B2 Chapter 5: The Chase Begins

Name:THEOS Author:
B2 Chapter 5: The Chase Begins

Status | Skills | Quests | Inventory

Kill a Hero:

Land the killing blow on Tyrisa of Peles, and as the light leaves her eyes grant Bellerophons Blade a name worthy of a weapon that will one day belong to a god.

Sub Quest: Claim her storage ring as a spoil of war.

*Killing an entity at the Hero-tier is equivalent to killing a hundred warriors.

Luke quickly read through the description of the quest, before dismissing it. Absently wondering both why the Seed wanted him to name his sword, and what was in her ring that would help him become a god. A part of him already dreaded how that conversation would go over with the others, but he didnt linger on it. Future Luke could deal with being looked on as greedy, but as he scanned his eyes over his would-be companions, he realized that both of them were already rich. Lukeus probably wouldnt even care, and he sincerely doubted that the rebel hero had anything worthy of a Son of Zeus anyhow.

He grinned slightly at the look of defeat on Jasons face. He liked the guy, he really did, and what he was saying made a lot of sense. Caution should be prioritized. If it werent for the quest he would probably even agree with him. He knew how much stronger a Hero was compared to a Warrior. The effortless way Cyzicus had killed that giant was still burned into his memory, and he wouldnt forget it any time soon if he ever did.

But, some small part of him couldnt help but wonder if the Seed had once again reacted to his desires.

He knew he shouldnt go, logically it was just dangerous. Trying to kill a Hero when he just broke through to the warrior tier was ludacris. Even more so, considering that the Rebel wasnt likely far from the Saint-tier if she could keep up with Cyzicus.

Even so, he had wanted to go, even before the quest had been issued by the Seed. Just based on sheer principle alone, because fuck Tyrisa.

The lengths she was willing to go to for a throne were evil. An evil he would gladly expunge. One that would make him sleep better at night if it wasnt there. Since he learned about her, she had been a cloud hanging over his head, and he wanted it gone.

Nel may have killed Jax, but it was a decision made in fear of her and what she would do to her family and her home.

He had met Sophia for a handful of minutes, but she was sweet. The look of glee on her face when she read Cyzicuss letter was both beautiful and happy. A breath of fresh air compared to the bleakness of the rest of the world and their journey towards her, and to see her decapitated head outside of Cyzicuss home. It wasnt what she deserved, and it wasnt what Cyzicus deserved.

Not even counting the fact that he was a good and well liked ruler, the Emperor had done more for him than anyone else on all of Theos. Granted, he had his reasons, but there was more than one way he could have gotten Luke to obey him, and he had used none of them. Choosing instead to just ask and trust. The Saint-tier marble in his inventory, the Oath Orb, proved that. The Emperor hadnt known, nor cared about what Luke had to hide, and had simply sworn himself to secrecy, as a gesture of trust.

All of that together, was more than enough to make him want to see the Rebel dead.

Would he have gone had actually volunteered to go without the Quest though, he didnt know, and now it didnt matter. He was going, and it was with confidence backed by the Seed. If the Primordial artifact thought he could do it, then he did too, mostly.

An insidious thought tickled the back of his head. Unless my theory about the Seed planning for my failure is true, I dont really have anything to worry about, I havent failed a quest yet, and I dont plan too. That said, Ill have a better idea about the consequences when I actually do. If I had to guess though, the Seed is probably relying on me using a Charge if things go south. Which isnt ideal. Still, a quest is a quest.

Youre going? Rex asked incredulously, staring at Luke. A dumbfounded expression on his face.

Ive done way too much reckless shit in front of him at this point. I dont even know why hes surprised.

Yeah, why not. Luke shrugged with a grin, and extending his mana around his body, he lifted rose into the air, and shot towards the chariot.

HAHAHA! I knew you had a heart of steel. Heracles cheered, and slapped Luke on the back as he climbed into the chariot.

Since when are you a warrior? Rex asked, his mouth dropping open in shock.

Luke blinked through a headache just from looking at him, and grinned. Sometimes in life, you only have two choices. To become stronger or die. I got stronger.

What? Luke looked at him confused.

Dont use any Techniques. Not unless you think you can kill her with one. Otherwise youll just drain your mana uselessly. This isnt going to be like any fight youve been in before. So heres the plan. He swallowed nervously, and ripped a talisman. A white translucent white bubble spread out around them, and silence engulfed the chariot.

Right, super hearing is a thing too.

Were going to wear her down with countless cuts, and deny her the opportunity to rest. But nothing we do will be more than a nuisance, and thats what we want. Its her injuries that are our biggest strength, and the longer she flees without addressing them the better for us. Everyone at the Hero-tier is durable, but not that durable. I think shes either using some artifact or a Technique to keep her alive. The longer she keeps it up, the less mana she has. He explained.

Is that why she isnt attacking us? Luke asked suddenly. She cant spare the mana?

In part. I imagine whatever is keeping her alive is costly in more ways than one. Perhaps the focus required to maintain it is high. Her speed alone is proof of that. So remember, the longer we drag this out, the better. She is also in immense amounts of pain right now as well, and shell make more mistakes the longer she suffers.

Right. Luke nodded, paying careful attention to his words and idly wondering how he even knew that he was planning to use a technique. We let her exhaust herself before we move in for the kill.

Yes. My arsenal is big, but Jason wasnt wrong. Hitting her with anything will require both immense luck and skill. Especially if we want to do it in a way that doesnt end with her throwing our attack back at us. We also wont have many chances. If she realizes that we have the means to end her, I suspect that she will either risk mana exhaustion and teleport away, or try and kill us. We want her to try and kill us. He said.

The ring on his finger glowed, and a handful of talismans, both protective and explosive, appeared in front of Luke and Lukeus.

Those are all at the Hero-tier, but theres two Saint-tier protective talismans with them. I dont think she held anything back considering her state, but in case she does, do not stray far from me.

Thanks. Lukeus nodded gratefully, before roughly stuffing them into his pocket. Not taking his eyes off her for even a second.

Luke sorted his own out a bit more carefully, before also stuffing them in his pocket.

Fuck, this plan is full of holes, but its not garbage. Keep pestering her until she decides to deal with us. No biggie.

The bubble surrounding them vanished, and Luke took careful aim with his sword, before slashing forward. Watching carefully as she tilted to the side, allowing it to glide harmlessly past her.

Five mana was too much. He realized. If the goal is to just be annoying then it doesnt matter how shallow the cut is if I do hit her. He opened his status and watched his mana tick up. Heracles is right too, the real fight hasnt even started yet. I need to conserve as much as possible.

In that case, if I attack with half a point worth of mana every thirty seconds, Ill match my regen.

Frowning in determination, he did just that.

Letting Heracles take the lead, with his near endless rain of arrows while he loosed an attack once or twice a minute.

She continued to dodge every single one. But with every attack that was fired, Luke imagined the expression on her face getting just a little more annoyed.

Hours later, when the nine suns of Theos finally began sinking over the horizon, one of Heracless arrows finally struck her.

An aura of palpable rage emanated from her wretched figure.

Luke gulped as Nutbutter neighed.

It was time.