As mentioned before, there is a special energy that circulates on the Korean Peninsula, randomly increasing the efficiency of the flow of luck or mana circulation.In other words, in addition to absorbing positive energy, depending on how much effort or talent an individual puts in, there is a higher chance of sudden enlightenment in martial arts or experiencing a level-up awakening event on a higher level.Some may wonder if the world's population would flood in and cause an overpopulation crisis, but according to research, the optimal effect of absorbing this energy occurs when individuals are in their early adulthood, around the time they become fully grown.The logic behind this is that one must have the proper foundation to receive the benefits of the energy boost.This is the reason why elite and promising young individuals from all over the world flock to the academies in South Korea.‘I know everyone's face here.’As I leisurely surveyed the surroundings while standing on the stage in the auditorium, I noticed familiar faces engaging in lively conversations. To be precise, they were faces I had discovered rather than truly knew.It was crucial for Cassis De Milan to memorize the faces of the influential heirs of the Segawa and Myeongga families in order to avoid making a complete fool of himself. He didn't want to be underestimated.Following the basic framework of the character Cassis De Milan, my survival strategy was to avoid meaningless actions that could lead to the destruction of the world. At that moment, some students, including professors, greeted me with smiles and attempted small talk."Hello, Master De Milan! Are you tired? You must be suffering on this cold day.""It seems like the Academy's level can be judged by seating the famous De Milan's insignificant master in the auditorium!"I would have greeted them appropriately if they were decent people, but they were lowly lowlifes, some unknown individuals (if I don't know them, they must be worthless), and they formed a trifling group of subordinates.However, I still had to pay attention to the topic at hand. In a society where social hierarchy had not completely disappeared, it was audacious for someone of low rank to speak to De Milan.It's a given that everything they say is nonsense.‘Let's have the freshmen sit in the auditorium, shall we? Maybe we should even put them up in a hotel and have an inauguration ceremony?’The number of students admitted to the Academy was 900. Nowadays, I don't know what it's like, but back then, it took counting all the first, second, and third graders of a regular school to reach 1,000. In other words, it was a testament to the Academy's greatness that they were able to gather such a rare group of awakened individuals in one grade level.Of course, the influx of people has continued steadily since then, but I'll think about that later.For now, I had to get rid of these annoying pests who were polluting my ears with their senseless babbling."What can we do? We have no choice but to follow their policy. To enroll, awakened individuals must be registered, and we have to be monitored by the school's CCTV all day. And on top of that, Korean is the common language spoken on campus? I still don't understand why I have to speak this language instead of my mother tongue."It seemed like they were unhappy with the Academy's policies, but if they let those powerful individuals, who could use bullets and more, roam around unchecked, without even registering them, what could happen? I couldn't stand seeing our country become like a lawless mafia state or a family that sells drugs illegally for money.That's the only response I have for those lowlifes.Consciously moving the muscles in my face, the once passive purple irises narrow."...Hmm, how strange.""What are you talking about?"My head tilts to the side."I assume you walked down here of your own volition. However, you seem quite dissatisfied with it.""No, that's not..."My fingertips tap my chin."If you didn't want to follow the rules of Alaea, then why did you come? Even the elders say that if they don't want to bow, they should leave. It's quite audacious to speak so lightly of passing the test to a place that no one desires, disappointing, really..."My smile that forms is as sweet as a peony."It stinks. It's hard to keep it nearby."Contrary to the sharp words that came from their lips earlier.By the way, the mention of the odor is genuine. I'm not sure what kind of smell it was, but it was quite unpleasant. It smelled like someone hadn't brushed their teeth after breakfast. Please, when coming to a public place, maintain cleanliness.Anyway, as expected of Cassis De Milan, when I unleashed my words with fervor, it attracted attention, and the surroundings became noisy. More precisely, everyone was looking in this direction, mocking the other side in hushed voices.What did they expect by approaching De Milan and speaking without a topic in mind? It was too rash...The murmurs grew louder. Now, my friends who were once considered inferior would have no choice but to apologize to me and retreat with ashamed faces.That's what I thought..."How could you humiliate me like this, Lord Cassis?"The one with the strongest odor spoke to me with an embarrassed face.What should I say?I can't grasp whether I should admire their audacity for persisting even when given a clear rejection or criticize their shamelessness. Moreover, this person was the one claiming not to recognize my face. In short, someone who doesn't even know my face kept confronting and provoking "Cassis de Milan."What's the point of all this?"Do I have any reason to treat you specially?""You call that an excuse? Our connection...!""Excuse me, but who are you?"Though I was sincere, my refined tone seemed rather mocking. As laughter erupted from the surrounding crowd, his face contorted and he trembled before shouting out abruptly."It’s Bontang! We exchanged letters not long ago! Georges Bontang!"Hmm, Georges Bontang...‘Oh?’