Chapter 60: You think stepmother is so good

Chapter 60 Do you think stepmother is so easy to be

Yao's mother was very angry at this remark: "You don't understand four or six things, who am I for, you think stepmother is so easy to be."

Yao Hui was stared at all day, and finally broke out: "That's better than those blind dates you found for me, at least my brother-in-law is a good-looking talent, and although his family background is not very good, at least he is not a burden.

If you look at the people who went on a blind date a few days ago, there are too many brothers living together, or they are not as tall as I am, and they don’t even brush their teeth. After all, you are not as tall as the betrothal gifts given by others. Brother-in-law, no, Juncheng paid two hundred yuan, not less than those few. "

Yao's mother didn't expect Yao Hui to say that about her, so she waved her hand and said, "Okay, since you have such a big opinion on me, then it's up to you."

After Yao Hui left, Yao's mother looked at Yao's father: "Why is she so ignorant? Although there are many brothers in Lao Yang's family, he has a good relative. If it really works, isn't it just a sentence? Words matter.

As for the Chang family, what's the use of living so beautifully, as long as the family is in a good position, but it's too late to say anything now. "

Yao's father sighed: "Let's leave it as it is. You should see what you should prepare for her. No matter what, don't lose her. It's up to her to live well or not."

That's what he said, but he actually thought in his heart: If he had known this would be the result, he might as well have stopped it before, but he was angry with his old wife.

In the big house of the Yao family, Dong Liping said unhappily: "What are you doing?"

Yao Zhigang was also very irritable: "Okay, hurry up and cook, I'm going to starve to death."

Dong Liping got even angrier when she heard this, and wanted to say a few more words, but when she saw the son and daughter of Kangtou, they still shut up and resigned themselves to going out to cook.


The Zhao family, the family was sitting around eating, Zhao Jianjun took a sip of porridge, and asked casually, "Mom, how is that sister?"

Zhang Meilian handed a Erhe noodle steamed bun to her youngest son: "You boy, you have a conscience, and you know how to care about people."

Zhao Huaiqing, who was eating at the side, raised his head and asked, "What are you two talking about?"

Zhang Meilian told the story of Yu Xinyan: "Then how could Lu Juncheng do such a thing? It was rumored in the factory that he was devoted to him before. Pooh, he is really not a good guy."

Zhao Huaiqing pushed her with his arm: "Okay, the children are still here, so be careful with what you say."

At this time, the eldest son Zhao Jianhong said: "Then the girl who rescued Jianjun yesterday is also very powerful."

Zhang Meilian became interested when she heard this: "That girl is really nice, she speaks quite clearly. I heard that she is still a high school student. To be honest, I want to recruit her to work in the union."

Zhao Huaiqing laughed: "Listen to you, that girl is really brave and resourceful."

Zhang Meilian put down the bowl: "No, you were not at the scene. At that time, Lu Juncheng was so angry that his face turned into a pig's liver. Even we outsiders felt quite relieved. I thought the old lady of the Yao family was nice. After today's incident Well, I think that person is really not bad."

Zhao Jianjun swallowed the Erhemen steamed buns in his mouth; "Mom, let's get to the point, are they divorced?"

Zhang Meilian rolled her eyes at her youngest son: "Your child's family, this is not your business, hurry up and do your homework."

Zhao Jianjun didn't move his butt: "That's my benefactor, shouldn't I care about it? Tell me, are you divorced?"

(end of this chapter)