Jiang Su was silent.

What madam? whose wife?

What are the people in the ghost city thinking about!

He felt that the girl's focus was really wrong. He, Jiang Su, a disciple of the Zhishui Sword Sect, and a well-known righteous knight in the world, just appeared in the ghost city. As a result, the girl's first reaction was to think that He is the young mistress?

Jiang Su took a deep breath and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

The girl smiled meaningfully, and made a strange sound: "Oh~"

Anyway, he lost his mask and didn't act as Lu Jiu anymore, so he resumed his speaking tone, stopped pretending to be limping, and emphasized again: "He and I are just friends."

The girl blinked: "Hmm~"

Jiang Su: "..."

Looking at her eyes, Jiang Su understood that she didn't believe what he said at all.

Jiang Su has long been used to this look.

In fact, on the way to Ghost City, he also thought about why everyone misunderstood his relationship with Li Hanshan.

At first, he thought that the relationship and behavior between himself and Li Hanshan were too ambiguous, which made other people think wrongly, but when he thought about it carefully, the relationship between himself and Li Hanshan was innocent, and there was no problem at all. That is to say, these people think crookedly because of their hearts.

How could he ignore the larger context of the book?

This is a [Xu Tang] [Multiplayer Sports] novel! Everyone's thinking in the book should be based on a certain logic. When you see two men walking together, you should imagine that the relationship between them is not right. If you see that the two men have a good relationship, of course you have to think that the two have already slept. Yes!

Damn it.

He has been in the book for ten years, and he has only now seen through the logic of the people in the book!

In this way, Li Hanshan is simply a clean stream in the world in this book. Others have messy thoughts in their minds, but he is different. He only wants to practice swords in his heart, and he has nothing else to think about.

Jiang Su sighed in his heart, thinking that Li Hanshan is indeed worthy of being the first tool of the Demon Sect in the original book. The original author did not intend to let him be a candidate role at all, and even the treatment of passers-by is not as good. He is not killing people for Xie Zeli every day. He was on the way to kill for Xie Zeli, so Jiang Su felt that he should make more friends with Li Hanshan.

After all, everyone in the book may have some thoughts about him, but Li Hanshan definitely does not.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su felt relieved, what this girl thinks of him has nothing to do with him.

He doesn't mind.

These people are born like this, and he can't change their thoughts, so why should he care about these people?

Those who are clear are clear by themselves. Anyway, there is nothing between him and Li Hanshan. What do the unrelated people who meet on the roadside think and what does it have to do with him?

Jiang Su smiled slightly at the girl, pretending that he hadn't heard anything, and didn't continue to explain. He simply turned his head and was about to continue walking towards the tall building where the owner of the ghost city lived, but he caught sight of the crowd of onlookers in the ghost city. Saw a familiar face.

Jiang Su: "..."

Wu Qi: "..."

Too bad, why is Wu Qi here.

Wu Qi remained silent, just looked at Jiang Su quietly for a moment, and then turned his gaze to Li Hanshan.

And this kind of thing has nothing to do with what passers-by think and what acquaintances think, they are simply two different things.

Jiang Su still wanted to bite the bullet and not explain, but Wu Qi opened his mouth first, saying, "I didn't hear it."

Jiang Su: "..."

However, Li Hanshan never felt that there was anything wrong. He seemed to be relieved to see an acquaintance in the ghost market, so he changed the topic freely, and hurriedly asked: "Guardian Wuqi, why are you here?"

Wu Qi: "..."

He didn't speak, but turned slightly to signal them to follow his gaze, but Jiang Su glanced over there, and suddenly felt his head hurt.

He Lingcheng was actually here too.

Jiang Su still remembered that He Lingcheng had misunderstood him and Li Hanshan, and he explained it clearly at that time, but if He Lingcheng saw it again now, he reckoned that He Lingcheng would start thinking wildly again.

