Jiang Su raised his head and looked at the small sedan chair in front of him, which seemed to be unstable.

This sedan chair was only made of wood, and it was already shaking a little when it was picked up and moved around. Now, a big tiger weighing two to three hundred catties was tied to the top of the sedan chair.

Originally, Jiang Su had hoped that the magistrate of the county could support him in the sedan chair. After all, the magistrate of the county looked so huge, so he could help him no matter what. At least he would not be so easily crushed to death by the white tiger.

But when the magistrate opened the curtain of the sedan chair, Jiang Su looked inside, and saw that the space inside the sedan chair was small, and the roof of the sedan chair was crushed by the white tiger. In the current situation, not to mention the magistrate, anyone else would be afraid. Can't stand it.

Jiang Su even felt that if the white tiger was put on top of the sedan chair, the sedan chair might collapse within a short time.

But if he is not on the top of the sedan chair, what can he do?

Looking around, Jiang Su suddenly had a brand new idea in his mind.

The roof of the sedan chair is not good, but inside the sedan chair is fine!

When the sedan chair was built, the load bearing on the top of the sedan chair was not considered at all. The white tiger was tied to the top of the sedan chair too reluctantly, otherwise the sedan chair would collapse, but the inside of the sedan chair was different. If you can bear it steadily, the white tiger will be fine!

Jiang Su nodded, and asked the county magistrate, "How are you going to go back if you don't take a sedan chair?"

It took them more than a quarter of an hour to come here. It was a galloping horse, and the two of them were horses with thousands of miles. Looking at the county magistrate's size, if he didn't take a sedan chair, wouldn't he have to walk back?

But the magistrate of that county was afraid of the white tiger on the top of the sedan chair, so he refused to get on the sedan chair, so he could only wipe off the sweat on his brow, and said to Jiang Su courteously: "Brave man, you have saved our county from the tiger. The hero of the whole county, this county is thirsty for talents, of course you should make this sedan chair, as for this county... I can just walk! Isn’t it beautiful to relax and enjoy the breeze on such a spring day.”

Jiang Su didn't bother to listen to the county magistrate's compliments. Since he was going to walk, the sedan chair was naturally vacant, so he waved to Li Hanshan and asked Li Hanshan to come over to help, and the two of them stuffed the big white tiger into it together. He got into the sedan chair and tied it up with hemp rope. Seeing that the bearer was scared, Jiang Su took off his dirty robe and stuffed it into the tiger's mouth.

"Okay, let's go." Jiang Su clapped his hands, very satisfied, "Go back to the city first."

County Grandpa: "..."

The magistrate of the county has a hard time.

But he didn't dare to offend Jiang Su, let alone compete with a white tiger for his seat, so he could only walk beside the sedan chair, looking up at the two people riding horses in front of him, especially the fierce man in white.

He saw that Jiang Su took off the outer robe, and the clothes inside were tied around his waist. With that small waist and thin waist, how could he be so fierce.

The magistrate of the county sighed, but today the weather warmed up, he was fat, and he would be sweating all over in a short time, and when he finally reached the county town, it was dark, and he lost half of his life, panting, limping, thinking about it Even his feet were worn out, but he didn't dare to stop, so he had to continue walking forward in a state of embarrassment.

How could he have been so miserable in the past, there were only a few people on the street, but they couldn't help staring at him, and some of them couldn't help but gloated.

Jiang Su wanted to help them lock up the white tiger, so he followed the county magistrate back to the county yamen, but when he reached the gate of the county yamen, the county yamen dispatched officials to report in a hurry, saying that a person wanted to see the county magistrate today. After waiting for the county magistrate for a long time, he said that he could solve the tiger problem and the mountain temple for the county magistrate.

But the tiger's problem is gone, and the county magistrate is not in a hurry about the mountain temple. Anyway, there is such a fierce man in white here, and he believes that the mountain temple is by no means a difficult matter to solve.

The county magistrate waved his hand in rough clothes, and was about to say that he didn't have time to see him, but Jiang Su frowned slightly and asked, "What's the name of that man?"

He thought, that was just one person, and the one who feels capable of solving the tiger's problem just by himself must be a master in the world.

He knows most of the masters, and more people are worth more. If he is an acquaintance, he can also cooperate with others and invite others to help, but the official was stunned, only saying that the other party did not give their name, and he only knew the other party. Claiming to be surnamed Sheng, he said he was a man in the rivers and lakes.

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback, and asked: "You are young with a sword?"

The official nodded.

