The Zhishui Sword Sect is on the side of Lingxi Mountain, only a few days away from the Wulin League. Sheng Hechen, the leader of the Wulin League, set the Wulin Conference on the 20th of the first lunar month, so they can spend the Lantern Festival in the gate before leaving.

In previous years, martial arts conferences were usually held in February and March, but it was the first time in the first month of the year. Jiang Su knew that Sheng Hechen was discussing the matter of the Lingxi Mountain landslide that shook the secret room "Unbearable", and he also knew the result of the discussion in the book, so he did not Don't worry, what he is more worried about now is the matter of sending the sword.

Although he had already agreed to Mu Yichuan, he really couldn't bear it in his heart. He wished he could spend all day in the hidden sword pavilion, looking at the swords he had accumulated over the years one by one. What makes it different is that he can even create a set of different moves for the sword. Every sword...he is reluctant to part with it.

On the day of the Lantern Festival, there were lights and festoons outside, but Jiang Su's heart was ashamed.

Mu Yichuan has been able to walk on the ground a few days ago. The young man has been practicing martial arts since he was a child and his health is good, so he recovered very quickly. Today Jiang Su asked Mu Yichuan to come to his hidden sword pavilion to pick up swords. He waited outside the hidden sword pavilion with a slumped face. His disciples came and went in front of him. For a while, no one dared to talk to him.

He waited for quite a while, and finally Mu Yichuan came.

Today Mu Yichuan changed into the new clothes that Zhang Wenxue prepared for him. Although the injury has not healed, his right hand is still inconvenient to move, but from the outside, there is no difference.

He raised his hand to greet Jiang Su from a distance away, and he seemed to be in a good mood—that's right, Jiang Su thought, he was going to take away a wife he had loved for many years today, of course he would be very happy.

But Jiang Su was not happy.

Dejectedly, he led Mu Yichuan into the hidden sword pavilion, waiting for Mu Yichuan to choose a sword from among them, and Mu Yichuan looked at Jiang Su's treasures for many years in front of him, as if seeing something peerless, he couldn't help but widen his eyes, full of amazement , looked left and right for a moment, carefully took a sword from the sword stand, looked back at Jiang Su, and said: "This is the Yuhong Sword."

Jiang Su didn't expect him to recognize his treasure at a glance. He was a little surprised, but nodded, and said, "Yes."

Mu Yichuan asked back: "Do you know how to use a soft sword?"

Jiang Su smiled and replied: "As long as there is a word of sword, there is nothing I haven't tried."

Mu Yichuan put the Yuhong Sword back, and raised his hand to caress another sword on the side. Compared with the Yuhong Sword, this sword is huge and almost as tall as someone. Before he could ask, Jiang Su had already answered, saying : "It's the Giant Slash of Sword Forging Villa."

He has seen it.

Like him, Mu Yichuan is also a person who understands swords and loves swords.

If all the treasures in his room are displayed, Mu Yichuan must be able to recognize seven or eight out of ten. He has been in the book for ten years, and it is the first time he has met someone who has the same temperament and preferences as him. Personally, if he wanted to give him a sword, Jiang Su suddenly didn't feel so distressed.

But Mu Yichuan walked around the hidden sword pavilion with that joyful expression, but he never took down any swords, nor did he take the initiative to choose them, he just said: "In order to collect these famous swords, Jiang Shaoxia must have spent a lot of money." Less effort."

"It's okay." Jiang Su said, "With the help of my senior brother and a few friends, it went smoothly."

Mu Yichuan looked even more envious, and murmured: "Yes, a person like Jiang Shaoxia will have many friends wherever he goes."

He is different.

He has no friends, and he shouldn't have any.

He looked at those swords, even though he was very envious in his heart, he could only swallow all the words, and said: "I already have many swords in my family, and these are Jiang Shaoxia's beloved things—"

Jiang Su saw it through.

"It's your father again?" Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, repeating to him what Mu Yichuan said earlier, "To achieve the highest swordsmanship, you must put an end to foreign objects?"

Mu Yichuan: "..."

Seeing that he didn't answer, Jiang Su looked left and right. That day he saw Mu Yichuan's swordsmanship was swift and ruthless, but when he struck out, every move was full of killing intent. It was an extremely fierce swordsmanship. He thought, there should be a sword A sword to match.

He stepped into the inner room, there were two swords side by side on the high platform in the room, he took off one of them, handed it to Mu Yichuan, and asked, "Do you know what kind of sword this is?"

