Chapter 14: Sword and scabbard

Fang Yuanluo obviously didn't think about why this topic suddenly turned on him, and it all had something to do with his crotch.

He couldn't help shaking his head, resolutely defending his dignity as a man.

"I drink well." Fang Yuanluo said seriously, "I work hard to keep fit, so this kind of thing won't happen."

"Can you drink well?" Fu Wenxiao frowned, "How much alcohol did Deputy Chief Fang drink to practice?"

Fang Yuanluo: "Damn, I grew up in a gang, and before my hair grows full—"

Seeing Fu Wenxiao's sympathetic eyes, he paused slightly, wishing he could close his mouth immediately.

What did he say? What did he say!

Originally, Fu Wenxiao had the misunderstanding of being drunk and inhumane. He also told Fu Wenxiao that he would drink alcohol since he was a child. Didn't this make Fu Wenxiao's misunderstanding even deeper?

Fang Yuanluo was at a loss. Looking left and right, he caught a glimpse of Jiang Su who had always had a good relationship with Fu Wenxiao. He thought that Jiang Su's words had always liked Fu Wenxiao's appetite. , but the current situation is almost incomprehensible, Jiang Su paused to think for a long time, and could only barely start from the alcohol content.

He knew that the beggar gang was poor, and the disciples in the gang usually couldn't afford any good wine, but the background in this book was Xiao Gu, and the purification technology was too poor. Drinks with some alcohol make no difference.

What Fu Wenxiao meant was that people who drink heavily will be physically damaged, and will be inhumane after a long time. If the alcohol content of Fang Yuanluo's alcohol is not too high, of course, the degree of physical damage will be much better. Starting to quit drinking today, It should still be saved!

Jiang Su coughed lightly, and said: "The beggars' gang has too much wine to make you intoxicated, not to mention that the deputy gang leader Fang has decided to quit drinking."

Fang Yuanluo couldn't help nodding, wishing he could pat his chest and promise that he would quit drinking today. He felt that he had seen a glimmer of life, and Fu Wenxiao frowned slightly, and sighed: "Bad wine is more harmful."

Jiang Su: "..."

Fang Yuanluo: "..."

"Alcoholism hurts your health, and you can't even take a sip of bad wine." Fu Wenxiao looked at Fang Yuanluo with even weirder eyes, "Vice Chief Fang has been drinking bad wine for so many years..."

He sighed, as if he had settled the whole matter.

Fang Yuanluo's heart was ashamed.

What to do, he can't take off his pants to prove that he can be humane, right? !

He knew that he and Fu Wenxiao were not on the same side, and Fu Wenxiao didn't pay much attention to him at first. It was a rare opportunity to say so many words. Who would have thought that in just a few words, he was almost sentenced to death by Fu Wenxiao.

Love has already left him. Tonight, everyone sheds tears for him.

"That's all." Fu Wenxiao sighed again, "I've been in the Wulin League for the past few days. If Vice-Clan Master Fang wants to recuperate, he can come here and find me."

Fang Yuanluo saw the hope of life for a moment.

What? see a doctor? It's good to see a doctor! This coming and going, isn't there the possibility of countless love germinations?

Fang Yuanluo took a step forward and took Fu Wenxiao's hand.

"Fu Miracle Doctor!" Fang Yuanluo looked excited, "Take care of me! I have been troubled for a long time!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, Deputy Chief Fang, do you really know what disease Fu Wenxiao is going to treat you for? !

Jiang Su felt that because of Fu Wenxiao's misunderstanding of Fang Yuanluo, the matter between Fang Yuanluo and Fu Wenxiao was absolutely dead.

He decided to give up struggling.

Anyway, he already got the answer he wanted to know from Fu Wenxiao, he didn't need to stay here to be silly with Fang Yuanluo anymore, so he called Mu Yichuan and asked Mu Yichuan to go back with him.

He was a little uneasy.

If what Fu Wenxiao said is true, nothing should have happened between Ding Yesheng and Su Changming, and naturally there would be no such thing as Ding Yesheng harboring ill intentions towards Su Changming. Then what the Island Master saw in Su Changming's house this morning , most likely just a play.

Perhaps this play was not shown for Island Master Su, and ordinary people would not think so to stimulate their father, so the most likely result would be——Su Changming put all this on purpose to make Ding Yesheng misunderstood what happened to them last night, and with Ding Yesheng's personality, he would most likely choose to be responsible for this matter.