He felt that He Lingcheng might have a lot of common topics with the girl in front of him, but meeting acquaintances in this rather weird ghost market was indeed a great thing. At least He Lingcheng had always favored Li Hanshan, and with He Lingcheng and Wu Qi around Therefore, they should not be trapped in this ghost city and unable to get out.

Thinking of this, Jiang Su stepped forward and greeted He Lingcheng.

He Lingcheng was standing in front of a booth selling medicinal materials, frowning to look at those strange medicinal materials. These medicinal materials were really different from the medicinal materials he usually saw. He even saw a few human finger bones, which were similar to some shriveled The meat, the organs of which parts of the animal could not be distinguished, looked extremely permeable.

Although He Lingcheng came from the Devil's Cult, he had rarely seen such a thing. He turned around with a frown, and saw Jiang Su and Li Hanshan walking towards him at a glance.

He Lingcheng was a little surprised.

He didn't want to see Jiang Su. Jiang Su was like a big devil of the righteous way. He was afraid when he saw it, but the young master was here, so things were different. He Lingcheng stepped forward with great concern, and asked curiously: "My lord, why are you here?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was worried that he had exposed Jiang Su's plan about the key to victory, so he could only keep silent, waiting for Jiang Su to explain, but for a while, it was really difficult for Jiang Su to make up a better lie.

If they want to leave here and get rid of all the confusion, it is inevitable that they will have to communicate with the owner of the ghost city. If they lie, they will have to reveal their confessions at that time. It is better to just say it now, anyway, the key is here. In his hands, anyway, everyone in the Demon Cult can't beat him or scold him, so what else can they do with him?

Jiang Su replied, "I'm looking for something."

He Lingcheng was really puzzled and asked: "What?"

Jiang Su: "The invincible key."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Jiang Su originally thought that He Lingcheng was going to start rambling again, but He Lingcheng just glanced at Li Hanshan, seeing that Li Hanshan obviously knew about it, so he shut up and didn't say any more.

Anyway, he had no interest in Wu Shengtian at all, and it didn't matter to him whether Jiang Su took the key or not. As long as the young master is not deceived and the young master is happy, then he can talk about anything.

Li Hanshan couldn't help asking: "What are you doing here?"

He thought that He Lingcheng and Wu Qi were still by Xie Zeli's side, but he didn't think that they seemed to set off almost at the same time, arriving at the ghost market one after the other.

"The leader asked us to come to the ghost city to see if we can find the antidote for crying from the ghost city owner." He Lingcheng whispered, "But something seems to have happened here. The guard said that the ghost city owner temporarily No visitors, please wait a moment, I just came out for a stroll."

Jiang Su couldn't help being a little puzzled, and asked, "No visitor yet? But I just saw him just now."

"It is said that the ghost city was attacked, and someone broke in." He Lingcheng sighed, "In these years, even the ghost city has people who dare to break into it."

Jiang Su: "..."

Wait, the person who attacked the ghost city mentioned here, shouldn't it be him?

"People's hearts are not ancient." He Lingcheng sighed, "It's been so many years, and this is the first time I've heard that someone dared to attack the owner of the ghost market."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"I heard that all the masters in the ghost city were injured." He Lingcheng was puzzled, "I don't think this should be the case. Could it be that they brought a group of people to attack?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

"It's not easy to enter the ghost market, and there's no way to get so many people in at once. Could it be that the attacker's martial arts are very high..." He Lingcheng paused suddenly, then turned his gaze to Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said , "Young Master, Jiang Shaoxia, could it be you..."

Jiang Su tugged at Li Hanshan's sleeve, and Li Hanshan suddenly understood what Jiang Su meant.

He remembered that Jiang Su once said a word to him.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling person. At this time, just smile!

Li Hanshan pulled the corners of his mouth stiffly, and together with Jiang Su, he looked at He Lingcheng and smiled.

Jiang Su: "Haha, I don't know anything."

