Slowly climbing upwards

Before Wen Qing could react, there was a smear of warm breath on his lips.

His school uniform pants were scalded by Ji Junfeng’s body temperature. He rubbed against Wen Qing’s chin, giving off a faint masculine scent.

Wen Qing’s eyes widened. He immediately sat up and his hand unconsciously pinched the back of Ji Junfeng’s hand.

There were many injuries on the back of Ji Junfeng’s hand. After being pinched by Wen Qing, he gasped quietly, his breathing becoming heavier.

Immediately afterwards, Wen Qing watched his changes become more and more obvious.

Wen Qing blushed. He shook off Ji Junfeng’s hand, stood up and moved a little further away from him. He stammered, unable to speak, “Y- you…”


The end of Ji Junfeng’s hum was very long, sticky and a little husky. “What about me?”

He raised his eyelids and looked at Wen Qing. There was a little ignorance in his eyes, and it seemed like he didn’t feel like there was anything wrong with his reaction.

Wen Qing took a deep breath. Right, X was a very normal thing for them.

He silently recited in his heart, this is very normal, this is very normal…

In the blink of an eye, Ji Junfeng stripped off his pants, revealing two scarred thighs.

Even if the wounds had become like this, he was still preparing to relieve himself.

Wen Qing was shocked. Did all of the people in this school only have sex in their brains?![1]

He couldn’t help but remind, “Didn’t the teacher say that we should fast and abstain?”

“If- if you continue, you’ll have to be placed in confinement.”

Ji Junfeng snorted nasally, panted heavily and said, “Do you think the teachers will care about me?”

Wen Qing pursed his lips. The teachers really didn’t care about Ji Junfeng.

For Chen Qiang’s wound, the teachers immediately spotted it, but Ji Junfeng had wounds all over his body, and the teachers didn’t even say a single word……

Wen Qing lowered his eyes and just so happened to see Ji Junfeng’s hand reach inside.

His already red face grew even redder. He immediately turned and walked into the bathroom.

Wen Qing grabbed a new towel, and after fully soaking it, quickly walked to the sofa.

He turned his head, not looking at Ji Junfeng, and casually placed the towel on Ji Junfeng’s face. “You- you wipe your face and calm down.”

After he finished speaking, he didn’t look back as he walked towards his bedroom.

He had just pushed the door open when Ji Junfeng’s voice rang out behind him. Because he spoke through the towel, he sounded a little muffled.

“Choose an auspicious time, expel evil spirits, burn incense, and pray.” 

Wen Qing’s footsteps paused. He realised that he was speaking of what would happen in the next few days, and quietly said, “Thank you.”

Ji Junfeng chuckled and gasped, “Aren’t you going to ask any more questions?”

Since the other had already taken such initiative to say it, Wen Qing obviously stopped being polite and directly questioned, “Is tomorrow choosing an auspicious time?” 

Ji Junfeng hummed in a drawl.

Wen Qing: “How to choose?”

Ji Junfeng’s breath became more urgent. “It’s up to the High Priest to decide.”

Wen Qing thought about it. There were four activities, from Tuesday to Friday, and Sunday is God’s birthday.”

He questioned again, “And after the prayer? What will happen on Saturday?”

“What?” Ji Junfeng asked in a low voice.

Wen Qing’s back was facing him, so he could only hear that his voice had a little forbearance.

Wen Qing asked again, “What will happen on Saturday?”

“Saturday…” Ji Junfeng softly whispered, and slowly said, “Saturday… mh… is…”

His tone and voice sounded very wrong. Wen Qing frowned and thought of the wounds all over his body. He was still a little unsettled, fearing that Ji Junfeng would die quietly behind his back.

Wen Qing turned around. Ji Junfeng had sat up at some point, his head tilted on the sofa, his face flushed, his mouth open and panting, and his eyes staring deeply at Wen Qing.

From Wen Qing’s point of view, even though he couldn’t see the movements of Ji Junfeng’s lower half clearly, he could see that his right hand was moving, and the frequency of his hand movement matched his panting.

Wen Qing immediately realised what he was doing.

This guy Ji Junfeng was ac- actually…

Wen Qing’s eyes widened in disbelief.

