Chapter 119: Pit Master Zu Daren√

After getting up the next day, Jiang Su sneaked into Li Hanshan's room and carefully looked through the sword manual that Wen Qingting gave them as compensation.

He has to admit that this Wen Qingting is indeed an incomparable genius. This sword manual is far more exquisite than the sword techniques of the Zhishui Sword School and the Demon Sect. Knowing these two swordsmanship, it will be much easier to practice Wen Qingting's swordsmanship.

Jiang Su was very interested in this sword technique, and wished to start studying it immediately, but it was obviously not the time to study this sword technique.

He had to keep cheating on Wen Qingting, and let the old **** shake off all the grease on him.

So here comes the problem.

How to **** off a self-important genius?

To scold someone should start from that person's weakness, and if you want to anger a person with high self-esteem, you must naturally start from his weakness.

Jiang Su collected the sword manual, put it back into the wooden box, and handed it over to Li Hanshan, and let Li Hanshan just find a place in the house to throw it away. Don't take it too seriously, anyway, they are distinguished guests of the Ming family. No one knew that there was such a precious sword manual in their house, so it didn't matter if they just threw it away.

On the contrary, from Wen Qingting's point of view, he can't swallow the sigh of being treated so lightly for his cherished masterwork, and may even doubt whether the sword manual he has figured out is really wrong.

And what Jiang Su wanted was this effect.

Li Hanshan has always listened to Jiang Su's words very much. No matter how important the sword manual is, it is not as important as his wife. He really didn't want to throw the wooden box on the bed, then turned around and followed Jiang Su out of the house.

They have already obtained the key to the Ranmen Gate, and the seven keys are only short of Miao Jiang's one. Jiang Su counted the time, Hua Shiqing should have arrived at the Ranmen Gate soon, and Hua Shiqing's status is special, after all, it is not the right way If the middleman appeared in the clear door, it might cause irrelevant disturbances again, so he wanted to leave the clear door and go to the town down the mountain to wait for Hua Shiqing.

He was going to bid farewell to the head of the Liaoran sect, and the head of the Liaoran sect was eager for him to leave earlier. After the two sides talked together, Jiang Su turned around and went back to pack his things. When he returned to Li Hanshan's house, he saw Li Hanshan. The wooden box containing cheat books that Han Shan casually threw away was placed on the bedside, and there seemed to be a thick pile of things under it. Jiang Su couldn't help being slightly stunned, walked over curiously, picked up the wooden box and took a look—there were piles of books underneath. A stack of white paper, densely written on it.

That was the commentary on the sword manual written by Wen Qingting, which explained in great detail every move of his sword style, and painstakingly explained to Jiang Su how exquisite his sword skills are, compared to what Jiang Su practiced before. How good is his swordsmanship.

The handwriting on this paper was scribbled, and it looked like it was written in a hurry. It should be that Wen Qingting was angry with Jiang Su last night and went back to make it overnight. Jiang Su looked at the page number, and then looked at the detailed analysis of this sword move. He felt that Wen Qingting might have stayed up all night to rush out such a specific comment.

Not only that, there are even handwritings of two people on this paper.

Jiang Su felt that among the clear sect, only the head of the clear sect knew that Wen Qingting was not dead, but it was absolutely impossible for the commentary on the sword manual to be written by the head of the clear sect for Wen Qingting, not to mention that the head of the clear sect was not dead. Without such a profound skill attainment, it is said that this sword manual is exquisite. It is impossible for Wen Qingting to show his own sword manual to anyone he sees. That is to say, the person who helped Wen Qingting write this commentary should be related to him Very close people.

And in this Jianghu, besides Xie Wu, who else is close to him?

After digging a hole and forcing two people to jump in, Jiang Su looked at the analysis of the sword manual in his hand, and his mood suddenly became better.

The sword manual analysis is here, Jiang Su thought, Wen Qingting should be nearby at this moment, in a corner outside this house, carefully listening to his conversation with Li Hanshan.

Even if he is going to leave Ranmen tomorrow, he can't make Wen Qingting feel better.

"Tsk." Jiang Su sighed with emotion, "Who wants to read such a long story?"

Li Hanshan: ""

"I think, if the grammar is correct and you have a deep understanding of a matter, then you can naturally explain a matter in a few sentences." Jiang Su casually flipped through a few pages of the thick stack of explanations , sighed, "It's written in such a thick way, do you want me to read it all? Is this asking me to go to Beijing to rush for the exam?"

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su sighed deeply: "It seems that this reclusive senior, he is still - not very good."

Li Hanshan finally nodded and said, "You are right."

Jiang Su stuffed the analysis and sword manual into the wooden box, threw it to Li Hanshan, and said, "Take it away, anyway, your Demon Cult has a collection... Zangshuge, the place is very big, and it's no big deal to have more broken things of."

Li Hanshan nodded.

This time Jiang Su didn't see anything unusual, and naturally he didn't know whether Wen Qingting was angry with him. Given Jiang Su's grasp of Wen Qingting's reactions in the past few days, he believed that at this moment, Wen Qingting must be somewhere, He gritted his teeth with hatred.

The angrier Wen Qingting was, the happier Jiang Su was.

He asked Li Hanshan to pack up his clothes quickly, and left Ranmen to go down the mountain earlier. Although Wen Qingting broke his faith before, and made him practice blindly into what he is now, now he has got two peerless talents from Wen Qingting. The sword, and an amazing sword manual, made Wen Qingting so angry that he almost vomited blood for three liters. He felt that the price was almost enough.

