Jiang Su still wanted to explain to Li Hanshan, so that he didn't need to be responsible, but before he could say anything, he saw Hua Shiqing on the side, so he had to swallow those few words back, and even Some unspeakable embarrassment.

He knew that Hua Shiqing was a person who used to think about everything in that direction. He had put all his attention on Li Hanshan just now, but he didn't know how much Hua Shiqing had heard, but he looked at Hua Shiqing. Shi Qing's expression felt that what Hua Shiqing heard...should be enough for him to cycle back and forth in his mind.

Jiang Su had no choice but to smile awkwardly at Hua Shiqing, and said, "Didn't you go to eat with them?"

Of course, Hua Shiqing understood that Jiang Su wanted to change the topic of the moment, and he didn't want Jiang Su to feel embarrassed again, so he followed Jiang Su's meaning and smiled with Jiang Su, saying: "Mr. don't want to see me."

He knew very well in his heart that Sheng Hechen loathed Li Hanshan, and he was from Li Hanshan's side anyway, he belonged to the evil way, so it was quite normal that Sheng Hechen hated him and didn't want to see him.

What's more, after they brought back the few people who were good at using Gu poison from the mountain temple that day, they didn't send them to the county government. Earlier, Sheng Hechen and Zhou Zhou also went to the county magistrate to mention this matter. These people He is good at using Gu, if there is no one in the county government who is proficient in this way to restrain him, it may cause problems again.

The magistrate of that county was already very timid, as soon as he heard that those people would play Gu, he almost immediately agreed with Sheng Hechen's suggestion and temporarily kept them in the inn.

Sheng Hechen wrote a letter, urgently ordering the Wulin League's nearby sub-helm to send people to guard it. In the past few days, the county government sent people to help Hua Shiqing control these people.

Because of this, Hua Shiqing did not dare to leave the inn.

"Jiang Shaoxia, I came here to look for you because I have something important to discuss." Hua Shiqing cut to the point to avoid the embarrassment of these two young people who were trying to learn how to talk about love, and said, "My love gu has been broken Cocooned."

Jiang Su was startled: "So fast?"

He remembered that when he was in the mountain temple yesterday, Hua Shiqing told him that it would take two or three days for the love gu to break through, and he was ready to wait slowly, but he never thought that it had only been a few hours before Hua Shiqing Shi Qing's love Gu has already broken the cocoon.

"Love Gu feeds on love, and longing is born." Hua Shiqing said, "It has absorbed countless thoughts of love in this inn, and the speed of breaking the cocoon will naturally be much faster."

Jiang Su: "Simu..."

Jiang Su always felt that Hua Shiqing was connoting him.

Hua Shiqing asked again: "Now that the love gu has broken through the cocoon, that person...Jiang Shaoxia, what are you going to do?"

Jiang Su had already put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hands, his love gu was broken, and he wanted to deal with the matter first. Hearing Hua Shiqing's question, he was calm, and just said lightly: "Use the way of the other, and return it to the other."

Hua Shiqing: "...what?"

He thought that Jiang Su was a well-known and upright way, and he would never use those strange methods. It was enough to surprise him when Jiang Su asked him how the love gu was, but he thought that Jiang Su wanted him to be controlled like a love gu. Lu Jiu usually came to control that person's mind, he didn't think much about it, but now he heard the meaning in Jiang Su's words... Could it be that Jiang Su wanted that person to have a taste of the love gu that only knows to ask?

Jiang Su really opened his mouth to explain, saying: "Aphrodisiac him, and then lock him in the room alone, and we will go in after two hours."

Hua Shiqing paused for a moment before opening his mouth, and said: "Actually...you don't need to aphrodisiac, as long as there is love Gu, he will answer my question."

Jiang Su: "I know."

Hua Shiqing: "Then..."

Jiang Su: "But I can't get angry."

That person put a love gu on Li Hanshan, and wanted to make Li Hanshan kill him with this. He couldn't swallow this breath as if nothing happened.

Others said that ten days is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but for him, ten days is too late for this kind of thing.

Hua Shi Qingxin was in a dilemma, and turned to look at Li Hanshan, but seeing that Li Hanshan had no objection, he nodded and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, shall we go there together?"

Jiang Su nodded, and didn't plan to continue eating the rest. He got up and wanted to leave with Hua Shiqing. Li Hanshan was stunned for a moment, but he could only hold his sleeve, and asked with a frown, "You... eat Do you want to go over there with something?"

Jiang Su smiled at him and said, "We will have a lot of time to eat later."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan didn't understand what Jiang Su wanted to do at all.

But Jiang Su went there, so he naturally wanted to get up and follow. He followed Jiang Su and Hua Shiqing to the outside of the room where the Miao people were locked up. The yamen outside was far away from the door. , seemed to be a little frightened, and when Hua Shiqing came back, he was relieved, and hurriedly opened the door for a few people so that they could go in.

Before Hua Shiqing left, he purposely used Gu to control the minds of the people in the house to avoid further accidents. Now that he came back, he detoxified them and waited for Jiang Su to speak to them.

"It's been a night." Jiang Su asked, "How are you thinking?"