No, Jiang Su felt that Ding Yesheng at least had the right to know the truth.

He wanted to find Ding Yesheng, but before this thought could be turned into action, someone hastily called him and told him to stay.

Looking back, Jiang Su saw that it was Ding Yesheng who stopped him. He was a little surprised and stopped, but he hadn't figured out how to tell the truth just now from Fu Wenxiao.

Ding Yesheng had already changed into a suit of clothes, and the wound on his face seemed to have been treated a little bit. He looked extremely tired, but he still forced a smile on his face, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, can you take a step to talk."

Of course Jiang Su nodded.

It's better to borrow a step. It's better to talk about this kind of thing in private.

Mu Yichuan was sitting in the small pavilion waiting, while Jiang Su followed Ding Yesheng to the side, before he could figure out how to speak, Ding Yesheng took a step ahead and said before him: "Jiang Shaoxia, I'm here to say goodbye to you."

Jiang Su was startled: "Farewell?"

He didn't understand why Ding Yesheng was about to leave before the sword test had started.

"Chang Ming's old illness has relapsed, Brother Su is very worried." Ding Yesheng said, "The martial arts conference is not over yet, Brother Su needs to stay here, so he asked me to take Chang Ming back to Ten Thousand Snake Island."

Jiang Su: "..."

If it weren't for the fact that Su Island Master was still yelling at Ding Yesheng just now, Jiang Su would really feel that the three of them had a harmonious relationship before, and there was no trace of suspicion.

Of course Ding Yesheng could see what Jiang Su was thinking, and in the end he just smiled and said, "It was Chang Ming who persuaded Brother Su."

Jiang Su couldn't help frowning, and said: "Elder Ding, I just talked with Master Fu, there may be a misunderstanding in this matter."

"I heard you talking to Master Fu in the house." Ding Yesheng said, "Don't worry, Jiang Shaoxia, there is no misunderstanding about this matter."

Jiang Su was startled: "But..."

Ding Yesheng blushed, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia may have forgotten that Chang Ming and I... are both men."

Jiang Su: "..."

Ding Yesheng: "Even if I'm drunk, between Chang Ming and I, it's not impossible—"

Jiang Su: "..."

But in this way, isn't Ding Yesheng the victim? !

"It's just that one person has feelings and the other has intentions." The nine-foot man Ding Yesheng blushed, "Before that, Chang Mingben had hinted at me many times, but I only regarded him as a child."

Jiang Su didn't want to listen anymore.

No, no, why did this topic suddenly turn in a strange direction.

The speed of the car increased, Jiang Su didn't want to hear it.

"But I understood it last night." Ding Yesheng murmured shyly, "Chang Ming is fine—"

Jiang Su quickly raised his hand, stopping Ding Yesheng's next words: "Okay, I understand."

Ding Yesheng: "Huh?"

Jiang Su reached out and patted Ding Yesheng's shoulder, feeling complicated.

"Elder Ding, smooth sailing." Jiang Su said, "I wish you happiness."

He got up and was about to leave, but Ding Yesheng called out to him again nervously, wanting to say a few last words to him.

"I've thought about it, but I still want to tell you this." Ding Yesheng sighed softly, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, I don't want to scare you, but I, I... I once admired you."

Jiang Su: "..."

No, you don't know, there are many people in this world who admire me.

"This matter used to be a knot in my heart. I couldn't figure out how to win your favor." Ding Yesheng sighed, "But now I understand."

Jiang Su: "... What do you understand?"

"You and I are the same kind of people." Ding Yesheng suppressed the blush on his face, and hinted euphemistically, "You and I are both scabbards. If the scabbard walks with the scabbard, of course we will not be happy."

Jiang Su: "?"

"We should all look for the sword of our destiny." Ding Yesheng concluded, "Only when the sword and scabbard are together can we live a better life."

"What's the scabbard?" Jiang Su frowned, "Won't the shop where you bought the sword give you a scabbard? Elder Ding, have you met a profiteer?"

Ding Yesheng: "...Huh?"

"I have too many Swords of Destiny, the whole room is full." Jiang Su said, "When you come to Zhishui Sword School, I will take you to have a look?"

Jiang Su returned to Mu Yichuan's side, and for a moment, he didn't know what else he could say.