Li Hanshan: "Haha..."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng pulled Li Hanshan and Jiang Su, dragged them out of the streets of the ghost city, walked to a secluded place, confirmed that no one was eavesdropping around, and asked Wu Qi to be on guard carefully, so he couldn't help feeling angry and angry. Chong Chong said to the two of them: "Do you know where the ghost market is!"

The two nodded together, almost saying in unison: "Black market."

He Lingcheng: "..."

If it wasn't for the young master who made the mistake, He Lingcheng would have wanted to slap these two people on the head.

"The people in the ghost city have committed serious mistakes, or are hunted down by others, and are not tolerated by the 'Yangjian', so they will abandon everything in the past and enter the ghost city." He Lingcheng said, "The owner of the ghost city To protect them from the disturbances of the outside world and let them cut off all mortal ties, after so many years, no one has been able to break this rule, this is not a means that ordinary people can have."

Jiang Su thought for a while about the cowardly and flattering ghost market owner he had seen, and felt that that person... really didn't match the image He Lingcheng was talking about at the moment.

"The leader has to give him three points of respect. In the evil way, he is the only one who can make the leader respect three points." He Lingcheng couldn't help frowning and emphasized, "Have you ever thought that you caused trouble in the ghost city? , what if the owner of Ghost City doesn’t let you go?”

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su couldn't help thinking of the group of strange fish that obeyed people's orders.

Li Hanshan just said in a low voice, "He has not let us leave."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng started to have a headache.

"We got on the boat just now, and after walking for a while, the boat sank." Li Hanshan was still whispering, "There are fish down the river, they are so big, and there seem to be dozens of teeth in their mouths."

"Forty-six." Jiang Su whispered, "I just counted."

Li Hanshan nodded immediately: "Forty-six, it's scary."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng heard Li Hanshan's incoherent words, but already understood what Li Hanshan meant.

He also saw those strange fish when he came here, and he knew that these strange fish would attack people. He even knew better than Li Hanshan and the others. people.

But he didn't expect that the owner of the ghost market would do something to Li Hanshan. After all, Li Hanshan is also the young master of their holy religion, and the owner of the ghost market dared to bully their young master! Can this be tolerated? !

He was so annoyed that he wished he could go to the owner of the ghost city immediately to ask for an explanation, but he simply forgot to blame Li Hanshan for causing the ghost city, so he turned around and dragged the two of them to meet the owner of the ghost city.

Jiang Su was taken aback by his behavior, and stared at Li Hanshan for a while, then lowered his voice and whispered to Li Hanshan, "He looks like my senior brother."

Li Hanshan felt that he understood what Jiang Su meant, so he whispered along, saying: "He is very defensive."

"What protection!" He Lingcheng heard the conversation between the two, and said angrily, "He refuted the face of my holy religion, of course I want to get it back!"

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan looked at each other and stopped talking.

Anyway, they were going to find the owner of Ghost City to inquire about the situation, so it wouldn't hurt to go with He Lingcheng.

They quickly walked to the tall building where the owner of the ghost city lived. When the guard saw Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, his face turned pale, but he still did his duty faithfully, and said cautiously: "Several, my master No visitors for now—”

Before the words finished, a voice came from inside the building, saying, "Let them in."

This voice is by no means that of the ghost city owner that Jiang Su had heard just now, the voice is even older, it sounds like he is in his fifties or sixties, and the short fat man they saw just now is only in his forties .

He Lingcheng didn't notice any difference, and walked in directly, Jiang Su had no choice but to follow behind him, entered the door and looked at the main seat, but there was still the short fat man on the seat, motionless, with his head lowered, seeing Jiang Su Su walked in, his voice still trembling, and said, "You... why are you back again?"

Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "It's clear that you didn't allow us to leave."

Before the words fell, Jiang Su suddenly felt that something was wrong.

The owner of the ghost city was talking to them, but he kept his head down, his chest didn't rise and fall, and he didn't even move when he spoke. He definitely didn't look like a living person.

He squinted his eyes and saw that there was a red bloodstain on the ghost market owner's neck. It was very thin, and it seemed that there was not much blood. dead body.

