Jiang Su felt that something was wrong with his thoughts at this moment.

How could he feel that this kind of feeling of being favored and proud is very good?

As a well-known swordsman in this arena, it is clear that he is the only one who has the chance to spoil others, how can he let others spoil him!

Jiang Su was very unconvinced.

Elder Zhou was obviously frightened by Jiang Su's words. He didn't dare to ask any more questions about giving the beauty to Li Hanshan. He just gritted his teeth and stared at Jiang Su, but he didn't dare to say anything more. , seems to have decided to eat this boring loss and stop fussing too much with Jiang Su.

That being the case, Jiang Su didn't intend to entangle Elder Zhou too much, but finally said coldly: "Elder Zhou understands people, what should be done and what should not be done, Elder Zhou, you should be very clear. .”

Li Hanshan continued to nod.

"Jiang Shaoxia taught you a good lesson." Elder Zhou said with a half-smile, "The old man has been abrupt these few days."

Jiang Su stopped talking nonsense with him, and led Li Hanshan to turn around and leave the room. After walking a few steps, Li Hanshan heaved a sigh of relief, and said cautiously: "My performance just now...is not bad?"

Jiang Su replied: "In the future, if you want to be the leader of the Demon Cult, everything in the Cult should be decided by you. At that time, if you just nod to cater to you like today, it will definitely not be enough."

Li Hanshan whispered: "But I am not the leader now."

Jiang Su nodded: "You still have time to study, but at least today... your performance is indeed not bad."

Li Hanshan was really elated.

He was very happy, walked a few steps, looked back at Jiang Su, and asked, "Have a meal together later?"

Jiang Su nodded.

Seeing that Jiang Su agreed, Li Hanshan immediately asked again: "After dinner... practice a sword together?"

Jiang Su also nodded and said, "Okay."

After saying this word, Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan, and saw Li Hanshan's face was full of joy, as if he would be satisfied as long as he agreed to such a trivial matter. If a person is only greedy for beauty, how can he be so happy about such a small thing?

Jiang Su felt that Li Hanshan should really like him.

It's just that he couldn't tell where this love came from, and he couldn't figure out his own intentions for a while, so he didn't dare to respond rashly. He only hated that he had no experience in emotional matters, and it was difficult to recognize his own emotions, otherwise this kind of thing would not be possible at all. It should have dragged on for so long.

After the two had eaten and practiced their swords, it was getting late, and the two went back to their room to rest, but found another rather embarrassing thing.

The two of them said yesterday that they wanted to experience "co-sleeping", so He Lingcheng only prepared one room for the two of them. Today, the two of them didn't say they wanted to rest separately, so naturally they didn't prepare any other rooms. That is to say... today At night, they still have to sleep together.

Thinking of this, Li Hanshan's mood improved, so he walked with ease, and went back to the house with Jiang Su. He wanted to wash up and then discuss the sword manual with Jiang Su, but suddenly he heard light footsteps outside the house, hesitating outside , refused to come in directly, the voice was not He Lingcheng or Wu Qi, so hesitant, and he would not be a member of the sect, the two couldn't help but looked at each other, and then it was Li Hanshan who spoke first, "Who is it?"

It was Elder Zhou's voice that came from outside.

"Young master, are you asleep?" Elder Zhou said cautiously, "Subordinate...I have something important to do, can I ask the young master to come out and talk?"

Li Hanshan asked: "What's the matter with you?"

Elder Zhou smiled wryly, and said: "This is an important matter, I can only tell the young master alone."

Jiang Su was silent for a moment, leaned over to Li Hanshan's ear, and said, "Just say you are the only one in the room."

He was so close, and the warm breath blew into Li Hanshan's ears, which made Li Hanshan straighten his back almost immediately. To ask him to say this, he just nodded hastily, and then said to Elder Zhou: "I am the only one in the room."

Jiang Su whispered: "Let him come in and talk."

Li Hanshan repeated directly: "You come in and say it."

After he said this, Jiang Su turned sideways to behind the screen. He has high martial arts skills. As long as he hides deliberately, Elder Zhou will never find him. He is also really curious. Elder Zhou deliberately avoided him to find Li. Han Shan, what exactly do you want to say to Li Hanshan.

Hearing what Li Hanshan said, Elder Zhou paused for a moment before saying, "Yes, young master."