Did this water have no effect on him? Or was Ji Junfeng determined to want this?

After pondering for a second, Wen Qing quickly shook his head, stopped thinking further on it, and quickly walked into the bedroom and firmly closed the door.

The sound insulation effect of the dormitory wasn’t good. Even if the door was locked, Wen Qing could vaguely hear the movements outside.

Ji Junfeng seemed to know that he could hear him, and his muffled groans became louder.

Wen Qung climbed onto bed and wrapped himself in the quilt tightly.

After experiencing this incident, his remaining drowsiness was completely gone, and under the quilt, his eyes were wide open and dazed.

Choose an auspicious time, expel evil spirits, burn incense, and pray, God’s birthday……

Tomorrow, while choosing an auspicious time, how will it be chosen?

He didn’t know how long had passed, when Wen Qing heard a clear yell.


Wen Qing silently covered the four corners of the quilt tightly. He thought, such big movements, and he’s not even scared of being heard by others.

He blinked and realised something wasn’t right.

Such big movements.

Why did Oz not respond at all?

He could hear it so clearly from his room, so it must be as well from where Oz was.

While he was thinking, his bedroom door was suddenly knocked on twice.

Ji Junfeng’s hoarse voice sounded from outside the door: “Saturday… is the revelry.”

After he finished saying this sentence, he walked away.

The sounds of a door opening and closing sounded from the living room. It sounded like he had returned to his room.

Wen Qing sighed in relief and closed his eyes.

While half-asleep, he smelled a delicate fragrance of plants and trees. His mind grew heavier, and he soon fell asleep.


At night, Wen Qing had a dream.

He dreamed that there was a snake tightly wrapped around him. The snake spat on his neck, teasingly licking at it.

Wen Qing instinctively struggled, but the more he struggled, the tighter the snake wrapped around him. His whole body became tightly entwined by the snake’s tail, around and around.

When he was woken up by the broadcast the next morning, Wen Qing’s mind was muddled. His body also felt heavy, as if he had been beaten up by someone.

He sat on the bed blankly until the broadcast ended. Only then did he come back to his senses and slowly get up.

While he was washing up, he was alone in the dormitory. Neither Oz nor Ji Junfeng were here.

Wen Qing sighed in relief and quickened his movements.

When he went downstairs, he just so happened to bump into Bai Tong and Li Jingjing walking out of their dormitory together.

Wen Qing strode over and pressed his voice down to tell the two, “Yesterday, Ji Junfeng told me the activities before God’s birthday.”

“Choose an auspicious time, expel evil spirits, burn incense, pray, revelry, then it’s God’s birthday.”

Bai Tong’s footsteps paused. He silently stared at his eyes.

Bai Tong didn’t say anything, but Wen Qing knew what he wanted to ask.

Why would Ji Junfeng tell him about these.

Wen Qing pursed his lips. He recounted Ji Junfeng’s miserable situation last night, omitting some details, and explained quietly, “I just helped him to rub his wounds…”

Right now the most important problem was that he had just promised to Bai Tong to stay a little further away from Ji Junfeng yesterday, then turned his head and got closer to Ji Junfeng.

Wen Qing slowly said, “Yesterday night, no matter who was lying on the sofa like that, I would help them…”

Bai Tong’s eyes went half-lidded. The emotion in his eyes was unable to be seen clearly.

Sensing the strange atmosphere between the two, Li Jingjing hastily stepped forward and said, “Brother Bai, you don’t need to worry about any disarray.”

“Among our group of players, Wen Qing is God’s favourite, and God will definitely tolerate you more.”

“It’s safest for him to approach Ji Junfeng.”

Bai Tong frowned a little and said in a deep voice. “I know.”

He knew this reasoning, but he was still worried about Wen Qing.

Li Jingjing looked at Bai Tong, then looked at Wen Qing and noticed that the two characters of “nervous” were written in large strokes all over his face. She leaned near Bai Tong’s ear and whispered, “Brother Bai, don’t make such a bad face. The child is about to be scared to death.”

“You may be protecting this child for an instance, but can you protect him all the time?”