‘He's a member of Cassis De Milan's entourage, one of the main characters, and I carefully read and memorized his profile…’‘...He photoshopped it! This little...!’The profile picture was so different from the original that I couldn't recognize him! That damn Georges Bontang! How much did he edit it?But luckily, Georges Bontang was a flawed character that I had decided to exclude when reassembling Cassis De Milan's entourage.So I decided to unleash my temper and insult him without holding back."Ah, my apologies. I tend to forget insignificant individuals.""What...?"As I smiled slyly and gestured with my hand, Georges' face turned red. Well, the Bontang family is like a ticking time bomb, so it's best to cut ties now. They may act loyal and obedient in front of De Milan, like faithful hounds, but secretly they engage in treacherous activities for their own benefit.Besides that, there is another significant issue, but let's discuss it later."If you don't understand, shall I be direct? You're a presence that is far too inferior to stay by my side. So, please disappear without emitting any foul odor, would you?"As Georges stood arrogantly with crossed legs, he trembled in place and declared, "You will regret this!" without a hint of fear in his extra statement, then turned away. I didn't even bother to snicker, but instead, I clapped my hands twice.Then, like a wave, the murmurings around me began to calm down in a circular motion, and after waiting a little, I could finally hold the silence I desired in my hands. In the crowded auditorium for the entrance ceremony, only Cassis' voice echoed and spread."Logan Esteban.""Yes, Lord Cassis. Did you call for me?"At my call, a man with vibrant green hair, the heir candidate of the prestigious House Esteban, appeared, parting through the crowd and respectfully raising his hand to his chest for a formal greeting."Dietrich Binkel.""Yes, our dear De Milan."At my call,, the sole son of the prestigious House Binkel, a languid-looking man with fiery red hair, raised his hand in response while roughly sitting on a chair."Capone Jhonnes.""At your service."At my call, a blue short-haired woman from the esteemed Jhonnes House, who was in the midst of internal strife over the succession position, appeared behind me like a shadow and replied in a chilling tone.I suddenly became aware that all of this was like a story within the novel. The introduction of the characters, their actions, and even their mannerisms and tone of speech were all in line with a narrative. However, I had no intention of following the storyline as it was written in the novel.The original Cassis would roam around with a group of about ten people and cause trouble, but honestly, I didn't have the enthusiasm to do the same. That's why I handpicked these elite members.With these individuals who were more than capable of accompanying "Cassis De Milan," if only we had the main characters of "De Milan" itself, we could have dominated a clan without any shortcomings.However, they were descendants of a prestigious family who could not ignore De Milan."Come here."Flipping Cassis' outer facade, I smiled brightly."I'll make you beautiful."Upon hearing those words, Logan, Dietrich, and Capone gathered by my side without hesitation, like disciplined soldiers forming ranks.The name of De Milan was enough to command such renowned individuals with a mere gesture.As they stood in orderly formation, they began to engage in a silent struggle among themselves while I remained still, without issuing any further commands. Only one person could occupy the seat next to me, given that I was seated at the left end. Yet, there were three of them insisting on occupying the chair to my right.In other words, it was a time for establishing hierarchy.“You all already know this. There is no one else here who can match the formality required to receive Lord Cassis like I can.""Hey, you're all successors in line. I am the only son, you know. The one and only. Among you all, who holds the highest status? Who is it?""I can't give Lord Cassis' seat to someone who talks as much as you do. And Logan, the same goes for you. Lord Cassis doesn't need someone to accommodate him. The most suitable person who speaks smoothly is me.""How can you try to take Lord Cassis' seat when you don't even realize that "accommodating" him means the same thing as "using" him with your brain?""That's enough, and you're no better."While the ordinary awakened beings around them couldn't make a dent in the world they lived in, I sensed something sprouting from my agile senses, something that ignited a blue-cold flame.I turned around. And I saw it.Blood vessels bulged and the knuckles grew thick as a large claw-like hand firmly gripped the backrest of the chair and pulled back.My seat. Without hesitation, a man sat down there, ignoring the three heirs of the prestigious families who were arguing and trying to claim it. He stood with his arms crossed, staring straight ahead.The composed Logan looked like he was about to say something in this strange situation."...What are you doing? Ryu-Seong of Hanla?"Ryu-Seong was occupying the seat next to me without saying a word.***Now, let's clarify one thing.The Alaea Academy is located in the capital city of Seoul, South Korea.It's quite interesting from a Feng Shui perspective that an institution seeking spiritual enlightenment is situated right in the heart of the city, rather than amidst mountains. However, being nestled between the Han River and Namsan Mountain provides a perfect balance of energy, making the location ideal for spiritual practices.While the Alaea Academy maintains a competitive stance against the Mirenae Academy, it has been evaluated as being slightly inferior in the Baekdu Mountain and Yanggang rivalry. On the other hand, the Guiding Star Academy, which solely focuses on education as its core ideology, has chosen Hallasan as its spiritual source. It is noteworthy that the Guiding Star Academy is closely associated with the protagonist Ryu-Seong, who is a member of the Hanla Clan. This is because it is a tradition for a prominent member of the Hanla Clan to serve as the headmaster of the Guiding Star Academy, making it synonymous with the origin of the Hanla Faction."I'm reading. And the Guide Star Academy is nothing less than the origin of the Hana Faction, to which the protagonist Ryu Seong belongs. The reason is that it is traditional for the Hana Faction's leader to serve as the principal of the Guide Star Academy, which is its birthplace.However, Jang Mun-in believed that Ryu-Seong, who had assumed he would join the Guiding Star Academy, needed to experience a larger world and thus sent him to the Alaea Academy.While it was a suitable plot development for the story, it proved to be an incorrect decision for the future of the Hanla Clan.‘In the later part of the story, while Ryu-Seong is sweating to prevent a catastrophe in Seoul, the Hanla Clan will be completely wiped out in Jeju Island, causing a chaotic uproar.’I shouldn't say such things, but the deliberate development aimed at shattering the protagonist's mental state made my heart pound with anticipation as well.In short, the main attraction of this novel was the deliberate development to shatter the protagonist's mental state, creating a thrilling and captivating storyline.‘But it seems like the protagonist is now breaking my own mental state...?!’The condition of the original protagonist is strange.