There are all sorts of knives.

If you divide it into to tow, there's an eastern knife and a western knife. There are also various shapes and sizes.

But, the one I want is only one.

And of course, that is.......

"San Toku knife?"

Yes, in-home cooking it's a must kind of knife"

A Santoku knife is produced from Japan, therefore, there's definitely nothing like that in this another world.

That's why, in order to describe to Hurst-san the knife that I want. First, I need to know what kind of knives do they have here. Since no matter how much I explain it to him, he might not understand. That's why we decided to go to the Palace kitchen. 

And it seems like the one taking care of the herb garden is someone from that kitchen. That's why while we were at it, I might as well asking permission to use it.

It seems like they were quite busy around in the afternoon, which is why when we came there during their break they seemed annoyed, but it seems like the meals I've been having came from here and after giving them my opinion and saying my thanks to the delicious food, they all started smiling and seemed to be in a good mood.

They even allowed me to use the herb garden, that's why I'll gratefully use it.

"That knife looks similar to the one the chef's knife, right?"

"Yes, It has a similar breadth like to the blade of the chef's knife and the tip is a bit narrower and sharper. With the Santoku knife, it's blade is a bit wider in width, while the pointed end is a bit in a loosely like curve." 

After returning to my room, I grabbed a piece of paper and started drawing and explaining how it looks like. Using the chef's knife as a comparison, it looks similar to a butcher knife, where it's easier to cut meat. While the others seem to have a peti knife or bread knife, there were all sorts of knives but I feel like it was the closest knife to explain it. 

"The length of the blade is around half of two fists"