Li Hanshan didn't pay any attention to Elder Zhou who was standing there in a daze, just now when he walked out of the meeting hall, he saw an attendant rushing over, caught him with a glance, and said, "Young master, the people Jiang Shaoxia mentioned are here."

Li Hanshan turned his head to look at Jiang Su, Jiang Su couldn't help being startled, and then understood, saying: "It should be Hua Shiqing and the others who came."

At the beginning, they made an appointment with Hua Shiqing to bring the high priest to the Demon Cult to cultivate their bodies first, and Hua Shiqing and Fu Wenxiao would come here to meet them after they collected the medicinal materials needed to dispel the Gu.

Jiang Su wished that the High Priest would undo the Gu earlier, and rush back to Miaojiang earlier to bring him the key. He hurriedly took him to meet the flowers. When Qing and the High Priest came in, He Lingcheng went back to make soup, and Wu Qi continued. Hey cat, there was so much going on in this meeting hall that in the end only Elder Zhou, who was gnashing his teeth, was left alone.

Elder Zhou has been in Shengjiao for decades, and this is the first time he has been so angry.

He doesn't believe it.

Just this little righteous thief can really drive him to the end of the mountain.

Elder Zhou took a deep breath and decided to sue the leader.

He rushed back to the house, prepared a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and eloquently listed countless Jiang Su's crimes. He even made up some more, and then found his confidant, and asked him to send the letter to Xie Zeli quickly.

This is the holy religion!

Within the Holy Cult, Xie Zeli is the sky, as long as the sky is furious, he thought, this Jiang, must die so that not even the ashes of his bones are left!

Jiang Su didn't know that someone was cursing him.

At this moment, he was sitting in the High Priest's room, watching Hua Shiqing and Fu Wenxiao join hands to undo the damned Twin Gu for the High Priest and Xu Qingyan.

He didn't understand Gu poison, he didn't understand the methods of the two of them, but he didn't dare to disturb the two of them. On the contrary, Fang Yuanluo, who was at the side, couldn't help but whispered with emotion, saying: "I really didn't expect that in my lifetime, I can still go to the Devil's Cult branch."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Fang Yuanluo continued to babble: "Hey, it's great to have a friend who has a relationship with the young master of the Demon Cult. The Demon Cult seems to be richer than the Martial Arts League."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Fang Yuanluo finally raised his head, looked at Li Hanshan, pulled a corner of the curtain in his hand, and asked in a low voice, "Brother Li, how much is your curtain... worth?"

Li Hanshan: "This..."

How could he know? !

Fang Yuanluo babbled, his voice was not loud, but several people in the room could hear him clearly. Fu Wenxiao was not very willing to come to this kind of place. If it wasn't for Jiang Su's request, he would never have stepped into the Devil's Cult branch. Half a step away from the rudder, he was distracted, and Fang Yuanluo couldn't stop talking, he finally got angry, and glared at Fang Yuanluo, Fang Yuanluo immediately shut up, sat obediently on the side, not saying a word Dare to say more.

Jiang Su had no choice but to get up and take Fang Yuanluo out, lest the vice gang leader Fang hold back for too long and ruin himself.

They waited outside for a long time, and the door didn't open until noon. Fu Wenxiao came out from inside, looking tired, and said, "They're fine."

Only then did Jiang Su enter the room, and saw the high priest leaning against the head of the bed, his complexion was a little more rosy than before, and Xu Qingyan's body was much better than his, and he seemed to have recovered. On the contrary, Hua Shiqing leaned against the table with his forehead supported, exhausted, obviously spending a lot of energy in order to unravel the Twin Gu.

Jiang Su asked people to prepare meals. Fu Wenxiao and Hua Shiqing hadn't had food or water for a day and needed a good rest, but before the meal was served, the high priest whispered, "Brother, I said a few days ago What are you... thinking about?"

It was only then that Jiang Su remembered that the high priest wanted to leave the position of priest to Hua Shiqing, which made Hua Shiqing a little annoyed at that time, but Jiang Su didn't expect that the high priest would bring up the old matter at this time.

