Is the highlight of the banquet on the last day? (25) – unedited

“I can’t hear anything.”

I listened closely, but it was cold and quiet like an old empty house. Is the soundproofing here the best?

What came to me after a brief reflection was an ominous imagination. Merson will be shivering in a place where human meat is dangling like pigs and cows displayed in a butcher’s shop, and the smell of stale oil and cold blood blends together. And even Evan, who was brutally torn to pieces under the red light…….


Let’s not think much, I kicked the door open with a ‘Bang!’. Unlike Guernia, I opened the door very quickly and easily and rushed into the room.


Before looking for Merson, the first thing I saw was neither human flesh nor a red light. It was Guernia’s very large breasts.

My heart pounded as Guernia looked back in a hurry, startled by the loud noise. It was enough to catch my attention at once. Noona, a real hot body. No, no. I came to my senses again and found Merson.

But somehow, Merson was not far away. He was sitting right in front of the naked Guerna, his body shuddering in fear(?) waiting for me.

“What did you do to my Merson?!”

I threw the wad of paper and pen I was holding at Guernia. A shriek was heard and as she floundered through the paper, I grabbed Merson’s hand.

“Are you okay?”

“I think I’m okay since Erina came.”

“Thank god.”

“By the way, Erina.”


As Merson was about to say something, a sharp pen slipped past me.

“How did you get here?!”

How do I get in? I opened the door and came in. You call that a question?

“I put on barrier magic, how did you open the door!”

Oh, was it? Since I was originally in the role of a villager who would get killed and didn’t receive a single buff since I appeared, I don’t know anything like magic. If so, isn’t the answer obvious?

I glanced at Merson, and he shrugged. Good job, kid.

But this was not the time to praise Merson. Guernia’s face turned red, the surrounding miscellaneous things began to slowly float into the air. From the paper I threw, to broken glass, to unidentified pieces of cloth, everything. I’d recommend whoever uses this room to re-learn how to clean this room.

“Erina Holden. I don’t want to see you bitch. Women’s blood is not my hobby, but now that the situation is like this, you should just die right here.”

Ah, wait!

As soon as I finished speaking, Guernia stretched out her index finger towards me. And at that moment, miscellaneous objects flew in front of me all at once. In surprise, I wrapped my arms around Merson’s head, who was sitting next to me, and turned my back, but there was nothing happening, so much so that I felt my actions were awkward.

I released Merson from my tight embrace and looked down at him, and a light shone in his red eyes. The narrowed pupils and bright red eyes that seemed to have blood pooled in it. It was definitely the Demon King’s.

“Ho, how?!”

Showing her surprise, Guernia paused for a moment. The reason is that the things that were flying towards me were just floating in front of me and didn’t do any harm.

And they turned and flew in the opposite direction towards Guernia with great force.


In the blink of an eye, they rushed violently and hit Guernia’s body exactly. Even the fluttering cloth left scars and caused it to bleed, and sharp pieces of glass pierced painfully into the flesh, causing a terrible scream.

“E, Erina…..”

It wasn’t Merson’s voice. A little less mature…….

As I turn my head to find the owner of the voice, Merson poked me in the back.



Sprawled out like a corpse right in front of the sofa! Seeing he was struggling not to get stepped on by my feet, I hurriedly took a few steps back. I almost left a shoe mark on Evan’s cheek.

“Erina, and over there.”

I supported Evan, and Merson called in again. Without a moment’s notice, I looked carefully at where Merson was pointing…….


What, is this a meeting square or what?! At the end of the bed, I could see Chenin, who had the blanket wrapped tightly and only her face was sticking out. Whether it was fear or anger, the teeth that suddenly appeared between the lips did not look very pleasant.

“Merson, take Evan.”


Approaching Chenin, I lifted the blanket she was holding with all her might.

“Hey, what are you doing?!”

“Oh sorry.”

I didn’t expect her to be naked, really. I put the blanket on Chenin’ again and sat down in front of her.

“Let’s go back to Sezaine.”

“Crazy bith. How are you alive?”

What the hell is this again? I heard Chenin’s teeth grinding as my expression distorted so much.

“… Who says I have terminal cancer?”

“You should be dead. I thought he was going to kill you!”


Chenin spoke with a lot of force and her eyes looked like they were about to explode. It was full of hostility.

“Theron Abitz! Did that damn bastard lie?! Apparently high-ranking wizards are intent on killing you!”

Theron Abitz? It’s not the first time I’ve heard that name…….

Oh yeah. right. A suspicious person who gave my information to the demons called Raynon and Pierre the other day. Was she the source of that information? I was trying to be nice, she was making it impossible to do.