Jiang Su felt that he understood, no wonder Xu Qingyan was willing to risk himself later, and took the members of the Wulin League to find the key in a dangerous place like Miaojiang. He wanted to save Xu Qingyan's people here, so he should It was Sheng Hechen.

"Where is that man?" Jiang Su asked, "I want to meet him first."

The fierce man opened his mouth, but the county magistrate dared not disobey, and ordered the official to lead Jiang Su to meet the knight-errant who was waiting in the county office. Jiang Su followed him to another hall, and at a glance he saw a familiar figure sitting in the hall drinking tea. Just as he guessed, the person who came here was indeed Sheng Hechen.

Jiang Su couldn't hide his joy in his heart, Sheng Hechen was here, they were even more powerful, and the matter of the mountain temple could be resolved smoothly without much effort.

He stepped forward quickly and said, "Brother Sheng, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Sheng Hechen really didn't expect him to be here, looking back, he couldn't hide his joy, he couldn't help but quickly stepped forward, wanting to grab his arm, and said, "Su'er, why are you here?"

It's just that before his hand touched Jiang Su, Li Hanshan took a step forward inadvertently, just in time to block his hand, Sheng Hechen had no choice but to withdraw his hand in embarrassment, and then couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and glared at Li Hanshan.

This person surnamed Mu is really haunted, why is he still staying by Jiang Su's side.

Sheng Hechen stared at Li Hanshan, Li Hanshan couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and then stared back.

Li Hanshan knew very well that this man surnamed Sheng, obviously liked Jiang Su, but he still wanted to send Jiang Su to be an undercover agent of the Demon Cult. He was full of his martial arts alliance in his heart, and he really didn't care about Jiang Su's life or death at all.

Although Jiang Su was skilled in martial arts and was not in danger, Xie Zeli brought him the danger from the Demon Sect, but now Xie Zeli has been punished. On the contrary, Sheng Hechen has not received any lessons from the beginning to the end. Jiang Su's attitude towards him It turned out to be very good.

Thinking of this, Li Hanshan was even angrier, and the eyes he looked at Sheng Hechen couldn't help but became colder. The two people's eyes met, and the atmosphere was tense. Jiang Su stood aside, seeing clearly, embarrassed in his heart, coughed, and was about to speak to persuade. But the person turned his gaze back almost at the same time, and at that moment, nothing seemed to happen.

Jiang Su: "..."

He took a deep breath, and he could only be like the two of them, pretending nothing happened, and said to Sheng Hechen, "I passed by here and rescued a six-door police officer. He said that something happened here. Xu Qingyan from the gate is still here, and his life and death are unknown, so I came to have a look."

Sheng Hechen nodded, and said, "I'm also looking for Xu Qingyan."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Li Hanshan, as if he felt that what he was going to say next was not easy to bring up in front of Li Hanshan. He wanted Li Hanshan to go out and have a private conversation with Jiang Su, but he didn't want Jiang Su to frown , said to him: "Brother Sheng, Mu Yichuan is my good friend, a life and death friend."

The implication was to tell Sheng Hechen that no matter what he said, he could say it directly in front of Li Hanshan.

Sheng Hechen was unhappy again, but Li Hanshan was really happy, the two looked at each other, Sheng Hechen snorted coldly, but still followed Jiang Su's meaning, and said: "I came here to find the key to the sky. "

Jiang Su was slightly taken aback. What Sheng Hechen said was too far from what he knew in the book. There was absolutely no way there was a key that could surpass heaven. He was about to ask, but Sheng Hechen had already explained, saying: "The key It's not here, but Xu Qingyan can take us to find it."

Jiang Su knew from the book that Miao Jiang's key was originally in the hands of Hua Shiqing's father Yan Luosha, and later Yan Luosha died, and the key was kept by Yan Luosha's old department.

According to what Sheng Hechen said, Xu Qingyan seemed to have traveled to Miaojiang because of six-door business, and was involved in a dangerous situation, almost trapped to death in the poisonous swamp. Yan died and left him by his side to recuperate. The two seemed to have formed a deep friendship, and in order to allow him to enter and exit the poisonous swamp smoothly, Yan Luosha's old department also left a token for Xu Qingyan.

Only with that thing in hand can one pass through the poisonous swamp smoothly, otherwise the poisonous swamp is an extremely dangerous place, surrounded by countless poisonous insects, these Central Plains people who don't know Gu skills, most likely will never return.

So Sheng Hechen wrote to the chief arrester of the six gates, and when he learned that Xu Qingyan was out on errands, he followed him. When he arrived in the county, he heard that something happened to Xu Qingyan, and he wanted to ask for more information. , and then arrived at the county government office, wanting to see the county magistrate.

