Chapter 151

However, his gaze paused only briefly. Contrary to expectations that he would pick a fight, Nils turned his head, almost as if to ignore Iona.

Yvonne, too, silently prepared to get into the carriage, hiding her discontent. It was as if she hadn’t even noticed Iona’s presence.

Iona hadn’t exactly expected a confrontation, but she was surprised by their blatant disregard.

Maybe it was because they had always pounced on her like enemies whenever they crossed paths.

It felt somewhat unfamiliar to see them avoid her.

'They never seem to see eye to eye with me, even to the end.'

Despite Nils and Yvonne's desperate attempts to avoid her, Iona had something she wanted to tell them today.

Iona decisively stepped towards the carriage they were boarding.

The soldier seated next to Nils noticed Iona's approach and stopped closing the door.

Iona placed her hand on the door frame and looked inside the carriage.

Nils and Yvonne visibly flinched at Iona's sudden approach.

Iona, calmly observing their wary eyes, suddenly spoke.

"Everyone looks unhappy. Here I am, spending money to send you to a place with fresh air and clear water."


Nils bared his teeth at the minor provocation.

Facing his anger-filled face, Iona felt an inexplicable sense of calm.

Thinking that this would be the last time she saw him barking like an ill-tempered puppy gave her a peculiar feeling.

Although she didn't particularly regret it, completely letting go of a part of her daily life evoked unique emotions.

Iona smiled, as if something just occurred to her.

"Oh, Nils, I have something to congratulate you on."

"What nonsense are you spouting now?"

A hissing sound escaped Nils' mouth.

There was a clear intent to kill in his glare.

If no one else were around and if his body were free, he would undoubtedly have stabbed Iona.

But Nils was tightly bound with thick ropes.

All he could do was sit in the carriage, trembling with rage.

"You finally succeeded in avenging your mother against your father. It's a joyous occasion, isn’t it?"

Iona continued, pretending to praise Nils.

"By dishonoring your father and making his final moments miserable, you avenged her well. I'm sure your late mother would have been satisfied."

The moment Iona mentioned the late Countess, fire ignited in Nils’ eyes.

He clenched his hands as if he wanted to punch Iona, but his bound arms didn't move as he wished.

Iona looked down at him and openly chuckled.

"But you know, do you know why the Countess, despite hating your father so much, remained obedient to him until the end?"


"She wanted you to inherit everything from your father safely."

Iona leaned her upper body into the carriage as she spoke.

Although she closed the gap by just a couple of spans, she could feel the frozen air on her skin.

Iona freely observed Nils' contorted face up close.

Iona turned her gaze to Nils after adding that remark.

He was still groaning in discomfort, sprawled awkwardly on the floor.

To grab his attention, Iona knocked on the window a couple of times and raised her voice.

“The same goes for you, Nils.”


Nils couldn’t hold back his rage and let out a scream.

Iona pretended to be scared, backing away while laughing quietly.

Yvonne, on the other hand, started sobbing loudly, her emotions boiling over.

The carriage became a complete mess of shouts and tears before it even started moving.

Iona took a few steps back and gestured roughly to the servants, signaling them to proceed.

Finally understanding, the soldier next to Yvonne hesitantly closed the door.

The coachman, seeing that the commotion had subsided, pulled the reins. The carriage loaded with luggage followed promptly behind.

Knowing she wouldn’t have to see Nils and Yvonne’s faces again, Iona smiled and bid them farewell.

She watched the departing procession with a feeling of relief.


“Sniff, sniff, sniff...”

“Stop crying.”

“Sniff, sniff. Hic.”

“Stop crying, I said!”

“I... I can’t stop the tears.”

Yvonne protested indignantly at Nils’ scolding.

Nils looked at his sister in exasperation.

It had been almost a whole day since they left the mansion.

By now, she should have pulled herself together, but Yvonne cried at every opportunity.

Whether staring blankly out the window, or just sitting idly, or even while eating or sleeping, Yvonne would suddenly start crying.

Nils spoke with irritation.

“What, has the sky fallen? Are we going to die today? What’s the point of all this crying?”

“How can you say that? Don’t you understand why we’re in this carriage? I... I’ll never get married now and will be stuck in the countryside for the rest of my life...”

“I won’t let you live like that. Just wait, I’ll take back everything that woman stole from us.”

Yvonne stopped crying and looked at Nils, as if thinking there might be some basis for his confidence.

She cautiously asked, “Do you have a plan?”

The soldiers, annoyed by the constant crying, had all stepped outside, leaving them alone to talk.

Feeling they finally had a moment to speak privately, Nils leaned in towards Yvonne.

He was about to lower his voice and say something when the carriage suddenly came to a halt.

--- End Of The Chapter ----

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