Chapter 128: Dekan, Be A Human

Chapter 128: Dekan, Be A Human


Ice Princess’s face, still marked with tear streaks, completely froze. She widened her silver eyes that were still shimmering with tears. Filled with shock and disbelief, her red lips slightly parted. Before she could recover from the sadness, her emotions were completely ruined by an extremely bizarre celebration.

What happened?

The Ice Princess wanted to think, but her brain, disrupted by the sudden absurd scene, lost its ability to function.

For a moment, she didn't know whether to continue crying, laugh it off, or get angry. Despite having over two hundred years of life experience, she couldn't handle the current situation. Her brain had crashed.

"Croix, how was my acting just now?"

Dekan couldn't help but admire the expression on the Ice Princess's face. It was like her internet connection had been abruptly cut off.

"..." Croix remained silent for a while.

"You’re becoming less and less like a human..." He sharply commented.

"No! Impossible!"

Meanwhile, the other victim, Isabel, was relatively more alert. Her frozen expression gradually gave way to panic. There was no way Dekan could break free from her control!

Isabel couldn't understand what method Dekan had used to break free from the [Blood Pact Incantation]! However, Isabel noticed that Dekan seemed to have noticed her at this moment. He wore a satisfied smile on his face, as if he had just enjoyed a hearty meal. Then, while admiring Isabel's expression, Dekan walked towards her without any guard.

"You...could it be..."

Isabel's expression gradually became panic-stricken, her heart was jumping wildly! She suddenly thought of a dreadful situation. All three crosses were pointing at her...

Isabel murmured absentmindedly. She couldn't understand.

When Dekan was born in this world, he didn't have a surname. He didn't receive a bestowed surname from any noble. According to the world's rules, Dekan's true name should be "Dekan” no matter what. He shouldn't have a surname.

Unless... "Taromati" wasn't Dekan's surname but another name! So... the true meaning of [Dekan Taromati] was that he was both Dekan and Taromati!

But who was Taromati? It sounded like a female name, but there was absolutely no mention of this name in the Resurgence Church's intelligence! Even if their intelligence network was not as good as the Kingdoms Federation, no one should be able to hide under their noses without a trace!

"Who are you?! Our intelligence cannot be wrong!" Isabel snapped back to reality from her thoughts, shouting anxiously.

Even though she was trying hard to control her emotions, she couldn't stop her body from trembling. The more Isabel knew, the more she felt an unknown fear!

Dekan seemed indifferent to the panic on Isabel's face, simply stating with a calm smile, "Without a doubt, I am Dekan. I’m fifteen years old and am studying at the Hevenlit Magic Academy. I study earnestly, follow the rules, and have never violated any school regulations. Every day, I lead an ordinary life and would occasionally go to the Shadow Worlds with friends to relax. Researching magic cards is my hobby; and the cards I produce are of absolute quality. Never have I ever earned any ill-gotten gains from them. I also enjoy the leisurely time spent with friends in the afternoons, participating in club activities, and chatting about lighthearted and pleasant topics every day. No matter how you investigate this information, it will be correct because it is the truth."

Dekan's voice was gentle, like a breeze brushing over the earth.

"Of course."

At this point, his voice suddenly became like the overlapping voices of a man and a woman, filled with a strange and enchanting allure.

"From now on, I am also the master you will devote your entire life to serving. I hope we can get along well."

Before Isabel’s eyes, a phantom image began to appear intermittently with Dekan. It was a demon with the aura of a supreme being and giving off a mysterious oppression.

Isabel gritted her teeth, trembling all over. Uncontrollable tears slid from the corners of her eyes. It was not because of humiliation but because she truly felt a kind of fear that swept through her body and soul. The cold that spread from the depths of her being to her skin made her momentarily forget the chilly sensation on her body.

She didn't know what she had gotten herself into, but she knew one thing: this guy wasn't something that should exist on this earth!