The scabbard was heavy and pitch-black, as if there was hostility around the body, making people unable to move their eyes away, Mu Yichuan stared blankly for a moment, but seemed to be shocked, finally opened his eyes wide, and said in surprise: "The Nameless Sword."

This is the sword of Xie Wu, the former leader of the Demon Cult.

Back then, Xie Wu was invited by Wen Qingting, the head of the Zhishui Sword Sect, to release his sword outside Lingxi Mountain, and went to the appointment alone, but was exchanged by Wen Qingting for his life. I don't want to know the Zhishui Sword turned out to be in the hands of Jiang Su.

"Your sword is powerful, this sword is suitable for you." Jiang Su couldn't help but began to teach swordsmanship, and said, "But... your swordsmanship abandons defense and focuses on attack. If you meet a master, you will suffer."

As if Mu Yichuan saw some rare treasure, he rubbed his hand on the Wuming sword. In terms of the ranking of famous utensils in the world, this sword may not be ranked too high, but this is Xie Wuused sword after all, Mu Yichuan He stroked the sword, thinking that from this sword, he would always be able to absorb some of the sword energy of the previous leader.

His father always said that he was not talented enough, and he thought it was the same.

If he had the aura of Xie Wuhalf, how could he not achieve anything and still worry his father every day.

He sighed, raised his head again, and his eyes were already attracted by another sword on the high platform, which was different from Xie Wu's sword, just looking at this sword, it seemed that he could see how the sword master was as clear as the wind and the moon He was still holding Xie Wu's sword respectfully in his hand, and asked cautiously, "Is that Wen Qingting's Wuzhi sword?"

"Yes, this is my master's sword." Jiang Su took off the sword, held it in his hand, and said, "This sword should have been kept by my brother, but he knew that I admired my master, and when I was weak, he He gave this sword to me."

According to rumors in the world, Wen Qingting and Xie Wu were originally very good friends.

But later, one of them was in charge of the Zhishui Sword Sect, and the other was the leader of the Demon Cult. The two of them went astray, and they broke up since then.

Looking at Mu Yichuan's eyes, Jiang Su felt a sudden movement in his heart. He switched the Wujian sword to his left hand, asked Mu Yichuan, "Can you think of some tricks?"

Mu Yichuan was slightly taken aback: "A trick?"

Before he finished speaking, the Wuzhi sword was out of its sheath, and came straight at him. Although Mu Yichuan hadn't regained consciousness, his body moved. .

The sword energy in the room was cold and radiant, and the two of them seemed to have never shown mercy, but neither of them wanted to kill the other, when the sword edge touched the other, the sword would always deliberately lean forward a few inches.

They seem to always know where the opponent's sword is going to stab at the next moment, and they can always block the opponent's sword move just right. The spirit is elegant, but the swordsman—

drown in it.

After all, Mu Yichuan was injured, he lost a few tricks to Jiang Su, the sword energy cut through his clothes, he took a step back, looked back to see Jiang Su returning the sword back to its sheath, laughed heartily a few times, and said: "Happy! "

Mu Yichuan was still a little dazed, and asked, "Happy?"

He carefully put the sword back into its sheath, his heart pounding, thinking that he had just used Xie Wu's nameless sword to fight Wen Qingting's sword, and the unspeakable tacit understanding with Jiang Su was like a human being. The sword has become one body, which is still a bit inconceivable, but I don't know how many times such a situation can happen in life.

Thinking of this, he touched the skirt of his clothes that had been cut by the sword energy, and said in a low voice, "This is the new clothes prepared by Sect Leader Zhang..."

"It's okay, I'll talk to him later." Jiang Su said, "He won't be angry."

After he finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of someone outside out of the corner of his eye, turned around to look, and saw Zhang Wenxue and Qi Du were both outside, they seemed to be looking for him together, and Qi Du was helping Zhang Wenxue carry the food basket , Jiang Su was in a good mood, and asked, "Brother, when did you come?"

Zhang Wenxue lost her mind, and muttered in her mouth: "First come, first served... What is first come first served in love..."

Jiang Su: "Ah? Brother, what are you talking about?"

He turned his head to look at Qi Du, only to see that Qi Du also looked devastated.

Qi Du looked in a trance: "The martial arts are poor...why am I so bad..."

Jiang Su: "?"

