Jiang Su was silent.

This speculation came too suddenly, he didn't know how he should react, so he had no choice but to keep silent, and he felt in his heart that it was all too absurd, how could there be a physical relationship as evidence of their love? This is too hasty!

But in the world view of a certain literature... this is indeed like a setting that a certain literature will have.

Jiang Su had a headache.

If this is the case, then the red edge value, I am afraid it will be a little difficult to deal with.

If you insist on coming, it's not impossible, but he really doesn't have much reaction to this kind of love affairs now, he just thinks that Li Hanshan is in a normal body and should like to get close to the person he likes, so he will take the initiative to tease him Li Hanshan was making out with him, and Li Hanshan's reaction was so funny that he couldn't help but want to tease—tease Li Hanshan during the making out.

As for himself, except when he was dizzy in the mountain stream, he seemed to be a little distracted, other than that, he hardly felt anything, he just wanted to tease Li Hanshan, in this case...Jiang Su felt , He wants to get to that step with Li Hanshan, it is almost impossible to accomplish.

He had read Wu Qi's album! He knew how to do this kind of thing, but he couldn't even do it in the first step! This is too embarrassing and indifferent!

Jiang Su stood on the spot thinking of a solution, Li Hanshan saw him - motionless, and came forward out of curiosity, but he did the same, and immediately heard an ambiguous sound coming from the room.

Li Hanshan couldn't help but stagnate, a little embarrassed, he didn't understand why Jiang Su stayed here all the time, listening to this voice, wouldn't Jiang Su feel embarrassed? But he thought again, these days, Jiang Su always likes to tease him about this kind of thing, Jiang Su stands here - not moving at all, maybe he is deliberately lured over.

As for leading him here, what else could it be for?

Zhang Wenxue's chicken soup was not quite right, Li Hanshan endured the throbbing in his heart, but he still had to suffer from it, he couldn't help but feel a little sullen, Jiang Su still looked up at him, hesitant, as if he had something to say Want to say to Li Hanshan: "You—"

Li Hanshan interrupted Jiang Su angrily, "Don't tease me anymore."

Jiang Su: "...Huh?"

Li Hanshan looked around and saw that there was no one around in the courtyard, so he grabbed Jiang Su's arm and pulled Jiang Su into the empty room. This room was still some distance away from Sun Lin's room, and perhaps it was him The sound of the two talking just now made Sun Lin listen, but the sound stopped, and the two even heard someone going out in a hurry. The scene seemed to be even more embarrassing.

Jiang Su looked helplessly at Li Hanshan in front of him. He really didn't know what Li Hanshan wanted to do, why he made such a big commotion, but he didn't seem to have any chance to speak, Li Hanshan almost had a slight Holding him resentfully, regardless of Jiang Su's next reaction, he had pushed Jiang Su behind the door, pinched Jiang Su's chin with a little resentment, and kissed Jiang Su's lips angrily.

Jiang Su was a little dazed, he didn't know why Li Hanshan did this, he was wondering if his brother's chicken soup had worked again, Li Hanshan had already pressed down on the back of his head, but with too much force, the bridge of their noses and teeth Collided forward, grinning his teeth in pain, Li Hanshan took a step back holding his nose, looked up at Jiang Su sadly, accused Jiang Su of his behavior just now, and said: "I'm angry, don't tease me anymore."

Jiang Su: "?"

Jiang Su was at a loss, he had never teased Li Hanshan before, he didn't understand what Li Hanshan meant, not to mention that the truth he suddenly understood just now hit him too hard, so far his mind is still a little confused, He covered his sore bridge of the nose, frowned and looked at the suffocated and aggrieved Li Hanshan, silent and at a loss for words. After a while, he felt a thump in his heart, and suddenly understood another thing.

He and Li Hanshan are both men.

That is to say, his intimacy with Li Hanshan is not the same as that between a man and a woman.

He is not interested, and it doesn't matter if he has a reaction. The young master of the Demon Cult in front of him looks **** and angry, and always wants to make out with him. He also drank the special chicken soup stewed by his senior brother to strengthen the yang and nourish the kidney. Jiang Su believes that Li Han Shan is very good now, not to mention one hundred red fate points, Jiang Su believes that even if there is an upper limit to the red fate value, Li Hanshan can help him get that upper limit.

Besides, Jiang Su didn't mind being intimate with Li Hanshan at first. He originally believed that the two people's love and companionship must be a combination of soul and flesh, and both are indispensable. He didn't reject this kind of thing. If so, why didn't he Taking advantage of today, why don't you just get the red edge value and talk about it later?

Jiang Su realized.

He put down his hand covering his nose, grabbed Li Hanshan's arm without saying a word, and directly pulled Li Hanshan towards the bed, but Li Hanshan was still resentful, so he staggered forward a few times. Stepping forward, he was full of bewilderment, and was about to ask, but Jiang Su had already said before him, "Take it off."