After hearing his words, Jiang Su immediately sensed something was wrong.

Sheng Hechen said that the old Yan Luosha gave Xu Qingyan a token, and that token sounds like something amazing, it can cross the poisonous swamp, evade all kinds of insects, and be invulnerable to all poisons. It is definitely not an ordinary thing that can be given away casually .

It's disgusting that Luo Sha's old department gave this thing to Xu Qingyan.

Jiang Su felt that there was a story in it.

He didn't know how Xu Qingyan's martial arts were, but Luo Shajiu sounds like a great character! Can these two be able to contribute to his popularity value? Besides, if they were only close, he could have broken Sun Lin's leg and let them fly.

In this way, this Xu Qingyan should be saved even more!

After listening to Sheng Hechen's cause and effect, Jiang Su was excited and said, "Brother Sheng, let's go up the mountain now!"

He thought that Sheng Hechen's martial arts were also very powerful, the three of them were here, no matter what weird things were in that temple, the three of them could even tear down the temple for him, but Sheng Hechen frowned, obviously not optimistic about this matter , and I don’t want to do it now.

"I asked about the news. The temple on that mountain is not big, and there weren't too many 'monks' in the temple who came here a few days ago." Sheng Hechen said, "But there are already many people trapped in the temple in the county, just a few monks. , it should be difficult to control so many people."

Jiang Su was startled, not understanding what Sheng Hechen meant by this.

"Besides, according to common sense, it is impossible for Xu Qingyan to enter the temple without investigation. He should also know that this mountain temple is weird and something is wrong." Sheng Hechen said with a frown, "He has always acted cautiously. Suddenly so impulsive?"

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, with speculation in his heart.

He felt that the monks in the temple must not be real monks.

Those people who dare to control so many people with a few people may have some extra means of demagogy, and Xu Qingyan is uncharacteristically, knowing that there is something weird here, but insists on rushing up the mountain, does that mean... Xu Qingyan may feel that those people's methods of demagoguery have no effect on him?

Jiang Su frowned and looked at Sheng Hechen, and asked, "Do you suspect that they used Gu poison?"

Sheng Hechen smiled wryly and nodded.

If Gu worms were involved in this matter, no matter how high their martial arts were, Sheng Hechen would not dare to go to the mountain temple rashly.

Once that thing is put on a person, no matter how high the martial arts are, it will be useless. They need someone who is proficient in gu arts to lead the way. There are such people in the Wulin League, but this place is quite far from the Wulin League. I'm afraid it will take some time for people to come over.

He told Jiang Su about these things, but Jiang Su looked at him and asked, "Brother Sheng came here alone?"

Sheng Hechen nodded, and replied: "This matter is secret, I did not bring anyone along."

Jiang Su nodded, and didn't ask any more questions, but instead said, "I know someone who can use some Gu skills, and it's in Linlang Pavilion."

The martial arts league is too far away, if Xu Qing waits for Sheng Hechen to bring back the rescuers, even Xu Qing's bones will be gnawed by bugs.

Although Hua Shiqing's Gu technique was only self-taught, Fu Wenxiao was also there. If they were invited together, Jiang Su felt that they should be able to give it a try.

But Sheng Hechen was startled, and asked him back, "I didn't know you had Miao Jiang friends."

Jiang Su replied: "I just met."

Sheng Hechen: "The person I just met..."

Jiang Su: "Credible."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Sheng Hechen frowned and didn't speak, but seemed to be a little more unhappy.

Jiang Su felt that they had finished talking about important matters, and he was thinking about the white tiger in his heart. Since he didn't have to go up the mountain today, he happened to go back to the demon camp to send the white tiger there, and then asked about the situation in Zhouzhou Mountain Temple. To confirm whether someone is using Gu in that temple.

Jiang Su thought that it was Sheng Hechen who sent him to go undercover in the Demon Cult, so he told Sheng Hechen directly that the Demon Cult was nearby, and that he wanted to send a big tiger there to please the Demon Cult protector, it should be fine.

He asked Sheng Hechen to write a letter to Bai Yusheng, and when Bai Yusheng sent flowers, Qing and Fu Wenxiao came over, got up by himself, and said bluntly, "Brother Sheng, I want to leave for a while."

Sheng Hechen really asked: "What are you going to do?"

"Everyone from the Devil's Cult is nearby." Jiang Su replied, "I just killed a white tiger in the mountains. The Left Guardian of the Devil's Cult likes cats very much. I'll send the tiger to him first."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Like cats? Send a tiger? Is there any connection between this?

