Jiang Su was very excited.

No matter what the other party's strange plot of chasing his wife for thousands of miles is, it doesn't matter to him.

The important thing is that, after calculating it this way, the number of people he can match up to now has suddenly increased by two pairs!

Sun Lin, his unknown friend, and... Wait, Xu Qingyan's ranking in the world should not be among the top 100.

Jiang Su was disappointed for a while, as if the treasure he had already been taken away suddenly, he couldn't help but sighed deeply, just wondering why everyone in the world didn't work so hard in martial arts.

I'm single and have no daughter-in-law anymore, and I don't work hard to practice martial arts to show myself and give myself a chance to be hugged by my future wife. If this continues, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a wife until I die.

Jiang Su hated iron for being weak, but he could only sigh deeply.

Anyway, at least he still has Sun Lin.

Now Sun Lin is his future and hope, whoever touches Sun Lin will kill him!

Hua Shiqing relieved the love gu on that person for the time being, but the time dragged on for too long, even if the love gu was relieved, he was almost insane. Jiang Su asked the question several times before he could reluctantly reply intermittently Just a sentence or two.

And this kind of torture is indeed not a pain that the characters in a certain Tang literature can bear.

He had long since lost the bad attitude he had before, and he almost answered whatever Jiang Su asked. He only hoped that this love voodoo would end sooner, and this bone-eating desire would be relieved.

And even though he was reluctant to talk about Twin Life Gu and heartache, what he was willing to answer was indeed in line with what Sun Lin said.

He said that Xu Qingyan had been taken to Yuta Mountain by them. As for where the grotto was, he just closed his eyes and said that he had never been to that place and he didn't know.

All he knew was that Xu Qingyan was alive and well before she was taken away from the mountain temple.

So regardless of whether this Yuta Mountain is a dragon's pond or a tiger's lair, Jiang Su felt that it was necessary for him to go and take a look.

He asked Li Hanshan to send Sun Lin back to the Demon Cult's camp as soon as possible, so that he could go to Yuta Mountain with him to have a look. , he immediately wanted to refute, saying: "You can't go, your wound can't hold a sword."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su really didn't like the feeling of being confined, but he knew that Li Hanshan was concerned about him, so he frowned and said, "I know how to use a left-handed sword."

Li Hanshan frowned: "The left hand is not as good as the right hand, what if there is an accident?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, feeling that he had understood Li Hanshan's routine.

All the original intentions of Li Hanshan's actions were for him.

That is to say, as long as he paid a little attention to his language skills, he could easily dispel Li Hanshan's opinion.

Jiang Su coughed, lowered his voice, and said to Li Hanshan, "I wanted to tell you that you must keep this matter a secret."

Li Hanshan was really taken aback, and asked, "Secret?"

Jiang Su nodded vigorously.

"I suspect that there is a traitor in the Wulin League, but I don't know who that person is." Jiang Su's voice was almost a whisper, "Everyone has a possibility, and everyone can't believe it."

Li Hanshan: "What does this have to do with where you want to go?"

"I can't trust others, so naturally I can only go by myself." Jiang Su sighed softly, "But I also thought, it's always not safe to go alone."

Li Hanshan: "Of course it's not safe! As long as you know it."

Jiang Su: "It will be different if you accompany me."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "Look, your martial arts are so good, if you are there, what danger can there be?"

Li Hanshan: "This..."

Jiang Su: "Can't you protect me well?"

Li Hanshan immediately raised his eyebrows and said hastily, "Of course I can protect you!"

"Since you can protect me well, it doesn't matter if you go with me or not?" Jiang Su said seriously, "As long as you are by my side, I am naturally safe."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan was obviously moved.

He frowned as if he was in deep thought, and then Jiang Su spoke slowly, making the final blow.

"Other people, I can't believe anyone." Jiang Su said, "I only believe in you, and only you can accompany me to the past."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan stood up and grabbed Sun Lin's tattered skirt, wishing he could quickly drag Sun Lin out of the house. He only wanted to send Sun Lin to He Lingcheng earlier so that he could come back to protect Jiang Su sooner.

Yes, just think about it, Jiang Su only trusts him, Jiang Su needs to be protected by him...

Li Hanshan suddenly felt that he was full of energy!

He doesn't even want to ride a horse, how can a horse run as fast as he uses his light work? What? Sun Lin couldn't keep up with his speed? Then he could run with Sun Lin on his shoulders!

And Sun Lin was stunned.

No, what happened to this man? Why is he running so fast like he suddenly went crazy?

It used to take a while to arrive at the Demon Cult camp, but now it has been shortened by one-third. Li Hanshan dragged a man in disheveled clothes, and everyone was shocked. He Lingcheng happened to be there Outside, he couldn't help being startled, and after a while he came back to his senses and asked, "Young Master, what's wrong with this?"

Li Hanshan blurted out: "Jiang Su is still waiting for me to go back and protect him."

He Lingcheng: "Ah? What happened to Jiang Shaoxia?"

Li Hanshan took a breath, pulled Sun Lin forward, and said to He Lingcheng, "Vice Envoy He, I must trouble you to protect him."