He pushed open the door, and cautiously looked into the room, seeing that Jiang Su was really not in the room, he breathed a sigh of relief, walked into the room, put on an awe-inspiring attitude like a loyal minister, and said: "Young master , what the subordinate said may not be pleasant to hear."

Li Hanshan didn't answer.

Jiang Su wasn't by his side, he didn't intend to speak hastily, in case he said something wrong, right now, let's just listen to what Elder Zhou wants to do this week before saying anything.

"As the saying goes, loyal words are harsh to the ears." Elder Zhou sighed, "Although what the subordinates say is not pleasant, every sentence is for the young master's sake."

Li Hanshan: "...um."

"Young Master, don't you remember that Xie Wujiao was deceived by that Wen thief?" Elder Zhou mentioned this matter, and seemed to be unable to bear the anger in his heart for a while, and said angrily, "How many people are there in this righteous way?" Nice guy?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

"The subordinates know that the young master likes that Jiang Shaoxia, but he is a man of righteousness. If he insists on following you, young master, don't you think there is something wrong?" Elder Zhou sighed deeply, "He must have other plans If you don’t keep it, it’s still the same as that bandit Wen back then, throw it away after you use it, and in the end, he will definitely kill you.”

Li Hanshan: "..."

Elder Zhou saw that although Li Hanshan was silent, he was not angry at all, and thought that what he said had some effect on Li Hanshan's ears, so he lowered his voice and said, "Young master, I heard that the righteous way is hard to find. The key, the Martial Arts League sent this man surnamed Jiang to the Demon Sect, presumably for the sake of a beauty trick, so as to steal the two keys from my Sect."

Li Hanshan raised his eyebrows, he was already displeased, but Xie Zeli had taught him in the early years that these elders in the teachings were full of evil intentions, when in front of these people, you must not express your thoughts at will, when confronting them, It takes patience, these people will naturally show their feet gradually.

When he heard Xie Zeli say these things in the past, he never paid attention to them. Anyway, he was in the practice room all year round, and he never saw the elders who taught him a few times. It was useless for him to learn, and he didn't like to learn these things. It was forgotten by ear, but now that Jiang Su was hiding behind the screen, and he couldn't mention how he should answer...he remembered Xie Zeli's words instead.

Sure enough, Elder Zhou didn't seem to mind seeing Li Hanshan, and even nodded slightly to him, signaling him to continue talking. He felt that he had grasped the thoughts in the young master's mind, and felt that the young master was the future master of the Demon Cult. , the view of beauty is really not much different from that of the leader.

That being the case, as long as he works harder, he will definitely be able to drive away that evildoer surnamed Jiang!

"Young master, there are so many beauties in the world, and it's not hard to find, so why bother to be deceived by this little thief of the righteous way?" Elder Zhou finally showed his intentions and said flatteringly, "If you like it, this subordinate can find it for you right now." Come out ten."

Li Hanshan finally opened his mouth and said, "I don't think what you said is right."

Elder Zhou was startled, and said, "Young Master, what is the meaning of this?"

Li Hanshan: "In this world, no one looks better than him."

Elder Zhou: "Uh..."

"Don't say that you have compared him, there is no one who can compare with him." Li Hanshan said softly, "Since I already have him, why should I think about other people?"

Jiang Su behind the screen: "..."

He often heard people praise his face, saying that he is a rare beauty in this world, but...why did he couldn't help the smile on his lips when Li Hanshan said it.

Li Hanshan felt that everyone in the world was not as good-looking as him.

Then he...he felt that no one in the world knew his mind as well as Li Hanshan.

Elder Zhou began to feel that something was wrong.

Elder Zhou: "He is an undercover agent of Zhengdao!"

Li Hanshan: "He was honest with me on the first day."

Elder Zhou: "He has ulterior motives!"

Li Hanshan: "I just like his thoughtfulness."

Elder Zhou: "Young master, you can't eat your face."

Li Hanshan: "But it's comfortable to look at."

Elder Zhou: "..."

Speaking of this, Li Hanshan paused for a moment, and asked Elder Zhou: "Elder Zhou, since you don't like beauty, shouldn't your outhouses also be dismissed?"

Elder Zhou: "I... my subordinates are ordinary people..."

Li Hanshan: "Then you want me to be a saint?"