Hua Shiqing was already tired, and the high priest still said such words to him, as if he would not stay far away in the clan for a moment, wishing to follow Xu Qingyan away and fly away immediately, this attitude inevitably made Hua Shiqing feel annoyed, Without even thinking about it, he directly rejected the high priest's request, saying, "I don't accept it."

He thought that his attitude was strong enough, and the high priest should not be obsessed with this matter anymore, but he didn't want the high priest to frown slightly and still persist, saying: "According to the tradition of the family, the high priest should be inherited by the eldest son."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

The high priest said again: "I want to leave Miaojiang, brother, you know I like him."

The love he repeatedly emphasized aroused Hua Shiqing's anger instead. Hua Shiqing raised his eyes to look at the high priest, tried his best to suppress the hidden anger in his words, and said, "So you are going to abandon your clansmen because of your love?"

The high priest was taken aback, and said, "I have entrusted you with the position of high priest."

"The high priest has many responsibilities, even if it is delivered normally, it will take several years to learn." Hua Shiqing raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you irresponsible if you leave as soon as you say?"

But the high priest still felt a little aggrieved, and said, "Brother, you can take a look at those trivial matters and you will know how to do them."

Hua Shiqing: "Since my father entrusted you with the position of high priest, you should be responsible for it."

The high priest retorted: "I didn't want to be a high priest. Brother, you should know that some people are born with children first, but you insist on forcing me."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Hua Shiqing took a deep breath, as if he felt that the two of them were arguing meaninglessly. The two insisted on their own opinions, and neither of them would accept the other's ideas. At this moment, if someone else is willing to mediate, it is obviously a the best.

Hua Shiqing looked at Jiang Su and Li Hanshan.

"Young Master, Jiang Shaoxia." Hua Shiqing asked, "What do you think?"

Jiang Su: "..."

No, what does this have to do with him!

Li Hanshan was startled, and subconsciously said: "If you are willing to take over, then there is nothing wrong with what he did."

Jiang Su disagreed with him, frowned and looked at the high priest, saying: "Since you are the high priest of the clan, you should shoulder the responsibility of the high priest."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su: "..."

The two looked at each other, as if they had finally found their first disagreement.

"Of course, the love between children must be established after the establishment of a career." Jiang Su said, "Since he has his responsibilities, he should put his responsibilities first."

Li Hanshan just frowned, and whispered: "There is nothing wrong with admiring someone."

"Emotions can be controlled." Jiang Su raised his eyebrows, "It's not difficult, is it?"

Li Hanshan shook his head and said, "When love arises, it's hard to control yourself."

Jiang Su paused, feeling that Li Hanshan had something else to say, but he insisted on saying, "...then do you want to give up everything for this person?"

Li Hanshan replied: "If he is willing, then of course I will."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su stopped talking.

Hua Shiqing felt a little regretful as soon as he spoke, he was worried that the two were arguing, and was about to persuade them, but he didn't expect them to end the argument by themselves, not only that, the young master's eloquence was beyond his imagination, he couldn't believe it It was still the young master who was not good at talking.

Hua Shiqing coughed, and before the two continued to argue, he said, "Young Master, Jiang Shaoxia, this matter—"

Jiang Su: "It has nothing to do with me."

Li Hanshan: "Yes."

Jiang Su: "You guys discuss it yourself."

Li Hanshan: "Yes."

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Jiang Su got up and went straight out of the room.

Hua Shiqing had no choice but to look at the high priest and said, "Even if you want to leave, you must go back to Miaojiang with me first, and then leave after clearing up the affairs of the clan."

The high priest agreed in a low voice. Seeing that the two had reached a unity, Li Hanshan left here and went out to catch up with Jiang Su. Seeing that Jiang Su was not walking in the direction of their room, he couldn't help but ask, "What are you going to do?"

Jiang Su replied: "The matter between the two of them is over, I should go to Sun Lin."

Li Hanshan: "...Huh?"

