Jiang Su was full of embarrassment.

He didn't want to bump into other people making out, much less Xie Zeli.

He felt that he might go blind after seeing this kind of thing, and what was even more frightening was that Xie Zeli's son was by his side, watching his father being done this kind of thing, maybe he would leave something terrible in this regard psychological shadow.

Jiang Su forced a cough and whispered, "Let's go back."

Li Hanshan agreed with his suggestion.

But just before the two of them tiptoed and turned around and took a few steps, the voices of Lou Yan and Xie Zeli came from behind them again, this time it was Lou Yan who spoke first, with shortness of breath and a slightly hoarse voice, and said: "But you If it's too loud, I can't guarantee that anyone will hear it."

Xie Zeli tried his best to suppress his moaning which was almost uncontrollable. He was usually hard-spoken, and he wanted to gnash his teeth and scold: "You bastard—"

He swallowed the second half of the sentence by himself, and it turned into an extremely vague sob, which seemed to have a hint of crying and begging for mercy, which made Jiang Su's skin crawl, and wished that he would be deaf right now and kill him He didn't want to hear this voice either.

However, Lou Yan still wanted to laugh, and said sternly to Xie Ze: "Isn't the leader really wanting this?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

No, I can't listen anymore.

What exactly is in Lou Yan's mind? He is not good at practicing, but he is very handy in doing this kind of thing.

Jiang Su couldn't help speeding up the pace of fleeing, while muttering in a low voice: "Foul words."

Li Hanshan: "They may also be doing double cultivation."

Jiang Su: "..."

That's right, Meiyou Palace's skills are born like this, and they can only improve by relying on dual cultivation. It is also common for Lou Yan to do so, so there is no problem with being so proficient.

There is no high or low in martial arts. He should not discriminate against any kind of martial arts. Anyway, these two people have nothing to do with him. At this moment, he just wants to get out of here as soon as possible—

Xie Zeli suddenly scolded: "Lou Yan! What are you doing? We are not doing double cultivation...ah!"

Lou Yan said: "Master, the time between you and me is still long—"

Xie Zeli was very angry: "This seat does not allow it!"

But Lou Yan ignored his anger at all, and smiled and said to Xie Ze sternly: "If there is a next time, I will definitely double cultivate with the leader."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su took a deep breath, he really didn't understand what he did wrong to come here to suffer this kind of torture.

He turned his head and saw that Li Hanshan's face seemed to have turned red, that's right, the child was young, and his behavior was still very simple.

So Jiang Su grabbed Li Hanshan's sleeve and stammered: "I...I, let's go back quickly."

Li Hanshan was stunned, the moonlight shined on Jiang Su through the mottled shadows of the trees, his cheeks were slightly flushed, but at this moment, Li Hanshan seemed to finally come to his senses, and understood why people always said that Jiang Su was the most beautiful woman in the world .

With such elegance, just one glance is enough to make people flustered and infatuated.

He couldn't help holding Jiang Su's hand back, and he blushed and stammered in response: "Go... let's go, keep your voice down, don't let them hear you."

The two had just returned to the place where they camped, and they saw He Lingcheng standing in the camp looking around, and when they saw the two of them appear, they immediately went up to greet them, and asked Li Hanshan: "Young master, have you seen the leader?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

He still couldn't stop his face from turning red, and He Lingcheng couldn't hear what he said, he was worried about Xie Zeli's current body, so he kept muttering, "The leader just went to the forest alone, no guards are allowed to follow, Even the death guards ordered them to stay outside to wait for orders, and now that the leader is ill, this move is too foolish."

Jiang Su: "Maybe...he just wants to relax."

Li Hanshan: "...um...mmmm!"

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng frowned and looked at the two of them. Seeing that their eyes were dodging, their faces were slightly flushed, and their expressions were a little strange. He was silent for a moment, looked at the grove in front of him, and then suddenly turned his head back to the camp. Looking left and right, but there is no trace of Lou Yan at all.

He Lingcheng also understood.

Anyway, he is a bit older, has experienced countless ups and downs, and has seen those beauties raised by Xie Zeli in the teaching. He is in charge of the internal affairs of the teaching center, he has seen these things quite often, and his face is naturally not as thin as Li Hanshan and Jiang Su, but at this moment he was angry in his heart, and he was silent for a long time before he took a deep breath, feeling a little annoyed.

How could the leader let the young master see this kind of thing!

Didn't they think about being seen in the woods!

This is too embarrassing for the Demon Cult! What a psychological shadow it will have on the innocent young master!


He Lingcheng waved his hand, and no longer stopped Jiang Su and Li Hanshan from leaving. After this happened, he felt that the young master really needed to digest the shadow he had just seen, so he went to move a chair and search for it in the camp. He sat down somewhere, intending to wait for Xie Zeli to come back.

For the sake of the young master's physical and mental health, he must remind the teacher.

He Lingcheng waited in the camp for a long time, almost dozing off, until Xie Zeli came back alone.

Xie Zeli looked tired, and his steps were frivolous when he walked, obviously extremely tired. When He Lingcheng saw him like this, counting the time, he couldn't help but look more solemn, and he had already filled his mind with countless strange scenes that happened in the grove.

