The things that shaved blonde ashime left are his hair that he is so proud of and the whole on the floor. 

That's right, Hurst-san the blade that he threw, is amazingly stuck on the floor. 

Hurst-san, who was standing then, threw a blade that he was holding, around an angle of 45 degrees towards the shaved blonde ashime who, was sitting on the sofa---- and now it is stuck on the floor.

It looked like it was thrown like those kunais that ninja throws. As a new historical feat is now engraved in my room.

For now, I'll decide that I didn't see anything. As I looked towards Hurst-san, I, once again said my thanks to him. 

"Even though today is your break, thank you so much for doing this"

"No... ...since I wasn't really resting."

"That's right..."

It hasn't been his off-day!

It seems like he's normally escorting me like always.

If that's the case.......

"Umm, since today you have come to do your work and since you are already here, would you like to eat something? Since you are already here and I want to use it soon"

As I looked over at Hurst-san while holding the knife, Hurst-san eyes seem to lit up from happiness.

"Yes, please"

Looking at Hurst-san's eyes, I can really see that he's happily looking forward. It's not because he's just being polite or just to go along with me but it's because he really wants to eat, is what I think. 

That's why I couldn't help but smile along with him. After saying, leave it to me. He nodded his head in approval. 

"Since this is the knife that Hurst-san has made, I feel like I can cut anything"

"That's right. If Isarai-sama want it, then let's go train together" 


"As long as you get the hang of it, even a demon beast will fall and in one strike to slaughter them"

"One strike to slaughter."

It was absolutely a word that you don't associate with a kitchen knife.