The person who first administered the poison was seriously injured, leaning against the wall motionless, he didn't pay any attention to what Jiang Su said, just pretending that he didn't hear anything, Jiang Su didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, turned his head to look at Hua Shiqing, Hua Shiqing stretched out his hand knowingly, and then flew out a blue butterfly-like thing from his sleeve, headed towards the man, landed on the man's shoulder, slipped through the skirt, and disappeared immediately not see.

The man looked startled, and looked at Hua Shiqing in astonishment, but he still didn't speak, but after a while, he suddenly groaned, covered his mouth, and his face gradually flushed.

"You have used love Gu yourself, and you know what it will look like after the poison takes hold." Jiang Su said lightly, "Now are you willing to say it?"

The man just gritted his teeth and scolded: "You are still a righteous person—"

Jiang Su asked back: "So what?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Hua Shiqing felt that he also understood.

Jiang Su is only known as a righteous knight, but what he does, every move, is not restricted by good and evil, but he just does what he wants. If he offends him, he will be retaliated against in the future.

The man was blocked by Jiang Su's words, and after a long pause, he continued, "How can a person in the righteous way do such evil things!"

"I just did it." Jiang Su said coldly, "If you don't accept it, come and hit me?"

That person: "..."

The man snorted heavily, turned his head away, determined not to answer Jiang Su's question, Jiang Su turned his head again, and ordered Hua Shiqing to use Gu to control the rest of the people, sealing their movements as usual, But he was still not at ease, so he conveniently sealed the acupoints of several people, leaving only the person who was infected by the love gu, but it only allowed him to move slightly, but not to make large movements.

Everything was in order, Jiang Su didn't want to stay here any longer, so he locked the door after he went out, and asked the government servants to leave for a while, and then moved the half-eaten meal here, and set up a table outside the house, please Hua Shiqing also ate with them.

Hua Shiqing was thinking that there was another person in the house who was infected with a love gu, and he couldn't sit still for a while, and he couldn't eat comfortably. Li Hanshan was like him, always unable to help but listen to the movement in the house, but he Martial arts are also very good, as long as he pays attention to that side, there will be a strange sound piercing into his ears.

Li Hanshan couldn't help blushing, lowered his head without saying a word, pretending that he was concentrating on eating.

Hua Shiqing was even worse. Love Gu and his master were already in the same mind, and he could directly feel what the house should be like. He was inevitably more embarrassed, just waiting for Jiang Su to speak quickly, so that they could rush in together .

After they finished their meal outside, they looked at the time and saw that two quarters of an hour had not passed. Jiang Su was not in a hurry at all, and asked the innkeeper's wife to make two pots of tea. He could not drink, so he had a chat with the two of them over tea Hua Shiqing couldn't understand a single word of swordsmanship, but felt that the person in the room seemed to be unable to hold on.

Hua Shiqing got up anxiously, and said to Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, is it almost the same? Time has dragged on for too long, and he has no consciousness at all, so he can't answer your question."

Li Hanshan also nodded, and said in a low voice: "There is no need to wait any longer? He should be willing to talk."

Jiang Su also looked at the time, half an hour had passed by now, he frowned, and said: "You and I haven't discussed this move clearly, so we can't stop here."

Li Hanshan: "But..."

"Don't worry, it's only half an hour, that person can still hold on." Jiang Su said lightly, "He won't be inferior to Xie Zeli."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su's attitude was firm, Li Hanshan had no choice but to sit down again, and continued to drink tea with him and discuss sword moves.

But the noise in the room was so loud that he could hear it without trying to listen, Li Hanshan was very embarrassed, he was talking about sword moves, but he had already lost his mind, and Hua Shiqing just focused on drinking water, Not wanting to talk, and after an unknown amount of time, Jiang Su finally put down the teacup in his hand and said, "I think it's almost done."

Before the words fell, the three of them heard a loud sound in the room, as if the windows were opening and closing, and then the tables and chairs fell to the ground, and someone exclaimed, Jiang Su paused slightly, feeling something was wrong, got up without saying a word, and quickly jumped up Go to the door and push the door open.

The window on the other side of the room was wide open, as if someone had sneaked in, trying to save the people in the room from leaving, Jiang Su couldn't help but his face darkened, his eyes quickly swept across the room, but suddenly found...

There are not many people in the house.

Not only that, but there was one more.

Jiang Su was silent.

The man in the body of the love gu was already confused, with barely a smattering of sanity, he was pressing the man in black on the ground tightly, and wanted to lean on the man without saying a word.

And that person put his hands in front of the opponent's face, struggling desperately, and in the next second, someone grabbed his neck, the consciousness of the person in the body of the love gu was lost, and the strength in his hands was not serious, and it was almost impossible to use normally. , the man in black almost suffocated for a moment, he could barely raise his hand, and looked at Jiang Su with difficulty, as if he was begging Jiang Su to save him.

Jiang Su hesitated for a moment, the man pinched the face of the man in black and kissed him abruptly.

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su took a deep breath, raised his hand and quickly tapped on the waist of the man in love gu, forcibly sealing his acupoints, making him paralyzed to the ground for a moment, Jiang Su just looked at the man in black and took a deep breath. Take a breath.

Jiang Su: "...It just so happens, Sun Lin."

Sun Lin coughed violently, his face was pale, the man was paralyzed on him, and he saw that Jiang Su was about to step forward, he moved back with difficulty, trying to push the man away, holding his last breath, and shouted loudly: "Help! Don't come here!"

Jiang Su: "..."