke saw Rose wave back. A streak of bright red flame, trailing her hand, made the girl's jaw drop to the floor and quite suddenly reduced the number of hateful stares. Her mother came forwards and carried her off her feet, disappearing into the crowd.

Whats with the mixed reactions? Luke asked.

Probably the stress. Shrugged Rex. Id imagine if a bunch of giants showed up where you live, and started throwing stones, there would be some conflicting emotions. Most of them, probably not friendly. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Yeah, but were here to help right? Why are some of them mad at us?. he whispered.

I dont know. People are weird.

Cant really argue with that logic, but still, why are they mad? He scanned the crowd, idly picking out the angry faces from the rest. Theres not a lot of them, but it cant be because of the giants, can it?

Do you have any idea how we normally fight giants? Like is there a certain formation we make, do we just go in swords swinging, will, he inclined his head towards Clite, she do something?

This is my first Tide too, you know? Just because Im related to the Emperor, doesnt mean I know everything. He complained, before hesitating slightly. From what Ive heard, normally wed go

Clite cleared her throat, her voice echoing sharply in their ears. If you would wait a minute, I shall explain your roles to you.

Ill see you there. Luke said to Rex, already channeling mana into his boots. Before the Emperors grandson could respond, Luke leapt into the air and ran through the sky at blistering speed. Clearing the distance from the wall to the end of the tide in mere seconds. Carefully dodging the boulders that were thrown his way with the aid of the Stances.

A grin split his face, as he realized just how many points he had ready to be harvested. Landing gently behind their ranks, he considered how to attack.

Range would be nice. He thought, as he pulled his spear free from the strap on his back, and planted it firmly into the ground. But, points are nicer. The shield will just get in the way. I shouldnt need it with these giants anyhow. Which leaves me with these bad boys. He unsheathed both of his golden blades.

Bellerophons Xiphos in his right hand and the Emperors Gift in his left. He picked a target out of the horde, and ran towards it. His heart beat in anticipation as the wind ruffled his robes.

Climbing two steps into the air, he swung his blade in a wide arc on his unsuspecting target. Cutting with all his strength down the crook of his neck, and into its back, effortlessly slinking his blade a foot into its body.

+3 Stat Points

Thats it?

Kicking off its back, the creature landed face first on the ground. The heavy thump of its fall attracted the gaze of two more giants.

Less than I wanted but theres plenty. He narrowed his eyes.

Slipping into the First Stance of the Sword, he instantly became familiar with their movements. The Truth embedded in the motions guiding his actions, and for the first time, he let it run free. Uncaring as the Technique hungrily devoured his mana by the hundreds.

There were no rules getting in his way. There would be no stopping his blade at the last second. It was just him, and some things that needed to die.

He stepped to the side, and gracefully batted away a boulder with the flat of his blade, uncaring of the hot debris that splashed over him. He was a Paragon at the Peak of his realm, warm pebbles didnt concern him or his Constitution. Sprinting forward, he charged his second blade with mana and slashed. An arc of blue light whooshed through the air.

Three of the giant's arms fell to the ground. Muddy red ichor oozed from its wounds as it tilted its head in confusion. Fractions of a second later, its head joined its amputated arms in the dirt. Its six eyes blinked slowly before they closed for the last time.

The whisper of the First Stance became a song in his head, as he inched closer and closer to the Truth buried within.

One by one, giants fell to his two blades.

Clite appeared a distance behind him. Holding Rex and Nikitas by their arms, she dropped them to the ground, and flew away. Her gaze lingering on Luke momentarily she dropped a handful of Mortal-tier explosive talismans in their midst. The explosion itself was ineffectual, but the chaos caused the creatures to trip over and trample themselves.

Is he stupid? Nkitas turned to Rex, pulling back the string on his bow, he loosed a single arrow into a giant barreling towards Luke. It sank straight into one of its six eyes, and killed it instantly.

Rex watched on with a frown. His jaw clenched, and a vein popping on his forehead as Luke unleashed death on the giants. Teasing three or four at a time from the crowd, and slaughtering them in seconds before returning to get more away.

No. Hes strong. Rex said eventually. Stronger than us.

I can see that. Where did Lord Cyzicus find him anyway?

Gramps didnt find him. Lukeus did.

Ahh. Well that explains it. Monsters attract monsters.

That they do.