Standing outside the door, Jiang Su heard Xie Zeli's angry roar and saw Lou Yan's sluggish figure in front of him. He finally began to feel... Did Lou Yan misunderstand what he just said.

He originally wanted Lou Yan to introduce his abilities and advantages from the perspective of martial arts, such as what is the speed of double cultivation with him, and never waste a second from the leader, so that Xie Zeli can at least have a preliminary impression of him—if you want For finding someone and cultivating both, he, the Mistress of Meiyou Palace, is the best choice.

He didn't expect Lou Yan to think of that aspect immediately, as expected of the Mistress of Meiyou Palace, he said that he was doing well, and Xie Zeli was so angry.

It's over, Jiang Su feels that Lou Yan will definitely fail.

Xie Zeli's personality is extremely strong. He used to be in a high position, and countless people admired and worshiped him, and no one dared to offend him. Such people are often very high-spirited, and they absolutely cannot accept that one day they must be subdued by others However, Lou Yan still wants to talk about his pain points, and every sentence points to Xie Zeli's need to rely on other men in the future. How can Xie Zeli not be angry after hearing this?

Jiang Su sighed deeply.

Lou Yan didn't expect Xie Zeli's reaction to be so violent, and Xie Zeli couldn't get angry at all. Now that the anger came up, the poison that Wu Qicai helped him suppress was aroused for a moment, and he was almost out of breath. Lou Yan hurried forward to hold his arm Hands, the skin of the two was touching, Xie Zeli felt an inexplicable tingling sensation coming up from the contact point, he was so frightened that he threw away Lou Yan's hand, and hid inside the bed.

This feels so weird.

He is no stranger to Huanhao, he can even be said to have read countless people with rich experience, but even so, he has never felt this kind of feeling before, it is just a touch of hands, but he seems to feel that his whole body is already Softened, he didn't want to admit that he had such a touch, as if it was something unspeakable, so he looked at Lou Yan who was thrown away by him at a loss, and the sense of humiliation collapsed instantly , he could only vent his anger and tell Lou Yan to get out.

Lou Yan took a step back, but when he turned his gaze, he saw that Wu Qi had stood up with a frown, as if he wanted to go to Xie Zeli's side, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, walked in front of Xie Zeli again, held Xie Zeli's hand, and said, "Master, I will help you pass on the power to suppress poison."

But as soon as he touched Xie Zeli's hand, Xie Zeli's whole body went limp. Even though his anger got worse, he didn't even have the strength to speak. He wanted to resist, but he couldn't. Without his order, Wu Qi would not go up. Before, the three of them were in such a stalemate for a moment, Lou Yan blocked Xie Zeli with his body again, and said to Wu Qi: "You need to be quiet when teaching the practice, Wu Qi protector, you go out first."

Wu Qi: "..."

Wu Qi still stood motionless and didn't speak, probably because he couldn't go out without Xie Zeli's order, but he stood still, the atmosphere was very weird, Lou Yan wanted to continue to stand in a stalemate with him, but Xie Zeli It was obvious that he couldn't hold it anymore, as if his consciousness had been lost and chaotic, he didn't bother to talk to Wu Qi any more, and directly supported Xie Zeli to force him to sit up, and then he closed his eyes and worked hard to restrain the poison for Xie Zeli.

Wu Qi's expression was slightly puzzled, but Lou Yan didn't seem to be malicious, and he was indeed trying to suppress the poison for Xie Zeli. When he turned his head, he saw He Lingcheng and the young master squatting outside the door, poking around, he hesitated for a moment , simply walked to the door, looked at the three people outside, and asked, "Explain?"

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

Explanation? what explanation?

He Lingcheng seemed to understand. He looked a little afraid of Wu Qi, smiled nervously with Wu Qi, made a gesture of invitation to Wu Qi, and said to Wu Qi in a low voice: "It's not convenient to talk inside, don't worry about it." Let the priest hear it."

Only then did Wu Qi walk out with him, Jiang Su also dragged Li Hanshan to follow in a hurry, only felt Wu Qi's expression, there was something wrong with it.

