At four o'clock in the morning, Zhang Guoqing got up quietly. He picked up the toiletries, closed the door lightly and went into the yard. Seeing that the second brother in the next door also had some movement, he laughed. His second brother probably didn't sleep well all night.

It should have snowed a little late last night. The ground is covered with a thin white layer, which is easy to slip. Zhang Guoqing hastily washed up, picked up a broom to clean the yard, so that his mother would not fall down in the dark light early in the morning.

Zhang Guoqiang, the second man next door, heard the sound of sweeping in the yard. He couldn't lie down any more. He didn't sleep all night last night, afraid that he would wake up as a dream. He was worried and excited, tossing and turning. He couldn't believe that he could go to work in the city, or was he in the bureau? This can hear the sound to know is small five.

Zhang Guoqiang relaxed his pace and ran to the yard in a hurry. He saw Xiao Wu sweeping the yard. He also found a broom and looked at the snow on the ground. He whispered, "you got up early enough. It snowed a little last night? I don't know. Fortunately, a few days ago, dad asked us to hang a broken quilt outside the house to block the wind

"Ha ha An old man is like a treasure. My parents are not the old baby of our family! I'll get up early to see if I'm ready. We'll go straight to Qingshan later. If we go up the mountain earlier, we can come back earlier to do business. "

Zhang Guoqing saw a good front yard, carrying a lamp, two people went to the kitchen. Seeing that his second brother was about to wash, he returned to his room and brought a pot of pheasant soup stewed last night to the kitchen.

Zhang Guoqiang saw Xiaowu holding the pot and asked him curiously, "isn't this your daughter-in-law eating? Why did you bring it? "

"Jiaojiao stewed it last night, saying it was for the children at home. Second brother, you see there's no food in the kitchen. My mother is all locked up. " Zhang Guoqing looked at the cellar lock and pulled the lock.

Zhang Guoqiang stopped him in a hurry. With his great strength, don't pull off the lock. His mother had to peel off their skin. This lock still just bought, his mother has been distressed for a long time, nagging for several days.

Looking at the kitchen empty, his mother used to lock in the cellar. Finally, the two brothers did not want to wake up their parents. They just found a few nests and ate chicken soup when they got hot.

Zhang Guoqing put the Wowotou into the chicken soup, looked at some pieces of chicken, and sighed: "second brother, do you know what I hate most? It's the head of our family! Elder sister said that we haven't taken duplicate samples for decades. Fortunately, these are wild vegetables. If they are corn dregs, they are really bad. "

Zhang Guoqiang rolled his eyes at him, and pointed to him with a grudge of iron and steel, "you are lucky to talk about it at home. You leave the village to say that you must be beaten to death. There are no families in the village who can afford it. Why are so many people here to help us this time? It's just that I'm in love with you. They are reluctant to eat and take it back to their children. It's good to have a nest in our family. "

Zhang Guoqing was deeply touched when he heard the speech, "last time you said it, I paid special attention to it. In addition to dozens of families at the foot of the north mountain, there are also families with more sons in the village who have better conditions. It is really not easy for families with many children. Now, there are many children in the village who are dressed in single clothes, with full patches on their heads, straw sandals on their feet, and they are not afraid of the cold. They play happily, which makes me sad

"It wasn't like that when we were kids? I still remember that my mother had just arrived in the autumn, and she started to sew fur all night long with oil lamp, and connected them one by one to make clothes for us. In the winter, she was reluctant to waste her fur and never went out. Others say that it's not the northeast old women who don't smoke dry tobacco. But I know that even my father is reluctant to smoke. I can't bear to take a few puffs. However, I can't stand the smell of smoke - my family just takes a few puffs.

You say you hate Wotou the most, ha ha I hate to come to the Kang to smoke dry tobacco. Especially in winter, there are thick old curtains hanging outside, and the windows are closed to death. Several people come to the door and sit on the Kang, smoking dry cigarettes all the time. Encounter not fastidious, cough a few sound, spit a few mouthfuls of phlegm. There are also people with children, snot and other things directly to the Kang. Every winter, I never sit on the Kang in the main room. "

Zhang Guoqing quickly drank the soup and put down his chopsticks. "Second brother, are you on purpose? I eat. You say it's disgusting. I have finished eating. We'll have a look in the backyard

Zhang Guoqiang laughed, quickly finished eating, followed him out, laughing and scolding: "you boy is hypocritical! How can you still poop if you run far away from home

Zhang Guoqing and his two brothers talked in a low voice and joked with each other. They went to the backyard with brooms and iron catalpa.

This will be the landlord's wing room, father Zhang's room has been lit with oil lamps. Listening to the news outside, father Zhang didn't have to think about it. He knew that it was his fifth son and his three sons who got up first to help him with his work every morning.