He didn't want to see Wen Qingting again in the future, and the two of them probably wouldn't meet again. He couldn't help being in a good mood, went back and packed his clothes, and happily left the door with Li Hanshan.

This time they went down the mountain, they were not in a hurry, so they didn't hurry. When they arrived at the small town at the foot of the mountain, it was already night, so they went to find the inn first, but the inn was very small, and there were not many guest rooms. They said there were a few people today After checking in, there was only one room left in the inn. Jiang Su didn't choose, so he paid for that room with Li Hanshan, turned around with his luggage and was about to go upstairs, but happened to meet a familiar man on the stairs. face.

It was the subordinate of the high priest, and it was the same Miaojiang man who put a love gu on Li Hanshan when they were facing each other in the temple.

The last time we met, we were still enemies, and we did such excessive things to each other. When we meet again now, we inevitably feel a little embarrassed. The three of them looked at each other, and the man still looked at Jiang Su and felt scared, and silently stepped back a few steps. Only then did he forcefully speak, and said, "Jiang...Jiang Shaoxia..."

Jiang Su coughed lightly, determined to forget the past, nodded, and asked, "You are here, and the high priest is also here?"

The man shook his head and said, "The high priest is still in Miaojiang, we came here with Young Master Hua."

Jiang Su was stunned for a long time before realizing that the Young Master Hua referred to in this population refers to Hua Shiqing.

For the old tribe of Yan Luosha, Hua Shiqing was older than the high priest. If he hadn't been lost at that time, he should have been the young master who inherited everything in Miaojiang. Now that he has returned to Miaojiang, the high priest is unwilling to shoulder the heavy responsibility of the clan , This burden has returned to Hua Shiqing, so it is indeed no problem for these people to call Hua Shiqing the young master.

Jiang Su coughed lightly and asked, "Then where are you Young Master Hua?"

The man pointed to a room with Jiang Su, Jiang Su walked over with Li Hanshan and knocked on the door, Jiang Su still called outside the room: "Hua Shiqing?"

There was a sound of footsteps in the house, Hua Shiqing rushed over and opened the door almost immediately, seeing the door of the two people's room, he couldn't restrain his joy, he hurriedly invited the two people into the house to talk about the past, Jiang Su was about to talk to him While talking about the key, he saw a blue swallowtail butterfly popping out from Hua Shiqing's shoulder.

Jiang Su remembered that it was Hua Shiqing's Love Gu, and he suffered too much from the Love Gu some time ago, so he couldn't help taking a step back, and when he got to Li Hanshan's side, Hua Shiqing couldn't help laughing, saying: "Jiang Shaoxia, you Don't worry."

Before the words fell, Hua Shiqing blinked again, his eyes turned back and forth between Qing Gu and Jiang Su, as if he suddenly understood something, poured a cup of tea for Jiang Su and Li Hanshan each, and pursed his lips He smiled and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, I haven't seen you for a long time, why do I feel... You and the young master seem to be different?"

Jiang Su didn't understand what Hua Shiqing meant.

He thought that he was not much different from the past, and he had not made much progress in martial arts. He took a sip of tea, and was still a little puzzled, and asked: "You mean..."

Hua Shiqing: "Do you want to have a wedding?"

Li Hanshan choked on a sip of tea, covered his mouth and coughed non-stop, Jiang Su couldn't help but pause, and then suddenly understood the meaning of Hua Shiqing's glance - he practiced the love gu that can seduce emotions, the relationship between the two If there is a change in the emotion of the person, it can also be noticed that the emotional gu is not intact.

Hua Shiqing smiled again and said, "Shouldn't you be setting up a banquet in the Holy Church?"

But speaking of this, Jiang Su's mood was a little heavy.

He still doesn't know what the second requirement of the system is. Now that they have seen Hua Shiqing, the seven keys are complete. When he goes to the sky, the main line of the plot will all come to an end, and he can no longer delay it. up.

At this moment, Jiang Su suddenly remembered Hua Shiqing's identity before he left the ghost market.

Who is Hua Shiqing?

Emotional experts, love masters, small emotional problems, there is nothing wrong with asking Hua Shiqing!

Jiang Su coughed, looked at Hua Shiqing, and asked, "Hua Shiqing, there is something—"

Hua Shiqing understood clearly, and said, "Jiang Shaoxia, I will give you the key now."

He turned around to take his luggage on the bed, and took out the last key, but Jiang Su didn't rush to pick it up, but said at the same time: "You will keep this key first."

Hua Shiqing was startled, apparently extremely puzzled, and asked, "What does Jiang Shaoxia mean?"

Didn't he rush here from Miaojiang all the way to deliver the key to Jiang Su in time? How come at this moment, Jiang Su doesn't want the key anymore?

Jiang Su coughed, a little embarrassed, but in order to stay in the book, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and ask Hua Shiqing, saying, "I...I want to ask you a few things first."

Hua Shiqing nodded.

"That's...that..." Jiang Su struggled and said, "Is there anything that must be done between lovers?"

Hua Shiqing: "..."

Li Hanshan: "..."

Jiang Su looked at Hua Shiqing's strange expression, and felt that he really asked a strange question.

Where could someone suddenly throw out such a question that had nothing to do with business at such a serious time, and he didn't know how to take this sentence back, thinking about the next moment, Hua Shiqing suddenly laughed.

That smile is kind and kind, as if exuding the radiance of maternal love, it is really scary, Jiang Su couldn't help swallowing, and subconsciously moved the chair back a little, and was about to say that he asked the wrong question, when Hua Shiqing suddenly opened his mouth mouth.

"Jiang Shaoxia." Hua Shiqing couldn't hold back a smile on his lips, "The things you said are too much."