Does your foot get chopped by the ax you trusted in? (11) – unedited

“Merson, listen to me. Merson!”

“Release me, Erina. It’s stuffy.”

“Yes. But you have to listen to me.”

“Release me.”

He didn’t seem ready to listen to me, so I grabbed Merson’s cheek and kissed him on the lips. I licked his soft lips and soothed Merson. But Merson turns his head away from me.

“… huh?”

“Release me.”

Wait, I think I’m a bit shocked? I lowered my lips again just in case. But this time, before our lips even touched, he stroked his head in the opposite direction! Look at this.

“Stop it, Erina. I don’t want to.”


It sounded like thunder and lightning coming from behind. Since Merson had always rushed forward, this kind of reaction came as a fresh yet great shock.

If Pierre and Raynon hadn’t informed me of Merson’s symptoms in advance, it would be my one-man-show pursuing pleasure in a 7-year-itch or pursuing platonic love, or even snapping back at him.

I will be tough and slapped Merson’s shoulder down until it made a sound.

“I’ll tell you in advance because you don’t know anything about it and it feels like you are being coerced. The actions I will take from now on are only for the sake of treatment, all for you, and at the same time for the sake of all the demons living in the castle.”

“Kkuuhk—it’s stuffy, Erina…….”

Merson’s breathing began to quicken. I continued talking, trying to stay calm.

“Merson, right now your body is overloaded with unnecessary divine powers. I’ll take it out from now on. By harmonizing it regularly. If I don’t remove this, the divine power that will be forced out of your body by your recovered magical power will naturally be released as strong energy and explode. The lower demons will get hurt countless times. You will be very sad to see that. Right?”

“I don’t want to.”

“So I will help everyone, by treating you in a safe way. Even if it’s a little hard, hang in there.”

In addition, there were more caveats that Raynon and Pierre mentioned.

One, that Merson is full of desire to release energy, and will strongly reject sex that prevents release.

Two, in order for my body to accept the divine power that has been harmonized, Merson must go through ‘languor’ after he reaches his climax.

Third, the restraints only lasts three hours, so I have to finish it before then.

They said I was the Demon King’s companion… It was a terribly extreme job.

First of all, after treating Merson, the urgent fire, I plan to ask Raynon and Pierre separately about being a companion. For example, things like whether I can refuse being the companion. But now, as I said, it’s time to focus on Merson.

It was clumsy, but I stuck out my tongue and tickled Merson’s neck. His heart rate was beating so fast that I could feel the throbbing through my tongue.

My hands caressed his hard chest, then grabbed the protruding nipples and turned them around. A warm vibration spread under my tongue as I pressed it with my thumb, and a low moan erupted.


I lowered my lips, making a way with a kiss, as Merson had done. I gently stimulated the other nipple with my teeth and then licked it again. My hands became bold and moved down to the groin in one go, lazily stroking the lower abdomen and around the penis.

“Don’t, Erina. stop.”

“Shhh, this is treatment. Stay still.”

I held Merson’s face and kissed him aggressively. It was not like him avoiding my tongue here and there, so my mind was confused.

However, since I had heard (from Pierre) that caressing before penetration is important in order to feel a certain orgasm, I dutifully chased Merson’s tongue all the way to the end and entangled my tongue with Merson’s.

“Uhp… Uhp, stop.”

As I part his lips, Merson looks at me with resentful eyes.


I stroked my hair slowly. I feel so guilty that I really can’t take his lips. Looking into his eyes, I couldn’t put my hand anywhere on his body. Knowing that it’s a treatment, but doing it against someone who doesn’t want to is, of course, a bad thing.

But I couldn’t stop it, so I decided to do something more mean to Merson. So that I can only focus on treatment.

I tore off Merson’s shirt and used it to cover his eyes to hide his gaze. I kissed the struggling Merson on the cheek and lowered my butt to feel his bulging penis. He doesn’t want it, but his body can’t help it.

“Don’t think about anything else, just feel it, Merson.”

“Do… don’t, ugh!”

I turned my hand behind him and squeezed his penis. I didn’t hold it hard, but I heard a rough moan. As I moved it gently up and down, Merson’s back twitched and his struggle intensified. It must have been because his vision had been blocked and his senses had become more acute.

“Kuhk, Erina, stop…….”

The rattling of the restrained limbs seemed to break them at any moment and push me away.

I bit my lip and moved my hand quickly. In my experience, he did not feel drowsy after one climax, so if I insert it from the beginning and he finishes, there is a 100% chance that he will quickly get tired and fall asleep lying next to me.

Then he probably won’t wake up, haha. Because of this, the first time I have to make him climax is only by stimulating the penis, not by direct insertion.

“Haa… Erina, it’s hot.”

“Is it hot?”

“It looks like it will burn.”

It was natural for his body to heat up during sex. But now Merson is without excitement, and is filled with only the desire to release the energy that is swirling inside his body. So it was only natural that he felt “hot.”

As a makeshift measure, I placed a wet towel I had buried in ice cubes on Merson’s forehead to cool off.