Chapter 616: War Information, Services at Mount Black Suo

Chapter 616: War Information, Services at Mount Black Suo

Each of the Black Suo Army soldiers had an unusually strong build.

They were comparable to the barbarians in the north.

The strong smell of blood coming from their bodies also made people feel nauseous.

The entire prison was filled with an indescribable smell.

Matthew did not react at first.

But later, he realized that it was the spread of magic caused by the excessive use of cleaning spells.

The spread of magic and the pressure of the magic-forbidden zone combined to form an environment that was extremely unfriendly to mages.

Because it was too depressing.

In the end, Matthew could only comfort himself. “Actually, you’re a Druid...”

Fortunately, they did not walk for too long.

After passing through four huge gates, they came to a platform. They followed the rotating stone stairs behind the platform and arrived in front of a towering round tower.

According to the introduction of the Black Suo Army.

This spire was the Mage Tower of the Head Warden of Mount Black Suo, Alexander.

This was the tallest building in the fortress. Standing at the top of the tower, one could overlook the entire fortress and the Poplar Desert below.

The warden’s office was on the first floor of the mage tower.

“I’ve already passed the letter to Mr. Alexander. He’s waiting for you inside.” The Black Suo Army soldier politely pointed at the gate of the Mage Tower.

Matthew nodded politely at him and quickly walked in.

He had just stepped through the gate of the mage tower.

An unprecedented sense of relief surged into Matthew’s heart.

He was surprised to find that the pressure from the anti-magic zone had disappeared!

“Are you feeling better?”

A burly man in a formal black suit came over. Hello, I am Alexander, the warden of Mount Black Suo.” Matthew quickly held his strong hands.

Hello, I’m Matthew, a registered mage in Rolling Stone Town.”

As he spoke, he inadvertently looked at Alexander’s palm.

Isn’t this too big?

One hand was as big as Matthew’s three hands! Don’t be surprised because I have barbarian blood.”

Alexander’s expression was serious and businesslike.

As he spoke, he recorded meticulously. Matthew asked curiously,

“Can this scale reflect a person’s degree of sin? “How much is the sin for an ordinary person?”

Alexander calmly replied,

‘ Around 20. It’s lower for children. Usually, it won’t exceed 15.”

Matthew was eager to try. “Can I try?” Alexander nodded and said,

“Of course you can.”

So Matthew let Soldier carry Melinda and jumped up himself.

Very quickly.

A light green number appeared on his body.


Alexander’s expression changed. In the next second, his tone became respectful.

“Your degree of sin is relatively low.

It seems that the atmosphere in the Alliance has improved in the past two years. At least there are mages like you around.”

Matthew was a little embarrassed by his praise.

He didn’t think he had done anything.

Then, he asked curiously, “Is there anyone with a lower degree of sin than me?”

Alexander nodded and said,

” Yes. but if the degree of sin is too low. it doesn’t necessarily mean that a

person is pure.

‘ For example, if the Seven Saints of the Alliance stood on the scale, the number displayed would only be o.”

Matthew was curious.


“Because I’m afraid!” The scale under his feet suddenly said. Matthew looked down and saw a pair of eyes staring at him.

He hurriedly walked down.

The pair of eyes quickly disappeared.

Alexander said emotionally....