Sure enough, when Wu Qi and He Lingcheng came to the corner, He Lingcheng opened his mouth in embarrassment, and said to Wu Qi: "When the leader sent you here, maybe he didn't tell you about it. The poison in him was the poison brought by the palace master. Now when there is a big emotional change, it will attack, and I can only rely on others to pass on the skills to suppress it."

Wu Qi: "..."

He didn't seem to know about it at all. Thinking about Xie Zeli's character, he would never tell his subordinates about such things casually. Maybe Wu Qi just received the order from the leader and learned that Xie Zeli was poisoned. I'm afraid I didn't tell him.

"The leader invited the saintess of Meiyou Palace to diagnose and treat the poison, but there is no cure for the poison. It is said that in the end, it can only be suspended by dual cultivation, otherwise it will break out if you are not careful, and you will not be able to use your inner breath." He Lingcheng sighed and said again, "But the leader is unwilling to do so. He said that he wants to find a famous doctor outside for a diagnosis. We may have to wait for the future to discuss the follow-up."

Wu Qi still didn't say a word, he pondered for a moment, seemed to be a little puzzled, finally raised his head again, and asked, "Why are you poisoned?"

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "I stuffed it."

Wu Qi finally turned his attention to Jiang Su. The two of them had met each other a long time ago. He knew who Jiang Su was. It was still the leader's private matter, so he didn't ask, but he didn't expect that Jiang Su forced Xie Zeli to take the medicine.

He Lingcheng was worried that Wu Qi would attack Jiang Su, so he hurriedly stood between the two of them, and explained for Jiang Su, "Guardian Wu Qi, please don't get excited, this is not all Jiang Shaoxia's fault—"

Wu Qi: "It's well stuffed."

Jiang Su: "?"

He Lingcheng: "???"

Wait, what's going on? Xie Zeli, the leader of the Demon Cult, has failed too much, right?

But Wu Qi didn't explain further, and didn't ask the cause and effect of the matter, he just stood silently in the corridor and looked into the room, apparently still fulfilling his responsibility as a subordinate to protect the leader, but Jiang Su felt that this person was a bit strange, he He had no choice but to ask He Lingcheng who was beside him in a low voice, "Your demon sect...has so much grudge against Xie Zeli?"

He Lingcheng: "Guardian Wuqi has always been very loyal to the leader, I don't know what's going on..."

Jiang Su looked at Wu Qi's figure, and for some reason, he somehow felt that Wu Qi was in a happy mood at the moment, and he didn't have the anger after the leader was forced to **** him.

He was full of doubts, but he was not familiar with Wu Qi, so he couldn't ask questions directly, and Lou Yan in the house had suppressed the poison for Xie Zeli, and he was so tired that he almost lost his strength, but even cursed He couldn't even say anything, but Lou Yan helped him to lie down on the bed, but he still didn't forget to introduce the point of double cultivation with himself, saying: "Master, if you are with me...I will never let you be so tired."

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli could not wait to cut Lou Yan into pieces, but he didn't want to cry again, so he pretended he hadn't heard anything, swallowed his anger and closed his eyes, expressing that he was exhausted, and told Lou Yan to get out of front of him quickly.

Lou Yan was in a low mood, bowed his head and walked outside the house. He was not in the mood to pay attention to the few people watching the fun outside the house. He turned around and was about to go downstairs, but Jiang Su suddenly grabbed his arm and said seriously: "Lou Gong Lord, take a step to speak."

Lou Yan was startled, and couldn't help frowning: "Your method is useless at all—"

"That's because you misunderstood me." Jiang Su put on an expression of hatred for iron and steel, and said, "If you really understand what I mean, how could you fail?"

Lou Yan was dubious.

Jiang Su decided to introduce his past achievements.

He used to think that a scum like Xie Zeli should not have a happy ending, and deserved to be tortured for the rest of his life, but after he realized that Lou Yan had something for Xie Zeli, he suddenly had a new idea.

Let Xie Zeli endure the torture of tears, it is better to let Xie Zeli go to double cultivation with Lou Yan, and feel the life he lived raising those little beauties.

