Does your foot get chopped by the ax you trusted in? (9) – unedited

When I came back to my senses holding my throbbing head, the first thing I felt was the cold marble floor under my buttocks.

I saw the luxurious burgundy-type furniture and ambient orange lighting. It was the interior of a room that looked luxurious even at a glance. And…….

“Demon King?!”

The two demons I saw the other day, Raynon and Pierre, were running towards me and Merson. I let out a sigh of relief as soon as I thought of the word ‘survived’.

Merson was immediately brought to bed, and under Pierre and Raynon’s careful care, the blood and ominous black light no longer leaked out.

In the meantime, I explained everything until bringing Merson here without any lies. Not just today, but everything from the moment I first met Merson three years ago.

Raynon’s expression changed from moment to moment, as if he was an audience member of a variety show. Pierre, on the other hand, kept a calm attitude and tried to listen to my story, but it was difficult for him to completely hide his emotions, so the muscles on his face twitched.

After finishing the story about the heavenly deity, Raynon couldn’t stand it and started to run rampant. He immediately began to cast a spell, saying that he would meet the heavenly and come for revenge, but Pierre stopped him with a kick to the side with his foot.

“It is difficult to deal with even a three-winged heavenly deity. Besides, Sir Raynon hasn’t fully recovered either.”

“Uuugh- Then are you going to just leave it alone?! This must be a declaration of war against us demons!”

“Are you trying to start a war on heaven?”

“I’m scared of that and I can’t help it!”

Pierre ran through his purple hair and grabbed Raynon by the wrist, forcing him to sit down.

“What are you scared of?”

He nodded and pointed at Merson, who was lying on the bed, unconscious.

“We don’t know what punishment we will get if we decide about the war on our own.”

Surprisingly, with just one word, Raynon’s momentum was shattered in an instant.

“Yes. Because it was the Demon King who prevented a war that should have happened dozens of times.”

“Rather than preventing it, it’s more accurate that they were so scared after seeing the Demon King that they couldn’t even try.”

“Anyway! The Demon King didn’t like to stir up unnecessary trouble! Every time there was a conflict with the heavenly deities, it was always resolved by the Demon King.”

“Where is the one who knows the Demon King so well and wants a war with heaven?”

Leaving the bickering Raynon and Pierre behind, I walked towards the bed where Merson was lying. I waved my hand over his face and he still wouldn’t open his eyes.

I put my ear to Merson’s mouth and felt his breath. Fortunately, he was breathing much more stable than before.

“But why does he have cold sweats like this?”

I meticulously wiped his forehead with the wet towel next to him and gently fanned my hand.

“Why is his face so pale?”

“The Demon King is naturally white-skinned.”

It was Raynon. He had finished arguing with Pierre, so he walked beside me and was looking down at Merson with me.

“Erina Holden.”

“You remember the name.”

“I can’t forget.”

Raynon smiles at me. It wasn’t a sneer, but it didn’t look pleasant either. It was such a smile that contained emotions that I couldn’t understand.

“Looks like your magic has finally been released.”


“The mark on the neck. Is that what the Demon King did?”


She hurriedly covered my neck in embarrassment. It’s already the third talk about my neck today.

Raynon took off his long black coat and threw it at me without saying a word. I accidentally accepted it, but… What, what does he want me to do?

I checked the condition of my clothes to see if it was covering me. Oh my god. I ripped off my clothes at random to stop the bleeding, leaving my butt exposed. Even if the situation is bad, it’s a complete disgrace. I put on the coat without hesitation, with shame.

“Did you say that the Demon King lost his memory when you broke the token?”


“Then where do you think the token went?”

“Hmm… I hadn’t thought about it, but it must have been dispersed into the air.”

At that time, I was just in a hurry to survive, and after that, I was busy adapting, so there was no time to think leisurely about where the token of engraving went.

Raynon comes closer and points his index finger just above my chest. What is this outrageous sexual harassment? I smacked Raynon’s palm.


“The amount of magical power contained in the token of engraving is vast enough to instantly raise a hundred low-ranking demons to high-ranking demons. But it’s broken. Could Trentus still be recorded intact on the map?”

“…… ”

“Probably more than half of it will be gone. But it ended with nothing happening and only the Demon King losing his memory. Then, where did that vast magical power, the token of engraving, disappear?”

“I don’t know.”

“Why don’t you know? Who teleported to this place? Do you think that a person like you can easily find the location of the Demon King’s Castle, which you have never been to, and teleport with your companion?”

Raynon spoke indifferently, but it never sounded light to my ear. Are you saying I teleported now?!

“No! I was just imagining it.”

“That’s right. Image, the prototype of the castle. And the magic comes true. The token of engraving flowed into you. It’s like you’ve become the Demon King’s companion. The Demon King also seems to like you very much.”

Wa, wait. What?! I rubbed my ears, wondering if I had heard it wrong. Kindly, Raynon says ‘companion’ one more time. Oh, thank you

Shit, I can’t be his companion? I have to go home!