Chapter 110: This is today's update~

Now that the key to the Valley of Unrequited Love has been obtained, they naturally don't have to stay any longer in the Valley of Unrequited Love.

Jiang Su told Zhang Wenxue about their plan, and then they will go to the Minglan Gate, meet the head of the Minglan Gate, get the key from the master of the Minglan Gate, and then go to Lingxi Mountain, enter Go to the invincible sky, and bring out the second volume of the Zhishui sword manual.

Originally, Jiang Su was still thinking that this matter had something to do with the Wulin League after all, he needed the approval of Sheng Hechen to enter the Unsurpassable Heaven, even he thought that he was looking for the key to the Unsurpassable Heaven for Sheng Hechen, and he only wanted to take it away. Wen Qingting left the secret book, but recently he felt that Sheng Hechen was a bit weird. When the high priest fell ill, he deliberately tried to test it out, and when he got the final result, he felt that the person he should doubt was probably Sheng Hechen.

It's just that he couldn't understand at the time that Sheng Hechen was the leader of the martial arts alliance. As long as the unstoppable sky is opened, he must be qualified to enter it, and his benefits will never be lost. Steal a key or two.

But Zhang Wenxue couldn't help frowning slightly after hearing Jiang Su's words, and said, "Junior brother, there is one person... I think you should be more careful."

Jiang Su felt that he knew who Zhang Wenxue was talking about.

The next moment Zhang Wenxue really hesitated and said: "The identity of this person...don't think I'm talking nonsense."

Jiang Su: "Sheng Hechen?"

Zhang Wenxue: "..."

Jiang Su said seriously: "What a coincidence, I also think something is wrong with him."

He told Zhang Wenxue all his conjectures and temptations, Zhang Wenxue couldn't help frowning even deeper, and said, "Junior brother, have you ever thought about one thing?"

Jiang Su was puzzled.

"At the beginning, your agreement with him was that after you found the key, you would hand over the key to him." Zhang Wenxue said, "After all the keys are ready, he will open Unsurpassable Sky, and you just take one of them." One's Zhishui Sword Manual."

Jiang Su nodded and said: "I did agree with him in this way at first."

But later he felt that there might be traitors in the martial arts league, so he always carried the keys with him, and never gave one to Sheng Hechen, but when Zhang Wenxue mentioned it like this, Jiang Su seemed to understand Zhang Wenxue's thoughts in an instant.

Of the seven keys, as long as Sheng Hechen secretly took one of them, Jiang Su would never be able to find all the keys.

And when Jiang Su handed over the rest of the keys to him, he could secretly open Unsurpassable Sky by himself.

In that secret room, all the secret books and treasures that Wen Qingting hid in it belong to him alone, and there is no need to share them with the rest of the Wulin League. Externally, the Wulin League will only think that they have not found all the keys, and will continue Search like this.

Jiang Su only felt that Sheng Hechen was a little too much. Now in the Wulin League, he is mainly responsible for finding the key, and he is a very stubborn and persistent person. He is really likely to keep looking for it.

The two of them hadn't stopped talking, but another person knocked on the door, saying that he wanted to see Jiang Su, Jiang Su went out and opened the door, only to find that the person was Meng Du.

Today's Mengdu looks different from yesterday.

His face is full of spring, looking at it makes people feel that he has obviously experienced some great event, and when he talked to Jiang Su today, he did not have the caution and hostility of yesterday, he was almost ashamed and grateful , Seriously said to Jiang Su: "Jiang Shaoxia, if it weren't for you, Sun Lin and I... I don't know how long it would take to get to this point."

Jiang Su didn't speak.

No, it really has nothing to do with him.

He also didn't expect that Meng Du and Sun Lin's progress would be so fast, the misunderstanding had just been resolved, and the next moment, the two had already climbed into bed, and they had reconciled as before in an instant—

No, no, this is not reconciliation as before, this is a direct change from a stranger to a lover, and the swift action is really beyond compare.

Jiang Su didn't reply, but Meng Du was not in a hurry, instead he explained to Jiang Su nicely, "Jiang Shaoxia, I chatted with Sun Lin yesterday, and he remembered something and wanted to tell you, But today it is really inconvenient for him to he had to ask me for help."

Meng Du's face flushed a little. Obviously, the so-called "inconvenience" for Sun Lin was really hard to make him speak. Jiang Su couldn't help but think about it, and he was somewhat shocked in his heart. He thought about the little girl in this book The couple was really beyond his expectation. At the beginning, Ding Yesheng was under, and a ruthless hero like Xie Zeli was also under. Now it seems—could it be that Sun Lin is also under? !

So what happened at Meng Du's mouth, could it be that the young couple was very excited, flirted, and made out several times, and finally Sun Lin was exhausted——

No, after all, he is also one of the top 100 masters in the world, isn't he so good?

Jiang Su euphemistically asked, "What happened to Sun Lin?"

Meng Du was slightly taken aback, and said shyly, "Jiang Shaoxia, didn't you hear that?"

Jiang Su: "..."

Sun Lin! Don't give face to the righteous way of martial arts at all!

But at this point, Meng Du seemed to be complaining a little bit. He looked at Jiang Su helplessly, lowered his voice, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, you scared him yesterday."

Jiang Su: "Huh?"

"You and the young master appeared outside, and he was so frightened that he accidentally dodged." Meng Du said in a low voice, "He thought it was not serious, so naturally he didn't think much about it, but after he slipped out in a hurry...the next day I can't get up."