He really didn't understand Ding Yesheng's shocked eyes when he looked at him for the last time, isn't it normal for him to hide a lot of swords? Why was Ding Yesheng so surprised? It seemed as if he wanted to get away from him immediately.

After thinking about it, he could only come up with one result.

Wan Snake Island has no money, and Ding Yesheng naturally does not have so many swords. Maybe this is jealousy.

But Jiang Su really didn't expect that Ding Yesheng was sleeping with Su Changming, and Ding Yesheng was the one underneath.

Is this why people should not be judged by their appearance?

He originally thought that Su Changming was weak and sick, and Ding Yesheng was strong and tall, so even if he had **** after drinking, it should be Su Changming who was Ding Ye. He had forgotten that no matter how weak and sick Su Changming was, he was still a man.

Unexpectedly, he was still narrow-minded.

Since Ding Yesheng avoided Mu Yichuan and only told Jiang Su about this matter, Jiang Su would never mention this matter to Mu Yichuan. With a heavy heart, he took a few steps forward, but saw him again. He caught Sheng Hechen who was waiting for him.

At this moment, Sheng Changming looked anxious and anxious, as if he had something urgent and hard to say, and he wanted to tell Jiang Su today.

He still dismissed Mu Yichuan and asked Jiang Su to go to the house with him, saying that he had something important to discuss.

Jiang Su could guess what Sheng Changming's "important matter" was.

In the book, before the martial arts meeting was held, the martial arts league had discussed several times how to activate "Invincibility". Everyone felt that an undercover agent was needed, and Jiang Su was the best candidate. I told Jiang Su about this, and only said that if Jiang Su didn't want to go undercover, he could come back and find a way.

Before Sheng Hechen closed the door, he said nervously, "Su'er, your senior brother should have already told you that this year's martial arts conference was brought forward to discuss the matter of Lingxi Mountain's "Invincibility". "

Jiang Su didn't want to hear him gossip about a bunch of previous summary, he just wanted to negotiate this matter quickly, not to mention, he had thought about it, Sheng Hechen felt guilty, so before he left for the Devil's Cult, he could just borrow So let Sheng Hechen do something for him.

"My senior brother has already told me that the Demon Sect has taken away two keys, and you need undercover agents." Jiang Su replied, "I have high martial arts skills and the best ability to protect myself, so I will go."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

What he had been thinking about for a long time was choked in his throat, and for a moment he didn't know how to continue, but Jiang Su was straightforward and said, "I am willing to go undercover in the Devil's Cult, but I hope that President Sheng can promise me a few things .”

Sheng Hechen still couldn't recover, he just murmured, "What's the matter?"

"After "Invincible Sky" is activated, I want the lower part of Zhishui swordsmanship. "Jiang Su said, "Master Sheng should not mind the return of the property to its original owner." "

Sheng Hechen nodded.

Jiang Su: "Another matter is my private request. It may be troublesome. I hope President Sheng will not refuse."

"How could I refuse Su'er's request." Sheng Hechen looked sad and sighed deeply, "Go ahead."

"Now is the martial arts conference, where all the heroes of the world gather." Jiang Su coughed and said, "Brother Sheng, can you take this opportunity to hold a blind date conference?"

Sheng Hechen: "...Huh?"

Isn't it said that matching a couple of lovers can give some popularity value? There are thousands of people participating in this martial arts conference, many of them are young talents from various schools and sects. The value is not enough to be full.

Awesome, Jiang Su thinks he is really a little genius!

Although Sheng Hechen didn't understand Jiang Su's meaning, he still accurately grasped every key word in Jiang Su's sentence.

Blind date meeting? Who are you dating? Su'er is going on a blind date? What a kiss! I'm not good!

Jiang Su looked at Sheng Hechen's puzzled eyes, and understood that he needed a reason to persuade Sheng Hechen to hold a blind date meeting. Fortunately, he had already prepared for it, and he had thought about this excuse in advance.

"Brother Sheng, you know the swordsmanship in my school." Jiang Su said, "The Zhishui swordsmanship pays attention to the mind like still water, that is to cut off the seven emotions and six desires in order to make progress."

Sheng Hechen smiled wryly, and said, "I understand."

He has always felt that it is this practice that harms people, otherwise, how could Jiang Su be in the current state of severing love?

