Does She Leave the House (10)

Actually, her personal feelings aren’t that good, but since he was looking at her with such a sincere look, the bad things she has been holding on to have disappeared like melting snow. She wanted to hold him in her arms.

“Are you really Chenin?”

Her lips curved.

“As you can see.”

She leaned over and moved closer to Merson. Chenin’s eyes were fascinated by the thick pheromone flowing from him.

However, unfortunately, one hand cannot clap alone. By the time Chenin’s forehead touched Merson’s collarbone, he removed his hand and straightened himself up.

“Where are you going?”

Evan asked.

“To inform Erina.”

“She told you to stay still?”

Merson opened the door without hesitation.

“I have an excuse.”

In the midst of wanting to see Erina right now, there was an excuse with Chenin. Regardless, first and foremost, Merson wanted to meet Erina.

It is enough to say that he has come to say that Chenin has come. He believed that even Erina would compliment him on it.

After Merson left, Chenin, who was left in the room, doubted her ears.

“Ex, excuse?”

She had a big heart for coming here, then what? For a moment, she quickly regretted having been fooled by his good looks.

It was Evan’s job to soothe Chenin’s bad mood.

Merson, who left the inn room filled with vague discomfort, was very excited about the idea of meeting Erina anyway. As soon as he got out, he teleported to the Emperor.

“Where is Erina?”

The Emperor, who was on duty, remembered hearing that question once before. Emperor Krihel felt his head pounding because of the Demon King who came to him with the same question twice, less than a day later. Especially now it sounded worse.

“She’s gone.”


“I heard that she left the imperial palace about an hour ago.”

“Did she tell you where she was going? Maybe… she went to see me.”

The Demon King’s tone, which was always confident like his own words were law, seemed unsure and dangerous. The Emperor felt like he had seen something he shouldn’t have seen, so he was very taken aback.

“I didn’t hear anything.”

Erina, who has just arrived in the capital, doesn’t know much about the place. At most, it would be the inn, the imperial palace, and County Abitz. She wouldn’t do anything reckless to run into County Abitz alone, so that possibility was slim.

He should have waited a little longer.

Merson struck the innocent Emperor’s desk once and teleported away again.

The Emperor, whose heart had been pounding the whole time after meeting Erina at the lakeside, met Merson, whose love for Erina radiated from his whole body without any time to calm down, and now even his head became complicated.

Eventually, he opened the window, which had been carefully closed, and was greeted by the dawn breeze.

As such, Merson, who unintentionally upsetted another person, moved around the inn thinking that Erina would be arriving. The timing wasn’t great, but he couldn’t help but feel excited to think that Erina was coming here to see him.

It was hard for Merson to bear it because his whole body was itching to wait. Eventually, he ran the other way from the inn, widening his eyes to look for Erina around.

Then, from afar, he saw her pink hair, bathed in moonlight, running towards Merson.

His face became pure and a bright smile spread across his face. Perhaps even the running time felt wasteful, Merson cast teleport once again.


Right in front of her eyes, there was Erina.



Contrary to Merson’s expectations, Erina pushed Merson out of the way with her hand and sprinted toward the inn.


Merson, who became a presence-less shadow, had to chase Erina’s with great difficulty once again, making constant efforts to catch up with his dangerously shaking mentality.

* * *

As soon as I realized that today was the last day I promised Chenin, another fire burned in my heart. If Chenin doesn’t come until the end, that means she still doesn’t trust us… In other words, it means that Chenin has not given up on flattering Count Abitz.

Even though I knew it would be dangerous, I handed Chenin a note with my address written on it. But Chenin, who was blinded by the lust for power, could not just hold on to it. Even if it was me and Merson, I was worried about Evan. It’s only a matter of time before they find out this address, and the inn wouldn’t be safe.

Evan must be evacuated first.

With my original purpose changed, I ran towards the inn. I had already arrived near the inn when I realized that I could use magic. I had lived as an ordinary human for so long.

As I was running out of breath, someone suddenly appeared in front of me. It was Merson who had made me so dizzy an hour ago. However, I have no time to face this problem now.


We’ll talk later.


I went straight to the inn and opened Evan’s door roughly.

“Haa haa, Evan!”

It was time to sleep, but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe it’s too late?

Trying to grab at least one straw of hope, I opened the door where Merson and I were staying. It is difficult to tell whether the beating of my heart is because of running for a long time or if it is because of worry and nervousness.

“You’re late, Erina Holden.”

“Haa, haa.”

The first thing I saw was Chenin with eyes half-closed with a bored face, and the next thing I saw was Evan, who was eagerly fanning his hands beside her.

With this absurd appearance, my legs gave out and I sat down on the floor. Well, I almost sat down.

“Be careful.”

Merson supported my back from behind to prevent me from falling on my butt.

“Did you come to tell me this?”


“… well done.”


His voice as he answered me was a little excited.