In other words, the person in front of him may not be the real ghost city owner.

Just now he felt a little strange, if the owner of the ghost city is such a wimp, how could it be possible for the ghost city to stand up for so many years, let alone just now He Lingcheng said that Xie Zeli respected the owner of the ghost city, Jiang Su did not believe that Xie Zeli was so heartfelt An arrogant person would respect such a cowardly and flattering trash.

He seemed to have vaguely guessed what was going on, but he didn't panic in his heart. While carefully looking around the room, he continued to talk to the "ghost city owner", saying: "You capsized the boat, and why did you lose the boat?" How do we leave?"

"The owner of the ghost city" said with a smile in his tone, "Jiang Shaoxia's martial arts are so high that he can't even cross a river."

As expected, Jiang Su did not expect it.

The original owner of the ghost city did not recognize Jiang Su's identity at all, but now this person is very clear, this is too weird, and he has thought about it seriously, the house is only this big, and the "owner of the ghost city" The voice was very clear, which meant that the "host of the ghost city" must be nearby.

He finally locked his eyes behind a wall, where there should be a secret room.

If the wall of the secret room is a stone wall, even if it is a person with profound internal strength, the sound transmission will not be so clear, that is to say, it should be a wooden wall, even if he can't find the mechanism, he can-

Jiang Su and Li Hanshan looked at each other, and almost at the same time, Li Hanshan had already hooked a grand teacher's chair, and with his inner strength, the chair flew towards the wall, and Jiang Su drew his sword out of its sheath, and followed closely behind.

He jumped into the secret room.

He Lingcheng was taken aback by the sudden movement of the two of them. He followed Jiang Su's pace and shouted, "What are you two doing again! Why did you make things worse!"

He Lingcheng was very tired.

In the secret room, there was only a small old dwarf man, who was shocked by Jiang Su's actions, and wished he could jump up and run away, but how could he run past Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, Li Hanshan caught him After grabbing his arm and pulling him back, He Lingcheng leaned forward to look at him with a frown, and said hesitantly, "You are...Xue Ba?"

Jiang Su had never heard of this person's name, so he just frowned, and He Lingcheng had already explained, saying, "He's just a good learner, where is the owner of the ghost market? Where is he?"

The old man Xue cowered and hid Li Hanshan's hand, saying: "The master has gone out, and...he hasn't had time to come back yet!"

He always wanted to run, so Li Hanshan lifted him up to prevent him from struggling. Jiang Su pointed to the corpse of the fake ghost city owner outside and asked, "Why did he die?"

The old man Xue cursed: "He picked up jobs indiscriminately without telling the master, and let Hua Shiqing go—you brat! Let me down!"

Li Hanshan frowned.

Jiang Su asked again: "Do you know Hua Shiqing?"

Old man Xue: "Who doesn't know him, the master treats him as a treasure, but he wants to run away, bah, he's just a white-eyed wolf—"

He didn't have time to finish this sentence, Li Hanshan lifted him a little higher, which made him kick his legs suddenly in fright, cursing in his mouth, but his voice was trembling, a little nervous.

"You son of a bitch!" old man Xue scolded, "I'm older than your father!"

Jiang Su continued to ask him: "Is Hua Shiqing dead or alive? Did your master release the fish to bite us?"

Old man Xue: "Why should I tell—"

Li Hanshan silently raised his hand.

Old man Xue: "Yes, yes, yes, he is... definitely still alive! The master is reluctant to kill him, so let me down, it's too high, I'm dizzy."

"All right, all right." He Lingcheng also said, "Let him down."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan let go of his hand out of nowhere.

The old man Xue fell to the ground with a thud, rolled over, clutched his buttocks and yelled in pain, and couldn't help cursing: "You two little babies, you broke in and did bad things while the master was away— "

He Lingcheng glanced at him and said, "Xue Ba, you are getting old too."

