
“Wow. I never thought the day would come when we moved all the way to the north so quickly.”

People looked at the moving magic circle of the sacred Tower with very satisfied faces.

‘In the newspapers, in the market, and in the academy, there was a lot of talk about the sacred tower, so I  was deceived and used it, but the satisfaction was the best.’

“The atmosphere in the capital is terrible these days, so I think it would be better to play here.”

“Well. It’s the undead monster season, and there’s also the Magic Tower…”

“I heard there’s a theater, a cafe, and a dressing room in that big building?”

“I thought it might have been influenced by the shopping districts in the capital, but this is more modern.”

Some were excited while holding onto the northern tour guide leaflets distributed by the Holt Company.

Jakov and his adjutant watched the people flocking in time for the monumental 10th Night Market with a smile on their faces.

“Most of them are engaged in commercial activities, but if word spreads, there will naturally be more tourists.”

“It will be. This night market has been specially prepared luxuriously. If it’s safe, it’s safe, if it’s about a product, there is a product, and there’s nothing missing.”

At the adjutant’s words, Jakov did not hide his pride.

“Isn’t it the first wedding anniversary of the Grand Duke and Duchess Prause? Of course, they have to pay attention.”

Frey’s popularity among merchants was almost cult.

It was natural that the central shopping district, which was mainly selling cold-resistant crops and daily necessities, was transformed into a department store.

That’s all.

Since the Holt Merchant, which mainly handles inventions to replace magic scrolls, is based in the north, merchants who want to trade with them have gathered.

Now, the central shopping district is the most lively since the founding of the country.

“The other day ago, Master Jakov asked if there was any way to disturb the new Grand Duchess….”

“Shut up!”

Jakov quickly drew a line on his past behavior.

After building the sacred tower, he never left when discussing the next imperial power, and he was even more determined because Frey’s name appeared these days.

“This time, there is also a wedding anniversary gift prepared by His Highness Grand Duke Prause, so we can give our Grand Duchess a particularly good memory.”

“You will cover up past mistakes with this, won’t you?”


It’s correct!

Jakov glared at the adjutant who was teasing him.

The 10th night market in the Prause estate was about to begin.

* * *

“Lady Frey. The heat of the night market is great. There were so many people in the Holt’s store that I couldn’t even get in.”

The day before yesterday, Emma, who had a job outside in a solemn voice, talked about the night market. She, who boasts that she has played well with the money she has saved, is somehow cute, so Frey kept listening to the story.

“and! The Grand Duchess team also brought back costumes specially ordered for Madam Siren.”


‘it’s a costume’

I’m sure you’re referring to clothes that cover everything that needs to be covered but also can reveal everything.

‘Because today is our wedding anniversary.’

Frey had forgotten about it, but when she realized it, her mouth went dry.

Frey asked competent people to make the specially made divine power brooch. Even in the middle of the mad undead monsters and the fog of Fall, it was a beautiful glow filled with divine power.

“Will Daniel like it?”

“Lady Frey. Everyone will like this kind of jewelry.”

“Besides, it’s something only Your Highness the Grand Duchess can give you.”

“Well, I don’t know anything else, but the scarcity is certain.”

‘I still have to work hard to recover the investment, because after the sacred Tower, the Top has been earning a lot, so I paid a lot of money and ordered it.’

She wiped the surface of the brooch clean and then put the lid on the box.

This was because the exchange of gifts was scheduled to take place after visiting the central shopping district.

“Shall we go now?”

“Wait a minute. Lastly, I will spray you with perfume.”

What Emma carefully added was the sweet and alluring scent of roses. A fragrance that goes very well with the rich red dress Frey was wearing today.

Lina smiled as she carefully inspected the innumerable lace and gold jewelry.

“As expected, the results of the analysis are correct. Her Highness, the Grand Duchess, receives the Red dragon well.”

“Ahaha… thank you.”

‘With my aesthetic eyes, I couldn’t tell what kind of Dragon red was different from normal red.’

However, as it was the color chosen after Wiz and Iina’s analysis, the effect of making her features more distinct was certain.

Frey headed to where the carriage was waiting. There, Daniel, dressed neatly, was waiting for me, as he always did when he met the residents.


He stared at Frey and made eye contact seemed that the red color of his cheeks had deepened a little.

“It goes well with the color of your eyes.”

“Thank you. You…”

Frey was going to say that he looked better today than usual, but suddenly a cool and sensual fragrance came from him.

‘Did Daniel originally wear perfume?’

It was the first time she smelled a scent like this, so all her nerves were focused on him.

“Shall we go, Frey?”

With such a clean and neat face, and adding a sensual perfume to attract attention.

‘What happened to the #no sympathy for a woman or Anti romantic man who was surprised and avoided even when I was talking about the first night.’