This question heavily hit Bai Tong’s heart. He lowered his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, and said to Wen Qing in a low voice, “You did good.”

“At least we won’t be like headless chickens now.”

Hearing Bai Tong’s praise, Wen Qing sighed in relief and continued, “But I forgot to ask him what exactly will happen.”

“Why don’t I go and ask again later…”

“Careful.” Bai Tong lowered his eyes. His gaze swept across Wen Qing’s neck and suddenly stopped.

His face was slightly gloomy, pressing on Wen Qing’s shoulder. “Don’t move.”

Wen Qing looked at him, at a loss, “What’s wrong?”

Bai Tong opened his collar. There was a red mark on the side of his neck, near the collarbone.

Staring at this mark, Bai Tong heaved a sigh of relief. It was not a hickey.

It was about one or two centimetres long, as if it had been scratched by some branch. It was reddened, which looked very obvious on the fair skin.

Wen Qing couldn’t see it by himself, so he asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong with my neck?”

Bai Tong flexed his index finger and lightly pressed on the red mark. “Painful?”

Wen Qing hissed and replied, “A little.”

Bai Tong helped him straighten out his collar and explained, “There’s a wound.”

Wen Qing blinked and didn’t think too much about it. “Maybe I accidentally bumped into something while I was asleep.”

The three people walked to the cafeteria. The process was the same as yesterday. The food was served after everyone had arrived.

Today’s dishes were still very abundant. Wen Qing looked at the plate full of meat and didn’t have the slightest appetite at all.

After a while, he readied to eat, and suddenly realised that there was no chopsticks and spoon on his dinner plate.

Wen Qing quietly told the teacher, “Sir, I don’t have any tableware.”

Teacher Chen smiled and said, “This is specially ordered by the High Priest.”

Wen Qing was stunned. His face slightly changed.

The High Priest knew he hadn’t used the utensils that were sent to him.

So he specially ordered for him to not be given the same tableware.

Wen Qing touched his pocket. The tableware were still in his pocket, and he hadn’t taken them out.

He pursed his lips and didn’t move for a long time.

Teacher Chen stood by the side, staring at him, as if waiting for him to use the tableware.

Wen Qing could only take it out. He took out the silver spoon inside, held the handle of the spoon, and slowly took a mouthful of rice.

Under Teacher Chen’s attention, he slowly placed it into his mouth.

The rich had a little faint scent, which was refreshing and appetising.

Wen Qing’s appetite suddenly improved. The fat and lean pork belly on the dinner plate looked delicious. 

Wen Qing blinked. He scooped up a piece, and then another piece…

One meat dish was finished in no time.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, as if he was eating some delicacy in the World. He ate with big mouthfuls, completely opposite of his previous appearance. 

Seeing this, Bai Tong and Li Jingjing’s movements slightly paused. At the same time, they realised that the tableware that the High Priest gave to Wen Qing had a problem.

As soon as Teacher Chen left, Bai Tong’s complexion immediately fell. He grabbed Wen Qing’s spoon and quietly said, “Something’s wrong with this thing.”

His hands were empty, and Wen Qing gradually returned to his senses. He looked at Bai Tong in confusion.

Bai Tong frowned and tapped his plate lightly. “You finished all the food.”

Wen Qing lowered his head, looked at the clean plate beside his hand, and was stunned.

He really ate it all, not even a single grain of rice was left.

Bai Tong asked anxiously, “How do you feel now?”

Wen Qing blinked and truthfully said, “I don’t feel anything.”

His body wasn’t uncomfortable, and there wasn’t anything unusual.

But he had to say, after eating such a large plate of food, he actually didn’t feel full at all, as if he hadn’t eaten this meal.

Wen Qing thought about it and said, “I feel like I can still eat two plates.”

Bai Tong was silent.

Wen Qing was also very perplexed. What did the High Priest want to do to him?

Want him to eat a little more?

Want to stuff him to death?

[1] – “jing (精) 虫上脑” – to lose rationale when faced with sexual desires. 

SV: damn, JJF actually…!!! wow. hm. also WQ… are you sure that was just a dream… or was it an omen… or maybe it was,, real?