Mu Yichuan saw the two of them standing outside, thinking that he had ruined the clothes Zhang Wenxue had prepared for him, he was somewhat embarrassed, scratched his head, and sincerely apologized to Zhang Wenxue, saying: "Master Zhang , this dress—”

Zhang Wenxue didn't seem to hear it at all, and just muttered the next sentence.

"Bamboo horse... what's the use of bamboo horse..." Zhang Wenxue suddenly said, "come first... what's the use of coming first..."

Mu Yichuan was stunned: "...Huh?"

He looked at Jiang Su blankly, but saw that Qi Du beside Jiang Su had red eyes, wiped away tears, and the tears were about to fall down, when Zhang Wenxue turned his head and saw Qi Du who was just as distraught as he was. Appearance—the one he knew all too well.

Isn't this the exclusive expression of people who are broken in love? !

Zhang Wenxue was silent.

He looked at Qi Du, then turned to look at Jiang Su, a thought that should not have come to his mind gradually.

Could Qi Du also...

Zhang Wenxue supported Jiang Su's hand, barely holding back the bleeding in his heart, and said, "It's okay, Young Xia Mu, the clothes are torn, just do it again."

Jiang Su has always been slow, seeing Zhang Wenxue open his mouth, he naturally thought that his senior brother was fine, he pulled Mu Yichuan over, raised the nameless sword in Mu Yichuan's hand, and said, "Senior brother, I want to give this sword to you. Young Hero Mu."

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Qi Du: "..."

Seeing that the expressions of the two were different, Jiang Su hastily added another sentence.

"Although it belonged to the previous leader of the Demon Sect, it has been nearly a hundred years. I have also used this sword in the martial arts conference, so it should be fine." Jiang Su thought for a while, worried that Zhang Wenxue would think that Mu Yichuan was suitable for him. Not using this sword, he praised Mu Yichuan again, "I have tried Mu Shaoxia, his sword style is fierce, this sword style is suitable for Wuming Sword, a sword matches a hero, Mu Shaoxia is very suitable."

Zhang Wenxue: "You have tried..."

Qi Du: "A sword deserves a hero...a beauty deserves a hero..."

Jiang Su: "...Huh?"

Qi Du really cried.

He wiped away his tears, put the food box on the table, and ran out in a hurry, while Zhang Wenxue saw him leave, and finally confirmed the thoughts in his heart, all of a sudden, he felt very complicated.

What the **** is this all about?

He disregarded the ethics of the world and fell in love with his junior brother, but he could only hide his infatuation. He never expected that his apprentice would fall in love with his uncle regardless of the ethics of the world.

How could he like the same person as his apprentice?

He absolutely cannot admit this matter, anyway, he has already made a decision in his heart, as the head of the Water Sword Sect, he will never express his feelings to his junior brother.

With a dazed expression on his face, Jiang Su held Mu Yichuan's hand and raised the Wuming Sword, looked at it carefully, and then murmured after a while, "So Qi Du wants the Wuming Sword so much?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Jiang Su frowned and thought hard: "But didn't I already get his sword back? Why does he still want a new sword?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Jiang Su tried his best to make other assumptions: "Did he cry again?"

No response.

Mu Yichuan thought he had ruined his clothes, felt guilty for a moment, and didn't speak, but Zhang Wenxue was silent for a long time, took a step forward silently, put the food box in his hand on the table, and looked at Jiang Su quietly.

Jiang Su felt hairy all over his body when he saw him, but he insisted on expressing his opinion a few days ago, saying: "Senior brother, it's not good for the apprentice to be too spoiled, look at Qi Du, he suffered some internal injuries, why can't he shed tears at every turn these days .”

Zhang Wenxue murmured, "I hate you for being a rock."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

Zhang Wenxue turned around and left.

Jiang Su was at a loss for a long time, and really couldn't figure out the meaning of Zhang Wenxue's words, so he turned his head, looked at Mu Yichuan, and asked, "This...what does my senior brother mean?"

"He said you're like a rock." Mu Yichuan thought for a while, and finally got the answer, "Jiang Shaoxia, you don't care about your nephew being injured, you just want him to practice swords."

Jiang Su frowned: "Practice if you are not good at martial arts, is there any problem?"

"That's why your senior brother said that, you are too strict, like a heartless stone." Mu Yichuan was serious and determined, "This is not good, why not, I will accompany you to comfort your senior nephew!"