Zhang's mother put on her clothes and looked at him, "you wear more. Why do I think it's cold today? Early in the morning, I heard the sound of sweeping the floor in the yard. I guess it's snowing. "

Zhang's father ordered a little and tidied himself up. "I'll go to the backyard and have a look. I don't know if the snow is heavy. The chicken won't freeze to death when we built a straw shelter a few days ago? "

Mother Zhang whispered with a smile, "don't worry. Our chickens are smarter than people. They've been running under our window for a long time. This morning, I just heard the rooster crow. I think it's OK. How about making porridge and steamed stuffed bun in the morning? If the guests are here, how about salted duck eggs"Whatever you want is fine. Our family is not poor and fastidious. We can make some at will. Yesterday, my brother Zhou said he wanted to pick up the fifth in two days and live in the county. Their husband and wife plan to take the little five couple to make an eye in the county, so as not to turn back and let others bully their children. I promised. I didn't talk to you about it last night

Zhang's mother looked at him in surprise. "Did you really buy a yard for the fifth couple? I said why I didn't see their husband and wife stop their feet, no wonder they were busy. The old Dobb thought it was in the city last night. No wonder he was in a hurry. Shall we go to the city to help clean up? In which field do you know? "

Zhang's father shook his head with a smile, "I have asked, they said no, they have asked two mothers and daughters to give some rations to help clean up and clean up. It's been a good day. He said that there was no need to move things in the small five rooms. Later, he moved to the courtyard next door. Now everything in the city is new, even rice is ready. I'm afraid I won't be able to ask for a holiday next year. I'll pack it up first and then I'll go back to live with my clothes. They're all arranged properly. I really love my daughter. "

"Zhang Mu tut tut voice," really willing. It's just a baby egg. I'm not spoiling it. I'm afraid of being wronged. That is to say, Jiaojiao is married to Xiaowu, and the couple is good. Or, you see, can brother Zhou drag his daughter back? Don't you see that as soon as brother Zhou came back last night, he took his girl back to the inner room for fear that she would be tired. He also asked the elder sister to stew something for his baby egg pad, for fear that the child would be hungry. Usually, a person who looks very lonely smiles when she sees Jiaojiao. Oh, I've learned a lot. The two father and daughter are so hot. "

Father Zhang chuckled, "ha ha, why do you think he is rushing to the city? I want to pack up early and take his daughter to stay for a few days. Only when the child has been arranged will he be relieved to go back. "

Then he thought about his wife's strict mouth, and then said, "yesterday, the second brother secretly told me that Zhou's brother is more powerful than Lin's. They ate half of the food outside. It was midnight. Two cars came from the provincial capital, and all the officers came down from above. Those people are all shouting, can respect. As for the work of the second son, we don't need to talk about it. The head of the family has already asked the second to go through the formalities today, and he has also asked the second to familiarize himself with his colleagues.

I estimate that small five in the county know a lot of people, very easy to eat. The second said that those who came from the provinces called our fifth son-in-law. They have the same attitude as their son-in-law.

Don't tell me about the second job. When I went to work next Monday, some people said it was my wonderful father-in-law. Zuo Lin, who came back to our house, is the head of the second. He and good father-in-law are iron brothers. Originally, this job was given to Xiao Wu by tozuolin. We should also remember that

Zhang's mother nodded and thought for a moment, "how can the second son go to work without a car? Did he have an idea? "

"Xiao Wu has discussed with his second brother, and he will help him find bicycle tickets. Xiao Wu assured me that he would arrange it properly. He said that when the boss went to work, he would let us go to the city with him. If he wanted to come back, he would come back and stay for a few days. Ha ha My wife, you have a good time. You have an old son and you don't have to work for the old. " Father Zhang joked.

Mother Zhang raised her chin. "That's right. The village says I'm partial to my old son. What do they know? My old son is the leader of dozens of them. I put some food in my mouth, and some good and rare things into my hand. You don't know that we are charming, but we are intimate with me. I can use everything in her room, and she also holds my hand and points to where the dark grid of her room is. The first ticket, the money, let me take it myself. Which drawer, which box all put what, let me want to take, don't give up, lock is not locked.

I wake up laughing in my dreams. When my father is alive, he will say that I have an old son and will enjoy happiness in the future. But I really don't want to go to the city. How nice my home is. I've lived all my life and I can't leave it. "

Zhang's father nodded happily, "Jiaojiao, the child's protector, is more like our daughter than the eldest and the second family. It's because they are too loose in hand. Last night, they promised Xizi that they were all dressed. You can persuade me

"No use, I said a lot, and then she forgot. But don't worry. If you look at Qingshan's daughter-in-law and Qingfeng's daughter-in-law, she will hide and tuck in. They brought the children over, and she would give some hard candy, and the soft candy would not come out. She knows it in her mind, and it's just our family that she wants to. "

Zhang dad picked up his coat and put it on. As he walked, he said, "that's good. I'll go to the backyard first. Keep your voice down and don't disturb brother Zhou. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!