Chapter 9: Cornelia Learns To Communicate

Chapter 9: Cornelia Learns To Communicate

The following day. The students that passed the exam started moving into the dormitory.

Before the morning sun even arrived, Dekan got up, packed his luggage and began to walk toward the campus.

He had no intention of waiting in line.

He decided to finish moving into the dormitory while all the other incoming students were still sleeping.

After receiving his student identity card and uniform from the Knight College’s service building, Dekan proceeded straight for the dormitory.

The Knight College’s student dormitory was an enormous high rise building.

Dekan couldn’t help himself from checking out the details of the building.

My room is likely going to be huge too.

Truly something to look forward to.

Impatient, Dekan walked toward the management office located at the front of the dormitory.

“Hello, I want to check into the dorm.”

“Please show your student identification.”

After a simple verification, the management employee handed him a key connected to a number plate.

“This is your key. The first floor of the dormitory building is the dining hall. The shop is on the second floor and the common area is on the third floor. The fourth to ninth floor are the living areas with the dorm rooms. The tenth floor is the astronomical observatory. You enter the male dorms through the stairs on the left side of the third floor. The female dorms are through the right side...”

“Wait! Why are you telling me how to enter the female dorms?”

“I thought all students of your age would be interested in it. Well, let’s forget about it.”

“No, please inform me. Students should study everything from start to end.”


The employee was left speechless. How could any fucking dumb fuck martial artist be able to study?

Nevertheless, he continued, “After registering yourself with the management office, you’ll be allowed to visit the girls’ dormitory. This is the same for the dorms of the other three colleges. However, if you are to receive complaints with your visit, you will likely be banned from future visits...”

“Thank you. I hope you have a fine remainder of the day.”

After expressing his thanks, Dekan started carrying his luggage upstairs.

He did not linger his sight on the first three floors and arrived at a hotel-like fourth floor.

“Fourth floor... Room four.”

Dekan was holding onto the room number and searching for his room.

His room number was quite auspicious.

[TN: 4 sounds like death in many asian languages.]

Upon finding his room, Dekan immediately dragged his luggage into the room.

Dragging his luggage all the way was a very tiring process. Upon entering the room, Dekan sat down on the sofa for a long time.

That said, he still decided to gather his strength to sort out his luggage.

He didn’t want to procrastinate.

He started checking out his new residence. It had a warm tone and a rather retro European style.

The room was brightly lit with good sunlight. There were even plants and various different types of flowers on the balcony. The entire room had a fresh lively air to it.

There were four main regions to the dorm room.

After entering through the door and passing through the entrance hall, one would be greeted by a large living room. Connected to the living room was the bedroom, bathroom and storage room.

The dorm room was fully furnished. There was also a lot of storage space throughout.

After a quick glance at the bedroom and bathroom, Dekan arrived at the storage room.

Cornelia seemed to be able to tell what Dekan was thinking. She said, “Not worry. I not come make trouble.”

“Then what’s the reason that brought you here?”

Dekan heaved a sigh of relief.

This lady had a tier four strength. Moreover, it was said that she was extremely fierce in battles.

She was the type that would not hesitate to attack even if she knew that she would receive sixty times the pain.

A punch from her would likely render Dekan’s body weight plus urn to 5kg.

“Fight. You fight me.”

Cornelia was a foreigner and wasn’t familiar with the language of the Norton Kingdom.

It took her a lot of effort to finish her simple sentence. She appeared a bit embarrassed.


After hearing her words, Dekan’s face changed color from freight. Without any hesitation, he rejected her.

Cornelia: “Wh...”

Dekan: “I will lose.”

Before Cornelia could even finish speaking, Dekan interrupted.

It was his first time feeling such torment from hearing someone speak. Just by hearing her slow speech, he felt as if his blood pressure was about to soar.

Dekan’s response shocked Cornelia.

She gathered up her courage and spoke a word: “How?” How do you know you’ll lose?

Dekan: “I am extremely weak in frontal confrontation.”


Cornelia discovered that Dekan was able to understand her even when she only spoke one or two words!

What great news! There was actually someone so easy to communicate with!

Cornelia: “Know?” Do you really understand what I’m saying?

Dekan: “I can understand.”

The exchange between the two started becoming fluent.

Cornelia: “Fight?” You really can’t fight me?

Dekan: “I cannot.”

It was too excessive for you to seek me out in the male dorms.

A look of disappointment appeared on Cornelia’s eyes. Her head drooped down.

She took an aggrieved glance at Dekan before leaving with her head hanging dispiritedly.


Dekan heaved a sigh of relief.

Fight against her?

Even if he was to ignore whether or not she could withstand the sixty times pain, if they were to fight without using the Artificial Shadow World, he would most definitely be killed!

Even though Dekan was a master scammer, he was not someone completely reckless!

If the two of them were to truly fight, it would definitely end with mutual destruction.

Fortunately Cornelia was a reasonable person. Otherwise, a dormitory tragedy would have occurred today!

Dekan couldn’t help himself from feeling a sense of lingering fear from Cornelia’s unexpected visit...