"After Xu Qingyan's matter is dealt with, I will go to the Devil's Sect." Jiang Su replied, "Maybe I will stay for a while, Brother Sheng, the key to Miao Jiang... Can I go to the Devil's Sect after I have dealt with the matter of the Devil's Sect?" You go there together?"

Sheng Hechen was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Master Zhang told me that you have obtained the key to the Devil's Cult, so what else can there be in the Devil's Cult?"

Jiang Su didn't want to speak out, coughed lightly, and said, "I have a friend..."

Before he finished speaking, Sheng Hechen interrupted him.

"Su'er." Sheng Hechen said, "How many good friends do you have?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su didn't know how to answer.

How many good friends does he have? That's a lot!

When it comes to close friends and confidants, there is only Li Hanshan, but when it comes to life and death friends, those two hands can't be counted, and if you have never experienced the test of life and death together, there are even more friends who are worthy of his trust. He can't figure it out himself.

He could barely give Sheng Hechen an approximate figure.

"Maybe there are... twenty or so." Jiang Su frowned, and changed his words again, "Twenty is not enough, there may be thirty or so."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

Seeing Sheng Hechen's gloomy face, Jiang Su suddenly realized that Sheng Hechen liked him. Could it be that he was jealous? !

Although he doesn't mind what Sheng Hechen thinks in his mind, it's just that the two of them need to cooperate well in the future. If Sheng Hechen becomes jealous and slows down, it will inevitably have a bad impact on Xu Qingyan's rescue work. He can only try to appease Sheng Hechen's emotions .

"It can be regarded as a life-and-death friendship, only you and my senior brother!" Jiang Su began to lie, "Brother Sheng, you should know that I like to make friends, but there are indeed not many people who can be close friends."

Only then did Sheng Hechen's expression soften, but before Jiang Su could breathe a sigh of relief, Sheng Hechen suddenly realized something.

Wait, didn't Jiang Su say just now...Is this Mu Yichuan also his life and death friend?

Sheng Hechen slightly raised his eyebrows, and said aggressively: "Su'er, then what is he?"

Jiang Su: "..."

It's over, the confession did not match up, Sheng Hechen is about to blow up.

Li Hanshan has been silent and listened to the conversation between the two, never expressing his opinion from the beginning to the end, but now hearing what Sheng Hechen said, he still couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and also looked at Sheng Hechen, at least with this momentum, he would never lose.

Jiang Su had a headache.

If in the past, he would unconditionally favor Li Hanshan, but now it is different, he knows that Li Hanshan also likes him, then no matter who he favors next, something is not right.

But if he didn't speak, the atmosphere between Sheng Hechen and Li Hanshan was tense. He was afraid that if he spoke later, the two people in front of him were about to fight.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea and had a brand new idea.

"I haven't experienced the test of life and death with him yet," Jiang Su said, "so it shouldn't be considered a life-and-death friendship."

As soon as the words fell, Sheng Hechen let out a soft snort, his expression softened, while Li Hanshan couldn't help curling his lips, not displeased with Jiang Su's words, but there was a little grievance in his eyes, and then hurriedly looked away, not wanting to look away again. Look at Jiang Su.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su is the most embarrassing to see people like this.

Every time Li Hanshan looked at him like this, he felt that it was just like a little dog with its big wet eyes wide open, which made him condemned by conscience.

Jiang Su: "Uh...Although we haven't lived or died, we can't be regarded as a life-and-death friendship, but the relationship between the two of us can be regarded as an irreversible friendship."

Li Hanshan's expression brightened, and he seemed to be happy instantly, but Sheng Hechen snorted heavily, glared at Li Hanshan, and said to Jiang Su: "Su'er, I know you like to make friends, but some friends, you should not mess around It's a good deal."

There was a thorn in the words, almost directly poking at Li Hanshan's eyes, Sheng Hechen was provoking, and he very much hoped that Li Hanshan would accept his provocation.

But Li Hanshan didn't answer, he knew that he was not very good at talking, and he didn't want to cause trouble for Jiang Su, anyway, Jiang Su also said that the two of them are close friends, that's no worse than life and death!

Why haven't they experienced life and death together? It's not because the martial arts of the two are too high, no one can make them pass the test of life and death, and if there is such a day in the future, he and Jiang Su will be irreversible friends plus life and death friends, no matter what, they are closer than Sheng Hechen.