Xie Zeli was guilty at first, but he saw He Lingcheng waiting for him as soon as he came back, but he couldn't show any abnormal expression, so he could only forcefully maintain his composure, and asked He Lingcheng, "Deputy Envoy He, what's the matter with you?"

He Lingcheng looked at Xie Zeli, and it was not easy to say this matter directly, so he could only hint euphemistically, saying: "Master, the woods are not airtight, and the sky and the ground are just the warmth in the script. It may be the source of rumors in the Jianghu."

Xie Zeli: "..."

He Lingcheng didn't say any more, and Tong Xie gave a salute before turning around and leaving. He believed that the leader would understand what he meant, and if there was a next time, the leader would be more cautious and would never let people find out easily.

But Xie Li was full of fear.

Why did He Lingcheng know? Could it be that the voice he heard in the woods just now was He Lingcheng?

He thought about it carefully, He Lingcheng's martial arts are not high, even if he deliberately wants to hide his tracks, Lou Yan can't fail to find him, and if the person in the grove just now is He Lingcheng, that means... Lou Yan found out, but Tell him on purpose that no one will hear.

He couldn't restrain the anger in his heart for a while, and then he thought about how Cai Louyan taught him how to practice double cultivation, but in the end it was all lying to him, so he couldn't help but get even more angry.

Just now he made an appointment with Lou Yan to come out one after the other, so as not to make people suspicious, now he managed to calm down the anger in his heart, so he turned his head and went back to the woods, looking for Lou Yan to discuss an explanation.

But he only walked a few steps into the forest, and before he even left the camp, he saw Lou Yan walking towards this side in a happy mood.

Xie Zeli wished he could stop him immediately, lowered his voice and asked, "You just knew that someone was very close to us!"

Lou Yan was startled, he heard the sound, but he didn't feel that someone was beside them?

Xie Ze said angrily, "It's He Lingcheng!"

Lou Yan was still confused: "If Vice Envoy He is nearby, I should be able to sense it."

Xie Zeli: "You're still quibbling!"

"Master, don't get angry." Lou Yan calmly laughed, "Otherwise you and I will do it again."

Xie Zeli: "..."

"You don't have to worry about it either." Lou Yan said again, "Deputy Envoy He keeps his mouth shut. He will never say anything like this."

Xie Zeli was still angry, and said: "It's all your fault, you made me lose all face!"

Seeing that he was angry, Lou Yan couldn't help but tease him, saying: "The leader just doesn't feel ashamed."

Xie Zeli: "You..."

"Don't the leader like it very much?" Lou Yan lowered his voice, "The reaction just now—"

Before he finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of a person standing under the shadow of a tree on the side of the camp from the corner of his eye. He was frightened, and turned his head to look, and saw Wu Qi standing under the tree, wearing a black cloak to keep out the cold. There was a black cat squatting on the shoulder. It was completely black, and one person and one cat meowed into the night. If you didn't look carefully, it would be hard to detect.

Lou Yan immediately shut up.

As expected, he had lost too much skill recently, and he didn't even notice that there was anyone here.

But Wu Qi looked at them silently, he obviously heard everything they said just now, but he didn't say a word, Lou Yan didn't know what to say, after a while, the black cat meowed suddenly Screaming, Wu Qi suddenly turned around, as if he had never seen Lou Yan and Xie Zeli, and took his cat back to his tent.

Lou Yan looked back silently, and saw Xie Zeli looking at him and sneering.

Lou Yan: "..."

Lou Yanqiang explained.

"Guardian Wuqi, he doesn't like to talk usually, and he can't even utter a fart with three sticks, let alone gossiping." Lou Yan took the initiative to please, and took Xie Zeli's hand to persuade him, "Besides, About you and me, your confidants in the teaching will know sooner or later."

Xie Zeli: "Oh."

"Guardian Wuqi is loyal." Lou Yan comforted, "Will not spread the word."

While talking in low voices, they walked out of the woods, but bumped into Jiang Su who was coming out of the tent, and the three of them met each other. Xie Zeli immediately let go of Lou Yan's hand, and even took a few steps back. To show that there is no relationship between him and Lou Yan.

Anyway, with Jiang Su's mouth, he can never spit out anything good. Even if he is seen by everyone, Jiang Su must never let Jiang Su know what happened between him and Lou Yan just now.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Su's eyes were shocked, and after a while, he uttered a word.

Jiang Su: "You just came back?"

Xie Zeli listened to his tone, and subconsciously retorted: "I have already—"

He paused and changed his words.

"This seat has not left." Xie Ze said sharply, "What does Jiang Shaoxia mean?"

Jiang Su couldn't help being startled: "You came back a long time ago, so why did you come out of the woods just now?"

Xie Zeli: "..."

Wait, the person in the forest just now, couldn't it be Jiang Su?

Just as this panic thought flashed through his mind, he saw Jiang Su's puzzled face, he looked the two of them up and down for a moment, and then estimated the time, as if he finally got the answer.

"The teacher's strength is really good." Jiang Su showed an expression that he wanted to stay away from him immediately, and quickly backed away, "The Palace Master Lou is also amazing."

After finishing speaking, he had retreated to his tent, and lowered the curtain of his tent with a swipe.

Xie Zeli: "..."

Xie Zeli was furious on the spot.