Jiang Su: "..."

Flashed? How did you flash your waist?

Perhaps it was because Jiang Su's eyes were too curious, as if there was a desire for knowledge, so after Meng Du hesitated for a while, he still couldn't help but whispered to Jiang Su, saying: "He was scared, a little too anxious, fell off the bed."

Jiang Su: "..."

Meng Du: "I thought it was serious at the time, but he didn't seem to want to worry me—"

Jiang Su didn't want to hear any more.

"It's not a big problem." Jiang Su reluctantly responded, "There are always doctors in the Valley of Unfeeling."

Meng Du sighed: "I'm just worried, what will happen to him if he is suddenly frightened by this."

He said it tactfully, but Jiang Su understood what he meant.

Wasn't Meng Du worried that Sun Lin would die after being suddenly frightened?

But Jiang Su felt that most people would not have such wild thoughts, and Meng Du had already thought so, which shows that—

It shows that Sun Lin probably didn't just wince in fright.

Jiang Su took a deep breath, and looked at Meng Du sympathetically, but he really didn't know what else to say about this kind of thing, so he could only cough lightly, and silently left Fu Wenxiao's place in the medicine house.

Since Fu Wenxiao can cure Fang Yuanluo, of course he can cure Sun Lin.

Wait, no, Meng Du said that he has something important to tell him, what exactly is that important thing? Why is he always thinking about Sun Lin's waist?

Jiang Su coughed and asked Meng Du instead, "What did he ask you to tell?"

Meng Du had just recovered from the grateful expression, he calmed down a little, lowered his voice, and said, "He told Jiang Shaoxia to be careful against Sheng Hechen."

Jiang Su: "..."

Isn't this a coincidence?

Everyone wanted to guard against Sheng Hechen, so if Sheng Hechen had no problems, it would be a little strange.

Meng Du took Fu Wenxiao's address and moved away, but Zhang Wenxue was extremely worried. She only felt that if the person they were guarding against was Sheng Hechen, there would be countless troubles in the future. Sheng Hechen was the leader of the martial arts alliance after all, if he Thinking about it, Zhang Wenxue felt that he might have countless ways to make Jiang Su unhappy.

Jiang Su didn't panic.

What is the martial arts leader? There is a Demon Sect young master by his side.

Oh no, Xie Zeli has already indulged in Meiyou Palace. Although Li Hanshan is only the young master of the Demon Sect now, he should be the leader of the Demon Sect in a short time.

In terms of martial arts, Sheng Hechen couldn't beat them, and in terms of power behind them, they didn't have to be inferior to Sheng Hechen.

That being the case, what is he afraid of?

Jiang Su comforted Zhang Wenxue a few words, and then mentioned the matter of the head of the Ran sect. He knew that there was a time limit for the Ran sect. If possible, he certainly hoped to rush there as soon as possible. Going to the Mingran Gate, he wanted to go back to the Wulin League to take a look. If possible, he could think of ways to make Jiang Su's next journey as safe as possible.

The two parted here and left the Valley of Unrequited Love. After leaving the valley, Jiang Su asked Li Hanshan to send a letter to Hua Shiqing, asking Hua Shiqing to deliver the key to the Ranmen as soon as possible. He counted the time, and if Hua Shiqing traveled smoothly , He should have returned to Miaojiang by this time, and this time is not much different from them. At most, he only needs to wait a few days in the clear gate before he can receive the key sent by Hua Shiqing.

It’s just that after leaving the Valley of Unrequited Love, Jiang Su thought again, since he was going to wait for Hua Shiqing to deliver the key at the Jieran Gate, then why didn’t he go to the Jieran Gate a little later, the scenery along the way is beautiful, so he doesn’t have to worry so much, Hurrying day and night every day, no one can stand it.

The two borrowed horses from Jueqinggu, and walked slowly for a day. When it was dark, they arrived near a mountain forest. There were no towns around, so Jiang Su thought, why not rest here for a day.

The two of them slept in the woods, which is nothing more than a common thing, but this time, after tying the horse by the tree, Li Hanshan grabbed Jiang Su's arm, his eyes burning, as if saying no. out of anticipation.

Jiang Su was puzzled and asked, "What's wrong?"

Li Hanshan cleared his throat, and said seriously: "What you said, what you and I have never done."

Jiang Su: "..."

Li Hanshan lowered his voice and said, "Little Forest."

Jiang Su: "..."

He looked at Li Hanshan's expression, thinking that what the system said (1/2) might refer to two different scenes, and they had already left the Valley of Unrequited Love, so it was time to try it.

It's just the second place that Jiang Suyuan thought about, at least there is a place with a roof, how can it be directly in the woods?

Jiang Su frowned, declined politely, and pointed at the two horses.

Li Hanshan didn't understand what Jiang Su meant.

"Don't you think it's strange to have a horse watching from the side?" Jiang Su coughed and said, "When we get back to the town, find an inn, and then—"

Li Hanshan silently took out the scarf from his bosom, and covered the horse's eyes.

The horse was caught off guard and was blindfolded. It was obviously anxious and didn't know what happened. Fortunately, it was well-trained and did not resist. Then Li Hanshan slowly turned his head and looked at the other horse. Son.

Jiang Su: "..."

Are you alright! If he is a horse, he will feel angry!