If it wasn't for Jiang Su's reminder, Li Hanshan would have almost forgotten that they took a Sun Lin from the inn.

For the past few days, Sun Lin has been hiding in the Demon Cult branch, but no one has come to trouble him. Based on this, Jiang Su can almost guess that the person behind the scenes he is looking for should be someone in that inn. .

It's just that Jiang Su's main concern now is another thing.

There are only three keys missing, and the red edge value he has accumulated is still 0. If he doesn't work hard, he will really be over!

He originally thought that the high priest had some martial arts skills, but the result really disappointed him, so his greatest hope in front of him naturally fell on Sun Lin and Sun Lin's friends.

Jiang Su asked several guards, and he knew that Sun Lin was in the kitchen, and he remembered that He Lingcheng said that there was still soup in the pot...Jiang Su had a bad premonition in his heart, and when he walked to the kitchen, he really smelled it. There was an indescribably terrible smell, and Sun Lin was pale, sitting at the table, staring at the bowl of chicken soup on the table in a daze.

He Lingcheng stood aside and said, "The chicken soup is cold, it's time to drink it."

Sun Lin: "I... Deputy Envoy He, I'm really not hungry..."

"Who cares if you are hungry or not? I asked you to come here just to taste the taste." He Lingcheng said bluntly, "The young master seems to think that the taste of my stewed soup is not good. If you want to improve it, of course you can only eat more. Tried a lot."

Sun Lin: "Why me!"

He Lingcheng: "Because you are a righteous person."

Sun Lin: "..."

Sun Lin looked around and pointed at Jiang Su: "He is too!"

"He's different." He Lingcheng said, "I can't beat him."

Sun Lin: "..."

Jiang Su was startled, and suddenly remembered something.

Why does he seem to have forgotten that there is another person in this demon sect who can fight for his popularity!

Wu Qi's martial arts skills are also enough to rank among the top 100 in the Jianghu.

Jiang Su felt that he had discovered two bright hopes at once, and he was overjoyed, but he still didn't know how to match Wu Qi with a partner, so he should start with Sun Lin first, and match up Sun Lin's pair first. Besides.

So Jiang Su walked into the kitchen, and was about to ask Sun Lin about his friend who was captured by the behind-the-scenes, but he didn't want Sun Lin to push the chicken soup forward firmly, saying: "You are bullying the weak and afraid of the hard!"

"What's bullying and fearing the hard?" He Lingcheng replied, "If I don't help my family, should I help you?"

Jiang Su: "..."

"My family?" Sun Lin was stunned, suddenly realized, and said with a soft snort, "The rumors in the world are indeed true, I feel that the two of them have some ulterior relationship—"

But before he finished his sentence, He Lingcheng threw the spatula in front of Sun Lin.

"Say it again?" He Lingcheng's face was gloomy and unhappy, "What's the matter?"

Sun Lin: "No...don't tell anyone..."

"What kind of unrevealable relationship?!" He Lingcheng raised his eyebrows, "Your love is my wish, why is it an unrevealable relationship!"

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

No, wait, this is really not it!

Seeing that He Lingcheng wanted to say more, Jiang Su hurriedly interrupted the conversation between the two of them, wishing he could squeeze between them immediately, and rushed to speak: "Sun Lin! I have something to ask you."

Sun Lin was frightened by He Lingcheng, and suddenly seemed to be more honest. Jiang Su wanted to ask him something, but he nodded obediently and said, " tell me."

Jiang Su stopped being polite, and asked bluntly: "Who is that friend you mentioned?"

Sun Lin paused slightly, and said, "Ghost Hand Mengdu."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su's heart froze, and at that moment, he almost couldn't help laughing out loud.

He was only missing three keys.

According to the book, among the three keys, one is in the hands of the head of the Mingmen Sect who has not been released for many years, the other is in the hands of the owner of Duanqinggu, and the last one was handed over by Xie Wu himself. At that time, Meng Shisan, a famous doctor in the world, and Meng Du, the ghost hand, were descendants of Meng Shisan.