"I've been in the third level for nearly two years." Jiang Su sighed, "Master called this level not disturbing the dust, and the next level is desire without desire, but it's really hard for me to go any further."

Sheng Hechen really has a lot to say, he has a lot of opinions on this Zhishui swordsmanship, how can anyone practice swordsmanship and train himself to be ruthless and desireless? It's not that the monks pay attention to the purity of the six senses. Besides, it is difficult for the monks to eradicate the seven emotions and six desires. If a person can really reach such a state, is he still considered a person?

"After I went back, I thought about it seriously." Jiang Su said, "If you have never seen love in the world, how can you talk about breaking up love?"

Sheng Hechen took a breath, and asked in a trembling voice, "You... do you want to find someone to try..."

Sheng Hechen felt as though a knife was twisting his heart.

At such a time, what Jiang Su thought of was a blind date instead of coming to him directly!

"Try it? Try what?" Jiang Su was a little confused, "Brother Sheng, I just want to ask you to take the opportunity of the martial arts conference to help me hold a Jianghu blind date conference."

Sheng Hechen: "...Huh?"

Jiang Su: "I can improve after seeing all the love in the rivers and lakes!"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Jiang Su held Sheng Hechen's hand: "Brother Sheng, that's all I wish for!"

Sheng Hechen: "...OK."

He sighed deeply, and felt that sometimes he really couldn't understand Jiang Su's thoughts. Fortunately, what Jiang Su wanted was not something difficult to achieve. As the leader of the martial arts alliance, he could still help Jiang Su achieve it.

Seeing Sheng Hechen nodding in agreement, Jiang Su heaved a sigh of relief, and turned around to see Sheng Hechen walking to the table.

There was a jug of wine on the table, Sheng Hechen picked up a wine glass, turned to look at Jiang Su, and said with a wry smile, "Su'er, can you have a glass of wine with me?"

Jiang Su frowned slightly: "I don't like drinking."

Sheng Hechen: "Yes, I know."

He knew that Jiang Su would never change himself for others, but he always wanted to give it a try, and wanted to know...whether he was different in Jiang Su's heart.

"You can drink tea." Sheng Hechen had already poured tea for Jiang Su, and asked Jiang Su to sit down, "Just take it as a companion."

At any rate, he just begged Sheng Hechen to do something important, so Jiang Su was not in the mood to spend time with Sheng Hechen for a while. He sat down at the table and drank two sips of tea before he heard Sheng Hechen ask, "Su'er, You may have heard rumors in the world that there is a kind of unfeeling wine in this world."

Jiang Su frowned: "It's just illusory words."

"But if there is such a thing in the world, I think it is very suitable for you." Sheng Hechen smiled wryly, as if he felt that his statement was extremely stupid, he couldn't help shaking his head, and asked jokingly, "Su'er, if you really drink If you drink unfeeling wine, will you forget your favorite—”

Jiang Su couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and shook his head decisively: "Fart, I can't forget my sword."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen could only maintain the topic with difficulty: "I thought about it, if I drank this wine—"

Jiang Su: "Will you forget your sword?"

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen couldn't continue talking.

He really likes Jiang Su's face, but Jiang Su is indeed a person who can talk to death, he can only smile wryly, drank the wine in the glass, sighed, and said: "My master is with me. I said before that to achieve great things, you need to be selfless, but I can't do it, if there is such a wine in this world, I would like to taste it."

He was full of misery, and wanted to confide in countless things to Jiang Su, but he was the leader of the martial arts alliance after all, and he knew that he should not talk about some things.

But he couldn't help it.

Jiang Su is about to go undercover to the Devil's Cult. This trip may be close to death, and he doesn't know when Jiang Su will come back. If he doesn't say something at this time, it may really be too late.

He looked up at Jiang Su and said, "Su'er, I have something on my mind that I want to tell you."

But after saying this, he felt that... the way Jiang Su looked at him was very wrong.

It's all because Sheng Hechen opened his mouth and shut it with wine, but for some reason, Jiang Su remembered Fu Wenxiao's words.

"Drinking alcohol hurts the body." Jiang Su seriously suggested, "Master Fu said that if you drink too much, you will be inhumane in all likelihood."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Jiang Su patted Sheng Hechen's hand.

"Brother Sheng hasn't married yet." Jiang Su said sincerely, "It's better to pay more attention on weekdays."