But on the other hand, Frey liked that he did something that he wouldn’t have been conscious of going out with her.

“Wait a minute. before we go–”

Frey climbed into the carriage and opened the window. There were people there to see off the Grand Duke and his wife who were going out.

‘It’s not a long-term trip, it’s just going on a date, but there are so many…’


“Don’t forget the Cookies!”

“Damon, Arsene. Are you really not going with me?”

Frey asked again to the two who were waving their hands, but they both shook their heads.

“I want to play with Master Wiz at the castle.”

“Go, just the two of you!”

The answer seems to have been influenced by someone’s influence. But even so, Frey didn’t want to forcefully take the children who had already been to the night market a couple of times.

“Then Wiz, take good care of the children. And Vikram.”

“Yes, your Highness the Grand Duchess.”

“Take good care of the undead monsters and the fog of Fall. If anything happens, let me know right away.”

“Is it possible? Even if you play, other wizards will do it, so don’t worry and come back.”


Frey looked at him with a suspicious look for a moment, then withdrew her gaze.

‘Then, when I closed the window, saying that I would go, I heard the voice of the butler Baron faintly.’

“Now then, before the two of them return, let’s quickly decorate the castle as well. Let’s start with His Highness’ bedroom.”

* * *

Wandering around the central shopping district with the sunset in the background was much more enjoyable than she thought.

It was even more so after watching an opera at a newly established facility.

“Daniel, the opera was really touching, right? I don’t know how a human body can produce such a beautiful voice.”

Daniel was so moved that he captured the sparkling Frey in his eyes as if he would memorize it.

Frey was very excited as if the afterglow of the opera had remained. The emotions she expressed were also richer than usual.

“The stage was really cool. My eyes were really good throughout the opera.”

“ Yes, I think that too.”

Daniel answered as if possessed. Perhaps because of the red dress Frey wore today, Daniel’s eyes kept going to her lips and eyes.

‘So I  had no choice but to look at Frey’s face throughout the performance with a beautiful love song as the background music.’

“Wow, Lady Frey!”

“There is the Grand Duchess!”

It bothered Daniel a little that it wasn’t just him trying to look at Frey.

‘After the Sacred Tower, Frey appeared in the newspaper more than most actresses.’

He didn’t like it when the others snooped around to get Frey’s attention, but he couldn’t stop it.

From the princess who was said to be picky to those lower than her and acting evil, to the upper class who threatened the throne.

Reputation has completely changed in a matter of months. It was Frey’s own way of wanting to let people appreciate and follow her.

‘So I couldn’t warn them or lock Frey in the cage.’

“Daniel. Look over there. The Sacred Tower is pretty cool, isn’t it?”

After distributing the magic in Aquarin, Frey added luminous magic to the sacred tower in the central shopping district.

People raised the corners of their mouths as if they were ecstatic as they saw the sacred tower, which even served as a street lamp.

“As expected, for a place to be crowded, it must have a landmark.”

“Well. Do you think Prause’s landmark is the Sacred Tower?”

Frey did not readily answer the meaningful question.

Daniel glanced at the luxurious castle halfway up the mountain and led Frey toward the carriage.

“Shall we go back now, Frey? I want to give you a wedding anniversary gift.”

“Shall we?”

Frey quickly climbed into the Carriage. It wasn’t because she was a person who Wouldn’t refuse if it was a gift.

‘I also want to give Daniel the gift I prepared.’

While hanging out together in the central shopping district, Frey realized something.

‘Most of the time I spent with Daniel Prause was comfortable and happy. One year is a short time, but the happy memories accumulated at Prause are already full.’

‘Because there are no people here who want to criticize and kill me just because I am the daughter of a concubine.’

‘Instead, there are people who believe in me and support me. The person who tells me to forget the conditions and start over.’

“Frey. If you look at it that way, it seems like you want to meet the expectations of the employees.”

Daniel joked, aware that she was looking at him affectionately. At the same time, Daniel felt a sense of Deja Vu from everything he saw and heard.

The noise of the Carriage. Frey let out a beautiful smile. Even he couldn’t take his eyes off Frey.

Everything coincided with the moment he peeked into the future.

Frey laughed and agreed with his jokes.

“Daniel, don’t you remember? ‘The first night is omitted. We won’t be spending the night together again.’ It was you who said that.”

Daniel knew it was a joke, but he didn’t like his answer in the past.

‘So, countless times after peeping into the future, I had no choice but to say what I denied, not what I wanted.’

“Frey. I was stupid back then.”

Then, Daniel took Frey’s hand, which had hardened in surprise, and placed it on his chest.

“I want you so much right now.”

His low voice was stained with obsession.