Jiang Su comforted himself in his heart.

As for the diary, it is written for myself. It is normal if it records some thoughts that cannot be known to outsiders. Apart from other things, he also likes to watch people dance swords, not to mention that the other party is still a master. See Xie Wuwujian must be able to learn something from it. Thinking about it this way, I still have some yearning.

With a smile on his face, Jiang Su suppressed his doubts and continued to look back.

"The Demon Cult's swordsmanship is indeed formidable.

Half-covered and half-covered, looming, like the rhyme in a poem, leaving blank space on the painting, the secret place is more moving. "

Jiang Su: "..."

This is the swordsmanship of the Devil's Cult? Had he never seen the swordplay of the Devil's Cult?

He has competed with Li Hanshan more than once, and he has seen Li Hanshan dance sword more than once. Xie Wu's swordsmanship is fierce and fierce. When the sword is drawn out of the sheath, it is full of murderous aura, causing people to die. That kind of sharp sword There is no blank meaning rhyme at all.

moving? Every time Li Hanshan drew his sword, he would feel a shudder in his heart, whoever moves the ball!

Jiang Su's hands trembled, and he could hardly continue to argue for his master.

He closed his eyes and thought about the record of sword practice experience left by his master in the door. He had read those few thin booklets countless times over the years, and he memorized every word written on it.

He remembered very clearly that the master said that if one wants to practice the Zhishui swordsmanship, one must first have a mind like still water, cut off lust, and focus on the sword before he can achieve success.

Jiang Su opened his eyes.

"...The rain is getting heavier today. If I don't want to practice swords, I will stain my clothes. Fortunately, I can still suppress his voice."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su closed his eyes.

"You must know that hard work can make up for one's weakness. Only by studying hard every day can one learn from the old and learn the new, and make progress in the way of swordsmanship."

Jiang Su opened his eyes.

"I didn't want to practice swords yesterday, I don't want to practice swords today, and I don't want to practice swords tomorrow.

Xie Wu taught me when I got up this morning, saying that I was so tired that I would drag him out of bed, and sooner or later I would be overtaken by others. I laughed at him for being boring. One or two days of swords, in fact, it doesn't matter. "

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su trembled and closed his eyes, trying to recall the words on the title page recorded by the master in the sect.

"I am here today, writing this statement, and in the next hundred years, all the disciples in my sect will be able to abide by it, study hard in the way of swordsmanship, and carry forward the swordsmanship of my sword sect."

Jiang Su opened his eyes expressionlessly.

"Someone from the sect came again to urge me to write a record of my experience in guiding my disciples. I wrote two pages to make the disciples in the sect feel more relaxed. There are many good things in life besides the sword, such as speaking (crossed out), Rukou (blacked out), but after these two pages were sent back, the younger brother wrote a letter and scolded me.

Alas, but I really couldn’t make up anything else, so I had to ask Xie Wu to write it as a ghostwriter. Anyway, he is the most boring person in the world, and the things he writes are also very boring, so he should be very popular with the younger brother.”

"As for the disciples in the sect, what will happen to them after reading this record of experience... I think no one will read this extremely boring thing that follows the scriptures."

With trembling hands, Jiang Su turned the diary to the next page.

"Xie Wu doesn't know Zhishui swordsmanship, he wrote a record of experience, whoever believes it is a fool."

Jiang Su: "..."

Jiang Su's hands trembled, and with a stabbing sound, he tore the entire diary in half.


Do not.

Wen Qingting! Why are you such a dog thing! !

Jiang Su's movement was too sudden, which actually startled Li Hanshan who was beside him.

He knew that Jiang Su had always admired Wen Qingting, and felt that he was not a member of the Zhishui Sword School. It was inconvenient for him to read the transcripts and letters written by Wen Qingting, so when Jiang Su was reading the transcripts, he just sat by and didn't know What is written on it.

He could only ask cautiously, "What's wrong with you?"

Jiang Su took Wen Qingting's diary again and again in front of Li Hanshan, his face paled with anger, and said, "Look for yourself!"

Li Hanshan silently put together the book that had been torn in half, quickly flipped through the pages, couldn't help but pause slightly, looked up at Jiang Su, and asked, "Could you..."

Jiang Su: "I practiced according to the sword manual and notes he left in the door."

