Chapter 645: I’m a Mage

Chapter 645: I’m a Mage

But in the end.

Zeller only gritted his teeth.


“You go!

Remember to harass them back and forth. Don’t have any intention of killing Delava. I’ll get the Destroyer and the garrison to follow as soon as possible.”

The two of them looked at each other.

Without another word, they turned around and left. A moment later.

More than 100 cavalrymen followed Rheagar to the north.

More than an hour later.

The cavalrymen successfully arrived at the small plain north of the canyon before the main force of the Highleaf Region.

Under Rheagar’s command.

The cavalry was divided into three groups.

The largest group was led by him, and they were heading straight for the enemy that was coming out of the canyon.

The other two groups were lying in ambush on the flanks to harass or provide support.

Midsummer noon.

The weather was unusually hot.

The flowers and plants by the roadside were all curled up.

The warhorses took turns stomping their hooves restlessly.

Bean-sized beads of sweat dripped down from the knights ‘masks.

Some fell into the yellow mud.

It instantly evaporated.

Not long after.

At the entrance of the valley, the flag of the troops of the High Leaf Region appeared.

Rheagar raised the whip in his hand high up. Without any unnecessary shouts, he only lightly lashed the horse’s belly.

The warhorses began to speed up.

The knights behind him followed closely behind.

The sound of horse hooves began to ring out on the plains.

The enemy had obviously noticed this scene.

Before the cavalry could get close.

A group of berserk orcs roared and rushed out!

They fearlessly charged towards the cavalry!

Knock, knock, knock!

The rhythmic sound of horse hooves rang in everyone’s ears.

Rheagar calmly observed the battle formation in front of him.

Just as the cavalry he led was only about 150 meters away from the orc army charging at the front, the orcs were all stunned.

Rheagar had sharp eyes.

He even found two teams of archers near the chariot!

These archers were very likely to cause fatal damage to the cavalry!

However, the change in the battle situation did not allow him to think too much.

After adjusting the formation, Delava continued to move forward.

As for the troops behind him, they seemed to have been completely abandoned by him.

All he wanted to do now was to go up north to support the Black Dragon!

“It’s indeed dangerous to rush like this.”

Rheagar sighed deeply in his heart.

But he couldn’t let that kid shoulder all the pressure, right?

Thinking of this.

He decisively issued a new order.

Keep your distance and harass the enemys tail and flanks!

Just like that.

He stood on the hill and watched as the Delava formation quickly emerged from the valley.

When the time was right.

The sound of horse hooves rang out again.

The sky was filled with shouts and killing sounds. The orcs who were prepared immediately activated their berserk mode.

This time, they did not launch a counterattack against the cavalry.

Instead, they surrounded the square formation tightly.

Rheagar led the cavalry to charge.

When he got close, he suddenly used the same trick again, intending to stab at the tail wing where there were few people.

However, at that moment.

A short chant sounded.

In an instant.

A large area of mud appeared in front of the rear wing of the formation and the cavalry! [Tactical Spell: Area Petrification!]

In a flash.

The warhorse under Rheagar’s back burst forth with a powerful leap.


It actually carried Rheagar and flew across the muddy area!

Knock, knock, knock!

The sound of horse hooves was slightly chaotic.

However, Rheagar still steadily rushed over.

The remaining people were not so lucky.

Although the warhorses they rode also had the bloodline of the Purgatory, there was a huge gap between them and Rheagar’s..