He remembered that in the original book, although Lou Yan had never met Jiang Su, it also said in the book that as the lord of Meiyou Palace, Lou Yan had a lot of ways to play and his relationship was quite open. There are new "experiences".

And even if double cultivation is used to control the toxicity of Nending Tears, double cultivation is not something that can be done when you have time. This thing needs to be practiced every day and night. If Xie Zeli is really double cultivation with Lou Yan, he He must leave the Devil's Cult and follow Lou Yan to Meiyou Palace, and even no matter where Lou Yan goes, he will follow Lou Yan.

There are a lot of affairs in the Devil's Cult, so the leader of the Devil's religion can't stay away from the church all year round, Meiyou Palace is similar to the Devil's Cult, and it is impossible for Lou Yan to leave Meiyou Palace for too long, that is to say, if he can persuade Two people practiced double cultivation, and they went to Meiyou Palace together... Then who else can entrust the position of the leader of the Demon Cult? And since the position of the leader is to be entrusted, things like keys will naturally be handed over to the new leader.

It is not easy to open Xie Zeli's mouth and know the whereabouts of the key, but let him go to the same Lou Yan Shuangxiu, as long as Lou Yan is upright, it shouldn't be too difficult, right?

Jiang Su coughed, and said: "Master Lou knows about Ding Yesheng from Ten Thousand Snake Island. I personally matched him with the son of the host."

Although it was just an unintentional mistake, the system thinks that he set it up, and he is not considered to be using meritorious deeds.

Lou Yan was very surprised: "Aren't Ding Yesheng and Master Sudao sworn brothers?"

Jiang Su added: "Master Lou knows Fang Yuanluo, the vice-leader of the Beggar Clan. His relationship with the genius doctor Fu Wenxiao has gotten better recently, and it has reached the point where they are talking about poetry and poetry together."

Yes, reading Goose Goose Song Xiangxiang Tiange together is also to talk about poetry and romance together.

Lou Yan was amazed: "Fu Wenxiao? Isn't he the cold and arrogant person you guys are famous for? Can he be with people from the Beggar Gang?"

Jiang Su looked at Lou Yan again, and said, "Palace Master Lou, think about it now, is it easier for you and Master Xie than them?"

Lou Yan nodded vigorously.

These two examples are too convincing, he really wants to hear Jiang Su's opinion.

Seeing Jiang Su Yin Lou Yan walk aside, Li Hanshan, who knew everything inside, fell silent.

He felt that the few words Jiang Su said were not right, but after thinking about seemed that none of them were wrong. He really wanted to know what Jiang Su would say to Lou Yan next, and was about to follow when he saw He Lingcheng and Wu Qi also came together curiously.

Jiang Su said: "Master Xie is used to living a life of more than ten thousand people. He wants to control everything around him."

Lou Yan nodded, agreeing very much.

"But if you want to double cultivate with him, this matter is completely out of his control." Jiang Su analyzed Lou Yan seriously, "Think about it, if he double cultivates with you, you have to lead everything, even if you are happy It's the same at the time, he has no choice but to lie down, let you control everything, for someone as proud and arrogant as him, he definitely can't accept it."

Lou Yan only felt that Jiang Su's words awakened the dreamer, he had never considered so much before!

"If you want to make him agree, you have to give him a feeling." Jiang Su said seriously, "No matter how private it is, he can control everything about you."

Lou Yan nodded seriously, expressing that he understood.

It turned out to be such a thing!

He should let Xie Zeli control the matter of dual cultivation, and Xie Zeli should control any posture, depth, speed, and slowness, so that he can also have the pleasure of being lucky with a beautiful woman when he is dual cultivation, and this kind of private experience, only he can bring him, for a long time , must make him unable to stop.

He felt that he had grasped the key to everything, and was about to thank Jiang Su, but Jiang Su said, "There is one more thing."

Lou Yan pulled himself together and listened carefully.

"Aren't you too weak in front of Xie Zeli?" Jiang Su frowned, wishing to throw all his theories about contrast in front of Lou Yan, "Xie Zeli is used to seeing people who are afraid of him and submissive to him, if you Being different from those people will definitely attract his attention."