The more Li Hanshan thought about it, the happier he became, and he didn't care about Sheng Hechen's provocation, he just looked at Jiang Su with a light in his eyes, and waited for Jiang Su and Sheng Hechen to finish talking, and together they brought the white tiger back to the Demon Cult camp.

Jiang Su couldn't bear the look in his eyes either.

Sheng Hechen was bullying him right in front of his eyes, yet Li Hanshan turned a blind eye.

This child was bullied by Xie Zeli for so many years because of his big heart, and he didn't think there was any problem.

Jiang Su couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said to Sheng Hechen: "Brother Sheng, I respect you as my elder brother, but that's all. What kind of friends I want to make has nothing to do with you."

Sheng Hechen: "..."

"That's all for now." Jiang Su stood up, "I still have something to do, I'll talk about it when I get back."

He didn't say any more, and took Li Hanshan out the door, leaving Sheng Hechen alone in the side hall, looking at the backs of the two, but couldn't help but feel helpless.

He understood.

Whoever Jiang Su likes, he can't control, and he can't control, but no matter what...he knows, at least Jiang Su will never like him.

Jiang Su borrowed a carriage from the county government, and somehow transported the comatose white tiger back to the Demon Cult camp.

He Lingcheng saw that they came back with a carriage, so he naturally thought that there would be good news. Zhou Zhou struggled towards this place and shouted excitedly: "Jiang Shaoxia, you are too good! To arrest Xu so quickly— "

The curtain of the car was lifted, and a white tiger lay paralyzed inside, showing its white and fluffy belly to everyone, with its tongue sticking out and tilted to one side. This picture seemed a bit weird no matter what.

Zhou Zhou shut up.

He Lingcheng took a step back and decided to stay away from the beast.

As long as Jiang Su grabbed the tiger's claws, he tore the white tiger from the carriage, dragged it to the ground, and then asked He Lingcheng, "Where is Guardian Wuqi?"

Wu Qi was just a few steps away, looking at the white tiger, dumbfounded.

White tiger, big white tiger, a beautiful big white cat he had never seen before!

God, the Central Plains, it really is a good place.

Seeing that he was there, Jiang Su said to Wu Qi, "Protector Wu Qi, Han Shan and I caught a white tiger, and Han Shan said he would give it to you."

Li Hanshan was startled, and turned his head to look at Jiang Su, only to see Jiang Su wink at him.

He finally understood what Jiang Su meant.

Jiang Su was worried that he would not be able to suppress the tigers and wolves in the teaching after he became a Muslim, so he decided to secure his confidants first, and try to buy as much as possible if he could be bought.

This is exactly the case, after Jiang Su caught the white tiger today, he will take great pains to bring the white tiger back to Wu Qi.

Everything he did was for Li Hanshan.

Wu Qi at the side couldn't suppress the joy in his eyes, and wished he could rush forward immediately, but he remained silent for a moment, but turned his head and left, never staying here any longer.

Jiang Su: "?"

Jiang Su didn't understand what Wu Qi meant.

He could only turn his head to look at He Lingcheng, and asked doubtfully, "Fushi He, what's wrong with Guardian Wuqi? Is he unhappy?"

He Lingcheng: "How do I know..."

He couldn't understand Wu Qi's preferences at first, it's fine if he likes kittens, it's a strange move to keep a cheetah in the church, and now he wants to add a tiger... He felt panicked when he looked at the sharp teeth of the tiger's mouth, Of course I can only shake my head and add another sentence.

He Lingcheng: "Go and ask him yourself."

But before Jiang Su went to ask Wu Qi, Wu Qi had already hurried back.

Not only did he run back, but he was also carrying a heavy burden, which slammed down in front of Jiang Su and Li Hanshan, startling everyone, and then Wu Qi raised his head, his eyes were like cats. As if with infinite brilliance.

"Young master, I give it to you." Wu Qi said earnestly, "All the books I have collected over the years are given to you without any money."

Li Hanshan was stunned, and looked down at the package of books, and saw that some of them had been opened because Wu Qi was in a hurry to move them, and the folded pages could be vaguely seen...the scene where the blond-haired and blue-eyed villains were wrestling together was really unbearable Into the eye.

Li Hanshan was stunned.

He was really overwhelmed to receive such a gift in front of Jiang Su, but He Lingcheng opened his eyes wide and finally couldn't help but speak.

"Guardian Wuqi." He Lingcheng said, "You still say that your friend is not yourself!"

"It's me." Wu Qi held the white tiger's paw and rubbed the pad of the tiger's paw, with a satisfied expression on his face, as if he didn't know what He Lingcheng said, and happily admitted, "It's all about me!"