Old man Xue couldn't help nodding: "That's right, I'm so old, this brat still threw me! It's so hateful!"

He Lingcheng: "To you, they are just children."

Old Man Xue: "...Huh?"

"You are already such an adult, they are still young." He Lingcheng looked flat, "Don't care about it like a child."

Old man Xue: "..."

After saying this, He Lingcheng turned around, first patted the dust on Li Hanshan's black clothes, and then pulled Jiang Su over to straighten his hair, which was a little messy because it was soaked and then dried. Looking at old man Xue again, he said, "Okay, let's just pass this matter."

Old man Xue was speechless.

But Jiang Su was not worried about Hua Shiqing.

He listened to the old man Xue, the real ghost market owner should not have been in the ghost market before, it was the fake ghost market owner who was greedy for money and took the job of stealing keys, but he never thought about how much danger this job would bring to the ghost market.

And they took Hua Shiqing away, and when they left by boat, they happened to meet the owner of the ghost market returning. The owner of the ghost market ordered the strange fish to sink their boat and took Hua Shiqing away. The ghost city is coming.

The old man Xue kept saying how precious Hua Shiqing was to the owner of the ghost city, but Jiang Su remembered that Hua Shiqing's hand he had just seen was full of pinch marks and old scars. If the owner of the ghost city really cherished it, How could Hua Shiqing do such a thing?

Jiang Su was very worried about Hua Shiqing.

He has already made a promise to take Hua Shiqing out of this place, and he still remembers the eyes of Hua Shiqing looking into the mist when he boarded the boat, and since he has already offended the owner of the ghost city, he doesn't mind offending a few more Second-rate.

Anyway, he has already made countless enemies in this arena, and even the leader of the Demon Cult wished that he would die in place, but he has still lived in peace until now. After all, his martial arts are so high that he can really do whatever he wants in this arena.

Jiang Su squatted down, looked at the old man Xue, and asked him seriously: "The owner of the ghost city hasn't come back yet?"

The old man Xue cursed and said, "Of course he didn't come back. If he came back, would it be better for you?!"

Jiang Su: "Then how did you know about Hua Shiqing?"

Old man Xue: "..."

Just now Jiang Su walked past the ghost market, no one in the market realized that such a big thing happened in the ghost market, and he and Li Hanshan already traveled extremely fast, it didn't take long to rush back to the ghost market He believed that it would be difficult for someone with slightly inferior martial arts to come back and report to old man Xue in such a short time.

That is to say, it shouldn't be the owner of the ghost market who ordered his subordinates to come back first to send a message. If he guessed correctly, the owner of the ghost market should have already returned to the ghost market, but he didn't want to come out to see them.

Jiang Su said: "Your master is really a coward."

Old man Xue: "You bastard! How can you scold—"

Jiang Su: "I'm still a child, how can you scold me?"

Old man Xue: "..."

"Even if I scold him, what can he do?" Jiang Su propped his chin, "Either come out and fight with me openly, or continue to hide behind and be his shrinking turtle."

Old man Xue couldn't help but said: "You have already taken the keys, what else do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows slightly, "Hua Shiqing, I must take it away."

There was a pause.

Another voice came from outside the secret room, saying: "What if I don't allow it?"

Jiang Su turned his head and saw a man in his forties standing outside. He thought this must be the real owner of the ghost city, so he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, got up, and walked slowly out of the secret room go out.

Then he saw Hua Shiqing.

Drenched all over, standing behind the man shivering.

After all, Hua Shiqing doesn't know martial arts, he can't dry his clothes with internal force, and this person doesn't seem to have thought of helping him dry his clothes, and he looks thin at first, but now his clothes are soaked and clinging to his body. Appears to be even thinner.

Only then did Jiang Su speak, looking straight into the eyes of the owner of the ghost city, and said slowly, "I want to take him away."

"If you don't allow it." Jiang Su said, "Then I will kill you."

The author has something to say: Deputy Envoy He: Bear boy x2, I am so tired QAQ