Speaking of this, his voice trembled slightly, and he seemed to be annoyed that he couldn't express it. Fortunately, Wen Qingting didn't leave a grave of bones, otherwise Jiang Su would be able to lift the bastard's grave now.

He is heartbroken.

Since he came to this book, for a whole ten years, he has admired his master Wen Qingting as his target idol, and he has not even dared to use the Wuzhi sword, only feeling that his sword skills are not worthy of that of his master. With a sword, he never thought that Wen Qingting would look like this in private.

Li Hanshan whispered: "But it was written by Xie Wujiao."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "He doesn't seem to know how to stop water sword at all." Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan: "Then your current swordsmanship..."

Jiang Su: "Shut up."

Li Hanshan immediately shut up: "...Oh."

Jiang Su covered his face with his hands, in great pain.

Over the years, in addition to reading the sword manual for comprehension, he has developed many habits based on the transcripts left by Wen Qingting, because the sword manual of the Zhishui Sword Sect is only the upper half, and many parts are incomplete. Most of it was based on the content in the transcript, and he figured it out by himself. Originally, he thought that the result he released should not be much different from the lower sword manual. Fa's thanks have nothing to write.

Jiang Su finally understood why when thinking about the sword style according to the transcript, he would feel that the sword intent contained in the transcript was too cold, rather than the usual quietness of Zhishui swordsmanship. No wonder he always felt that his understanding of swordsmanship They have a little in common with Li Hanshan, and after careful comparison, Xie Wu wrote the contents of the transcript according to the swordsmanship of the Demon Cult.

Wen Qingting felt that no one would seriously read the transcripts, so he was not worried about misleading his disciples. Indeed, among the Zhishui Sword Sect, there are probably less than five people who have completely turned over his transcripts. Jiang Su is the only one who practiced swordsmanship in the way of writing.

Jiang Su was a little indescribably decadent, he didn't even want to read the remaining books and letters, but Li Hanshan was worried that he might make mistakes, so he went through them one by one, and finally couldn't help but said to him: "Your teacher Zu is really an interesting person."

Jiang Su was expressionless: "But I just want to dig his grave."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan can understand Jiang Su's feelings at this time.

He read the transcripts left by Wen Qingting, as well as the letters between him and Xie Wuer. The transcripts were written by Wen Qingting with a bit of a sexual flavor, and he was either lazy or flirting every day. As for the letters...it was too much To tarnish the reputation of the master of the sect, don't read it, let's put it away.

But Jiang Su wanted to see it.

He wanted to see how Wen Qingting, a sanctimonious hypocrite, disguised himself to deceive others, and also wanted to know what the boring Xie Wu that Wen Qingting said really looked like.

He took the letter from Li Hanshan, and saw Wen Qingting write on it at the first sight, "I haven't seen you for a day, and I'm thinking like crazy. I still remember that you sent me on a trip yesterday, to the barren mountain and abandoned temple... You and I made the Buddha see this." , It is really a disrespectful act, I am afraid that after death, you will still suffer in **** with me."

Jiang Su: "..."

What the hell? What is this? !

Is this really his master's letter? Didn't Wu Qi write it to make up for it?

Jiang Su took a deep breath, and picked up Xie Wu's reply letter again.

Xie Wu's reply was very concise, and it seemed much more normal, with only one sentence in it.

"Shut up, don't mention this again."

Jiang Su's heart was bleeding.

No wonder He Lingcheng always felt that it was Wen Qingting who abducted Xie Wu. As far as the characters in the letters between the two of them were concerned, Xie Wu did seem to be more decent, and Wen Qingting... maybe he shouldn't be in the Zhishui Sword Sect, he should be in Mei In the palace.

Jiang Su finally put down the letters between the two of them, stuffed the pile of things on the table into the box, and then quickly closed and locked the box, deciding that he would never read anything left by Wen Qingting again, and would never write to Wen Qingting again. In other words, as for the sword skills he has learned over the years...

Jiang Su's heart froze, remembering that he practiced sword according to the written record, and abided by it for many years without emotion and desire. Now, it seems that it is difficult for him to have desire for others, so he is full of anger, but... he thinks again, he thought The essentials of the experience were not left by Wen Qingting, but written by Xie Wu. Does that mean that Xie Wu is the one who is dedicated to the sword.

As for how Xie Wu gradually changed... Xie Wu was changed by Wen Qingting, that stinky hooligan! This has no reference at all!