He Lingcheng was confused, and really didn't understand what Li Hanshan's words meant. He grabbed Li Hanshan's arm to prevent the kid from running away in a hurry, and asked patiently: "What happened? Jiang Shaoxia is in danger? "

Only then did Li Hanshan shake his head, and told He Lingcheng everything that happened today.

It's just that if he wanted to talk about today's affairs, he would inevitably have to mention love gu, and when he mentioned love gu... Li Hanshan couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

He thought, Jiang Su was angry because of the love gu, and now he is finally given another chance to not be angry, he has to grasp whatever he says, and must not give up easily.

Li Hanshan frowned, and was hesitating how to speak, when he turned his head and saw Wu Qi impatiently walking over with him, asking Li Hanshan anxiously in his substandard Chinese, "How is it, young master, Jiang Shaoxia Did he read it?"

Li Hanshan was startled, and asked back: "See? What did you see?"

"Of course it was made by Wo Lianye!" Wu Qi took a closer look at Li Hanshan's expression, and seeing that Li Hanshan really didn't seem to know anything, he couldn't help feeling a little disappointed, sighed softly, and said, "It's a pity, Jiang Shaoxia doesn't seem to be Show it to the young master."

He Lingcheng couldn't help looking at him, and asked, "What did you do?"

"That's the one, the book that you Central Plains people like very much." Wu Qi explained seriously, "I stayed up all night to draw a new one, and put it in Jiang Shaoxia's luggage."

It took He Lingcheng a while to come to his senses and realized that the book that Wu Qi said was very popular among people in the Central Plains was the **** album that he had just shown Li Hanshan.

He couldn't help but suffocate, feeling a little unspeakable panic in his heart, and said: "Did you give that book to Jiang Shaoxia?"

Wu Qi nodded deeply.

He Lingcheng covered his forehead.

With Jiang Su's temperament, He Lingcheng felt that if Jiang Su saw the album of **** palaces painted by Wu Qi, he would probably be very angry.

Wait, what did Wu Qi just say? Who drew this **** album? !

He Lingcheng looked up at Wu Qi in surprise, and said in astonishment, "You... you, you, you drew it?!"

Wu Qi continued to nod deeply.

He Lingcheng: "Aren't you a cannibal?! Didn't you say that you are not as open as the Persians!"

Wu Qi: "...Ni knows that I am a cannibal?"

He Lingcheng backed away in astonishment.

Wu Qi reluctantly defended himself: "Keeping a cat is really too expensive, and I have a solution."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan couldn't help thinking of the unsightly pictures in the booklet.

Who would have thought that this thing... would be the Wuqi Protector who always seems to be taciturn...

"Wuqi Protector." Li Hanshan suddenly took a step forward, and spoke to Wuqi seriously, "Your painter is really terrible."

He Lingcheng: "..."

Wu Qi: "..."

"It's impossible for a person to twist like that." Li Hanshan didn't notice the strange eyes of He Lingcheng and Wu Qi at all, but he still said frankly, "You have learned martial arts, and you should have practical experience—"

Wu Qi dryly interrupted Li Hanshan: "My sister has."

Li Hanshan was startled: "But you have studied martial arts..."

Wu Qi: "Okay, don't talk anymore."

He turned his head, as if Li Hanshan's words had hit his fragile heart, and he left without turning his head. Only Li Hanshan was still in place, scratching his head with a blank expression, and said, "Should I not?" To put it so directly... In fact, he is pretty good at drawing."

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng took a deep breath.

Just now when he heard Li Hanshan mention love gu, and said it was Jiang Su's revenge, he began to feel that something was wrong, but there were a lot of people waiting here, so he didn't want to ask carefully, so he had to send back a few demons around him. Teach the congregation, ask them to bring Sun Lin to Wu Qi's side, then turn their heads to look at Li Hanshan, and ask seriously: "What's the matter with love Gu?"

For a while, Li Hanshan subconsciously wanted to deceive, but said indiscriminately: "It's that Miaojiang man who fell into the love gu."

He Lingcheng: "Then why do you say that Jiang Shaoxia wants to take revenge on him?"

Li Hanshan was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered the kit that Hua Shiqing had given him back then.

At that time, he looked at the contents of the kit and found it difficult to understand, so he came to ask He Lingcheng what to do, and He Lingcheng was indeed helpful to him. In this demon sect, Li Hanshan felt that at least He Lingcheng could become his Emotional confusion.

He finally spoke.

"I think Jiang Su is angry with me." Li Hanshan lowered his head and said in a low voice, "He wants to take revenge on that person because yesterday I fell into a love gu, I..."

He still couldn't bear the blushing on his face, but he was also filled with guilt. For a moment, he didn't know how to explain it.

He Lingcheng: "..."

He Lingcheng was silent for a moment, then reached out to touch his money bag, but he failed to untie the money bag two or three times in a row, and finally tore off the money bag with trembling hands, and stuffed the whole thing into Li Hanshan's hands.

"The young master is promising!" He Lingcheng was very moved, "Take it as your subordinate's money."

Li Hanshan: "?"