Li Hanshan: "???"

Jiang Su ignored Li Hanshan's astonishment, and started to undress his own clothes, but this - indeed, it came out of the blue, his movements were quick and sloppy, and he didn't seem to have the slightest intention of being intimate with others, Li Hanshan It almost feels like Jiang Su is going to take off his clothes and shirtless to beat himself.

But Jiang Su was silent for a while when he saw him groaning, thinking that maybe his actions were too direct, which shocked Li Hanshan. What kind of temptation is it for a beauty to undress in front of her? Of course he could be more calm.

Jiang Su sighed deeply.

In fact, he also suspected that Li Hanshan, like him, was taught by Xie Wu, so why he was deeply influenced by Xie Wu, but Li Hanshan didn't seem to have the slightest influence.

If he thought about it carefully, Jiang Su always felt that he might understand.

Wen Qingting and Xie Wu are the chief of all evils, and they have caused great harm to others. If Li Hanshan hadn't been influenced by Xie Wu, how could he restrain his desire to such an extent.

However, Li Hanshan's influence was not as deep as Jiang Su's.

Jiang Su knew that if he took the initiative, Li Hanshan would never be able to restrain the desire in his heart. He took off his clothes too quickly just now, but this is not important. He can restore everything just now. For example—Jiang Su raised his sword, hooked Li Hanshan's belt, and asked him: "Don't you want to try the double cultivation method of Meiyou Palace?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

If the person he likes has this invitation, Li Hanshan feels that no matter who it is, it will be difficult to refuse.

It's just that for some reason, the intimacy with Jiang Su is still different from what he thought.

He felt that Jiang Su was impatient.

With that appearance, he almost wanted to get straight to the point with him immediately. Li Hanshan could see that Jiang Su didn't react much, but even took the initiative to press his shoulders. Instead, he sat on Li Hanshan's body and directly pressed Li Hanshan's shoulders with him. kiss.

But gradually, things seemed to be a little different.

The skins of the two are close together, there is no gap between them, the light touch seems to be ignited between the two - the fire, the slightly rough fingertips brushed against Jiang Su's exposed skin, making him unable to stop. Trembling and trembling, he originally thought that even if he did this kind of thing with Li Hanshan, he shouldn't feel any different from usual, but he was obviously wrong, every movement of Li Hanshan made him unforgettable. It was he who wanted to start the intimacy, and he had to take all the initiative, but in the end, he needed Li Hanshan to hold his waist to prevent him from falling down on the bed.

At the end, Jiang Su actually felt that he seemed to be a little distraught.

It's more than just confusion.

His heart was stuck in this, he was in a daze, he just didn't understand why he didn't try earlier, maybe he could be as fast as Li Hanshan.

He thought, Xie Wu's ruthlessness and desire can be relieved by Wen Qingting, then he should have understood long ago that his desire for no desire can also be relieved by Li Hanshan.

For him, Li Hanshan is like his key.

The key to untie his heart-wrenching knot.

When everything was over, the two were still reluctant to part. Although Jiang Su half-closed his eyes, he pricked up his ears, waiting for the system to make a familiar prompt later.

But Jiang Su waited for a long time, until his breathing had stabilized, but he still didn't see the words that popped up when the red edge value increased.

He faintly began to feel that something was wrong.

Wait, maybe he guessed wrong?

Could it be that the condition to unlock the protagonist's love is not to do this kind of thing with the lover, but to rely on other conditions?

When Jiang Su was confused, he suddenly looked at the system prompt to turn up-flip, and it was automatically replaced with another paragraph.

"Congratulations to the protagonist for getting a perfect relationship, fit: a match made in heaven."

"Current red edge value reward unlock condition: 1/2"

Jiang Su: "..."

What does it mean?

Unlocked—half? Need another half?

What is the other half! Can you stop talking—half? !

We can't let him come to Li Hanshan again, can we?

No, wait.

According to the logic of Mou Tang's literature, it seems that this is not impossible.

No, think about it carefully, Jiang Su thinks, this should be the logic of a certain Tang literature, but if it is a certain Tang literature, only twice, isn't it too little?

Did he mean different scenarios instead of the number of times?

No, those two places are still too few, and it doesn't conform to the logic of a certain literature at all.

But what else could it be other than places and times?

Jiang Su was puzzled, and the **** system did not give him any other instructions. At this time, it seemed useless for him to struggle.

It is better to practice.

Jiang Su looked at Li Hanshan and asked, "Do you want to—"

Before he finished speaking, Li Hanshan turned over and held him down, as if he was waiting for his words, he dawdled against his neck, and responded with a low voice, "I think, of course I want to." Jiang Su: "..."

He looked at Li Hanshan with burning eyes, as if he wanted to integrate him into it, and somehow felt...

I should not have turned on some weird switch of Li Hanshan! ?