Jiang Su was silent for a long time, sighed deeply, and didn't want to continue thinking about this issue.

Tonight is simply the collapse of his outlook on life after wearing a book. He needs to divert his attention and find something to ease it. He doesn't want to practice the sword, and he doesn't even want to see the sword very much. Then at this moment...

Jiang Su suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Li Hanshan, and said, "I want to drink."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Li Hanshan can clearly remember the appearance of Jiang Su after he was drunk last time. He doesn't want to see Jiang Su drunk again, but this happened to Jiang Su, he can understand Jiang Su's mood, and he can't stop Jiang Su from getting drunk To vent, so Li Hanshan remained silent for a long time, but he was still served with wine.

At this moment, he can only stay by Jiang Su's side like this, hoping that this will make Jiang Su happier.

Before long, the attendants of the teaching center brought up the food and drink, Jiang Su remained silent, as if it was the first time he indulged in drinking as much as today, he didn't eat much at noon, and now he can't drink much wine, he Started to get a little drunk.

He sighed, looked at the wine glass in his hand, and muttered to himself.

"I was cheated." Jiang Su said firmly, "What is it? He is an old pervert himself."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su slapped the cup heavily on the table: "I am the only one who believes in the whole family!"

Li Hanshan didn't know how to comfort him, after much deliberation, he could only silently pour wine for Jiang Su.

"I really believe it." Jiang Su threw away the wine glass, "For so many years, I have focused on the sword, and I have really turned myself into the ruthless and desireless appearance I am now..."

He paused slightly, as if he remembered something, raised his eyes to look at Li Hanshan, and asked: "I read something written by Xie Wu... You have read their letters for so long just now, I ask you, Xie... Is Xie Wu also the same with me?"

He was drunk and slightly slurred his words. Li Hanshan was even more baffled and didn't understand Jiang Su's meaning. He asked, "Same as you? What is the same as you?"

Jiang Su leaned on the table, muttering: "Just like me... Heartless... Desireless..."

He paused for a while, then raised his eyes to look at Li Hanshan suddenly, his eyes were cloudy, obviously drunk, he looked at Li Hanshan for a long while, then lowered his eyes again, and said: "I don't hate you, you are also to me. ...he is already the most important person in the world."

Li Hanshan: "..."

He looked at Jiang Su in surprise, he couldn't tell whether it was Jiang Su's drunken words or the truth, but even if it was just Jiang Su's nonsense, he couldn't help feeling a slight movement in his heart, wishing to muster up his courage immediately and chase after Jiang Su Su's words continued: "I... For me, you are also-"

Jiang Su staggered and raised his hand to tell him to shut up.

"But I don't think I like you." Jiang Su's words almost extinguished all of Li Hanshan's enthusiasm, "I...for you, I don't have the kind...that kind of desire that you should have when you are in love with a child."

Jiang Su felt that this was not something difficult to export.

He thought that in addition to liking, admiration should have some **** in it. If one person has no desire for the other, then this feeling should be regarded as family friendship, but it is unlikely to be love.

But to Li Hanshan, this is equivalent to Jiang Su, who has always had no thoughts on such things. He couldn't help being startled when he suddenly said such a sentence. Jiang Su didn't feel any difference, but he was inexplicably embarrassed. , had to hastily lowered his eyes, and whispered: "I... don't really mind."

Jiang Su: "...Huh?"

"It's not a big deal." Li Hanshan said, "As long as you are by my side."

Jiang Su: "..."

But Jiang Su didn't seem to be moved.

He had indeed drank too much wine, and he was dizzy at the moment. Li Hanshan in front of his eyes was covered with several layers of double images. Han Shan said: "Answer me, thank you... Is Xie Wu also like me..."

Li Hanshan froze in place. After a while, he nodded and said, "Looking at the letter...he seems to be a little...but it's not to the point where you are."

Li Hanshan paused for a while, and felt that what he said

Jiang Su: "Then how...how did he recover?"

The smell of alcohol hit his face, and Li Hanshan's heart beat like a drum.

"It's Wen Qingting..." Li Hanshan couldn't continue, "It's not like he's really heartless—"

His words were interrupted by Jiang Su's sudden movement.

"Since he can change it." Jiang Su moved closer, almost sticking to Li Hanshan's body, and then said very firmly, "Then I...I can naturally."