Elder Zhou: "Subordinate...Subordinate doesn't mean that!"

"I'm a devil, not a saint." Li Hanshan said frankly, "I like beauties, and I like Jiang Su."

Jiang Su hid behind the screen, completely unable to hold back the smile on his lips.

He didn't feel offended at all, he just found Li Hanshan's candor and honesty amusing.

At this time, Li Hanshan didn't refute Elder Zhou's intentions, but instead got into a dispute with that Elder Zhou here.

But this move had a miraculous effect. That Elder Zhou was blocked by Li Hanshan's few words, and he couldn't say anything. After a while, he choked out a sentence and said: "You are the young master of the sect, how can you be deceived by beauty!"

Li Hanshan replied: "Xie Wujiao can do it, why can't I?"

Elder Zhou: "This... this is not the same thing."

Li Hanshan: "Don't you think Xie Wu is wrong?"

Elder Zhou: "..."

"If Elder Zhou wants to argue with me about this matter, it would be too unconvincing." Li Hanshan said, "Why don't Elder Zhou set an example and dismiss the wives and concubines at home, and then come to persuade me."

Elder Zhou couldn't continue.

He got up angrily, and muttered in his mouth, "Young master, honest words are harsh to the ear, beauty is wrong to teach—"

Li Hanshan: "Lead by example."

Elder Zhou: "If the leader knows about this, how heartbroken he will be!"

Li Hanshan: "Dismiss."

Elder Zhou: "..."

Elder Zhou was speechless.

Li Hanshan slowly stretched out his hand towards the door, made a gesture of seeing off the guests, and said, "Please."

Elder Zhou: "..."

Elder Zhou rushed away angrily, Li Hanshan just breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went around behind the screen, leaned Jiang Su under the pillar of the porch, and looked at him with a smile.

Li Hanshan looked at Jiang Su, and then thought about what he said just now. For some reason, his face turned red, and he said, "Just now...just now I was...in a hurry..."

Jiang Su still smiled and said, "The young master is so eloquent."

Li Hanshan's face turned even redder.

"I just remembered what you said to me." Li Hanshan faltered and said, "You said that the confrontation between people is not much different from the confrontation between swords..."

After saying this, he looked up at Jiang Su again, and suddenly noticed that under the moonlight, Jiang Su's face didn't seem to be slightly flushed, so he couldn't help but pause, and rushed forward to grab Jiang Su's hand, Jiang Su was so frightened that he jumped back and hit the wall behind him, and his words that were smooth just now faltered, stammering: "You...what are you doing!"

Li Hanshan clasped his wrist lightly with one hand, frowned, looked up at Jiang Su, and asked, "Why is your heart beating so fast?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su withdrew his hand, tried his best to maintain a calm expression, and said: "I am worried that Elder Zhou will find out, so naturally... I am... a little nervous."

Li Hanshan: "...You feel ashamed yourself, but you still want to laugh at me!"

Li Hanshan was inexplicably ashamed and annoyed. Looking left and right, he saw a feather duster stuck in a vase in the room. Remembering that Jiang Su said he wanted to compete with him a few days ago, he threw the feather duster into Jiang Su's hand and picked it up by himself. Jiang Su's sword crossed the screen, but he didn't dare to take the sword out of its sheath, chased Jiang Su and knocked it over, saying: "Didn't you say you want to compete!"

Jiang Su waved the feather duster: "...you cheated!"

He moved too much, a feather duster knocked on the screen, seeing that the screen was about to fall to the ground, he and Li Hanshan stretched out their hands almost at the same time, and supported the edge of the screen.

With their hands folded, Li Hanshan stood behind Jiang Su again, both of them froze, not knowing whether they should let go or not let go at this moment.

It just so happened that He Lingcheng knocked on the door and said, "Young master, I just remembered that we haven't prepared another room for Jiang Shaoxia—"

Unexpectedly, Elder Zhou hadn't closed the door tightly. When he knocked, the door opened instantly. He Lingcheng was startled, and when he looked into the room, he saw that the screen was half tilted, and then the two figures intertwined. , holding a feather duster.

He Lingcheng: "..."

"Your subordinate is fine." He Lingcheng closed the door and said quickly, "Young Master and Jiang Shaoxia are sleeping together...It's also very good!"