Lou Yan nodded, and replied: "Understood, I should let him experience something new."

Jiang Su patted him on the shoulder as a sign of encouragement: "Yes, be tougher."

Hearing the word tough, Lou Yan couldn't help hesitating, he knew Xie Zeli's temper, he was afraid that if his attitude was tough, Xie Zeli would get angry again.

Jiang Su thought for a while, and decided to use himself as an example to explain all this to Lou Yan.

Jiang Su asked him: "Do you know why Xie Zeli has missed me for so many years?"

Lou Yan shook his head.

Although he didn't know exactly when Xie Zeli met Jiang Su, he knew that Xie Zeli had been obsessed with Jiang Su for many years, as if all the beauties in the world could not satisfy him, he had to get Jiang Su.

"Because I am a member of the righteous way, which is different from the members of the Demon Cult." Jiang Su began to talk nonsense, "Look, he is prone to get sick when he looks at me now."

Li Hanshan: "..."

No, isn't that what made you angry?

But Lou Yan was so dizzy by being fooled that he actually felt that what Jiang Su said... seemed to have a little truth.

Today is also.

He firmly grasped Xie Zeli's hand and wanted to teach him his skills, but Xie Zeli stopped resisting. As expected, there was still some contrast between people, and he finally mustered up his energy again. If it wasn't for Xie Zeli who was still resting at this moment, he couldn't wait to rush immediately He went in to express his heart to Xie Zeli, he nodded, and planned to go back and think about it, anyway, the day is still long, and at night, Xie Zeli must regain his strength and wake up!

Lou Yan guarded outside Xie Zeli's house for a long time, finally when the sun was setting, he heard a sound coming from the house, Xie Zeli seemed to have finally woken up.

Lou Yan was nervous and wanted to knock on the door, but remembered Jiang Su's words.

No, he wants to be tough.

Lou Yan pushed open the door directly, but Xie Zeli jumped in fright. Now that Xie Zeli's martial arts is useless, he has never noticed that there is another person outside the house, but the guard of the Demon Sect went somewhere. When he saw that the person outside was Lou Yan, The mood became worse, and he snorted coldly: "Lou Yan, what are you doing here?"

Lou Yan: "..."

He remembered another sentence of Jiang Su.

It's best to be direct.

Lou Yan cut to the chase and said, "I woo you."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"I already asked in the morning." Lou Yan said directly and forcefully, "Xie Xie, would you like to double cultivate with me?"

Xie Zeli tried his best to restrain his anger: "The door is over there, get out."

"I know what the leader is thinking, but I am different from other people." Lou Yan said, "If the leader is willing to do double cultivation with me, I promise that everything will be under the control of the leader."

Xie Ze gritted his teeth: "How many times do you want me to say—"

Before the words finished, Lou Yan stepped forward again, forcibly pushed Xie Zeli back, and pressed against the wall, which scared Xie Zeli into a big jump.

"Once the leader scolds, I will ask once." Lou Yan said seriously, "Master, would you like to practice double cultivation with me?"

He was too close, Xie Zeli couldn't bear the skin contact with people now, and Lou Yan's hot air was almost sprayed on his face, his legs were so weak that he was about to push Lou Yan away, but He suddenly heard Lou Yan say the last sentence.

"Everything about me is under the control of the leader." Lou Yan said, "Anytime, no matter how private it is, it's fine."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"I can come when I'm called, and go when I want, and I will never cause trouble for the leader." Lou Yan said seriously, "I can do whatever the leader wants, be there wherever I want, and I will have whatever face I want. What kind of face will I give you?"

Xie Zeli: "Why on earth are you..."

"Even if it's Huanhao, as long as the leader thinks, everything during the dual cultivation between you and me will be controlled by the leader." Lou Yan made up his mind, and finally reluctantly handed over his last bottom line, "You...Your leader, you can do it yourself!"

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Ze was so angry that he was trembling all over: "Get out, get out for me!!"

Lou Yan: "..."

what happened? Why?

Could it be that he is not tough enough? !