I became the assistant homeroom teacher of class 2-E.

First, decide where Shizuku-chan’s room will be.

Ease of use and comfort must be taken into consideration, but after all, the fact that she is a saint and the compromise with the special squad must also be considered.

So, we decided that Shizuku-chan and the special squad will use the stone tower in the center of the Knights’ Fort instead of the wooden quarters we usually use.

This one is more inconvenient, but it seems to be stronger and easier to guard.

The barrier is still there, so even though we don’t have to worry about being attacked by magical beasts, I still want to take Shizuku-chan’s safety into consideration as much as possible.

From the point of view of the captain, who was a no-nonsense person, instead of living in the same place as the Northern Knights, changing the building will avoid unnecessary conflicts.

So, Shizuku-chan’s room is in the stone tower.

I decided to have her use the top of it.

The place has a nice view, the room is large, and it is a splendid place divided into a bedroom and reception room.

Then, Shizuku-chan’s favorite color, emerald green, is placed.

After searching together, we were able to find emerald green curtains and a sofa cushion cover with an emerald green pattern on a white background.

Finally, by decorating the table with pink flowers, which seem to be the only ones blooming around here, the room, which had been emphasized by the color of the stone, has a girlish finish.

Then, ten days after I was informed that Shizuku-chan was coming.

Finally, I received a message that Shizuku-chan had arrived at the Northern Knights.

“Finally. . .”

We all stood in the large area on the grounds of the fort, just as we did at the beginning, and waited for Shizuku-chan and the others to arrive.

The members of the special squad who came as the forerunners also lined up together.

As I did this, I really felt the Shizuku-chan was coming.

Then, my chest made a pounding sound. . .

. . . I wonder what kind of child Shizuku-chan is.

How can I say hello?

What kind of words should we exchange?

How will Shizuku-chan respond?

I knew I could meet Shizuku-chan, and I’ve thought about it many times.

Thinking about the moment we meet, I tried image training by myself.

Therefore, it’s only natural to be nervous and put strength into your body.

And that would be the same for the members here.

The air in this fort is also different from when I came, wrapped in a tense air. . .

“A woman. . . . . .”

“Woman. . .”

“Woman, a woman. . .”

. . . . . . Not.

It’s not tense at all.

“Hurst-san. . . um. . .”

What is this about?

I was worried that Shizuku-chan would be scared, and when I looked up at Hurst-san, he nodded to cheer me up.

“The members are always like this. It’s like a conditioned reflex for women coming.”

“Conditioned reflex”

“There is a reason.”

“. . . . . I see.”

It can’t be helped if it’s a conditioned reflex.

Reflexes cannot be suppressed by reason. It can’t be helped. It can’t be helped.

When I touch a hot oven, I say, ‘Hot’ and involuntarily withdraw my hand.

It’s the same. Yes. It’s the same as that.

The blizzard isn’t blowing from Hurst-san, so it’s probably fine.

A warm look is important for the assistant homeroom teacher. Yes. Look, those eyes pointed at Zezgard-san. With those eyes. . .

“Hey, you”

When I gave a warm look, Zezgard-san immediately made a tsukkomi.

Standing diagonally behind me, he shouldn’t be able to see my face, but he seems to have sensed the atmosphere.

“No, this is not for Zezgard-san.”

Yes. It’s not.

But, even though he shouldn’t have to worry about it, Zezgard-san muttered.

“I know you’re not looking at me. But it’s kind of annoying.”

Golden eyes as usual.

But those eyes told me that he was unwilling.

Then, Ryleigh-kun, who was on my left side, looked back a little and confirmed it.

And then he muttered, hmm. . .

“Ah, perhaps he’s telling Shina-san not to look at anyone other than him. . .”

“Eh, is that so?”

I see. . . Ma-kun. . .

Ma-kun also wants warm eyes. . . ?

“That’s not it!! Stop it!! I’m not Ma-kun!”

When I turned around and looked at him with warm eyes, Ma-kun. . . . Zezgard-san said ‘hey!’ and yelled.

It’s really the same as usual. . .

The usual interaction.

The usual light-hearted exchange.

Thanks to that, I felt that the weight that was on my shoulders had gone away a little.

“Shina-sama. Are you worried about anything?”

“. . . . Yes.”

When I look up to the right, I can see gentle light blue eyes.

Hearing that voice made my heart feel fluffy and warm.

“Ah, Shina-san! A carriage has arrived!”

Encouraged by Ryleigh-kun’s voice, I returned my gaze to the front.

At the entrance of the fort, there were men on horseback, followed by a luxurious carriage.

When the group stopped in front of us, they all got off their horses and the person who seemed to be in charge greeted us.

This person must be the commanding officer.

Until now, the commander, who had been lined up with us but hadn’t made his presence felt at all, began to move from the side of Hurst-san and approached the special squad commander.

And then he spoke to the special squad commander.

“We are not ready because of the suddenness of things, but the Northern Knights hope that the saint will smoothly fulfill her mission and return promptly.”

. . . . Yes. Clearly, he’s telling them to go back.

He’s cursing with subtle lines that are rude yet not rude.

Normally, ‘What is this commander!’ is how it would be, but if someone said something like that to me with the grief-filled eyes of a middle manager, it would be difficult to respond. . .

Maybe we know it’s urgent. . .

The special squad commander who is pissed off. The commander who is exhausted and absent-minded.

While watching such an exchange, something rolled down from the stopped carriage.

“My cute baby rabbit. . . !”

A loud echoing volume and a figure running straight.

It rushed to the left of me and collapsed.

“Ahh. . . It’s fragrant, it’s fragrant. . .!”


“Well, the scent has changed. . . ! It’s like you were running around in the garden in the sunshine, but sometimes you feel, and the smell grew stronger with the number of tears you cried. . .!”

. . . Long time no see.

That posture of clinging to the knees is still the same. . .

“Stop it Niisan, I feel sick.”

And a handsome boy with eyes that look like he’s looking at garbage and wants to throw it out.

What are siblings? What is brotherly love?

Everyone here saw that exchange, but I’m sure Thruster-san doesn’t care.

Hurst-san called out to Thruster-san, who continued inhaling Ryleigh-kun, without worrying about it.

“Thruster. Explain. What about Saint-sama?”

With that voice, the gazes that were concentrating here returned to the carriage.

“Oh. . . .”

The members unintentionally shouted at the girl who came out of the carriage.

Her pure white dress is embroidered with emerald green, and it looks beautiful.

Her black hair was braided and glistened in the light.

Until now, the members who used to say ‘Woman, woman,’ don’t seem to be able to say those words when it comes to this innocence.

I, too, unknowingly breathed a sigh of relief at the girl who is beautiful as usual.

Then, I suddenly heard a laughing voice and turned my gaze.

“Saint-sama didn’t come for the barrier.”

It was thruster-san who laughed with his nose.

While everyone was concentrating their attention on the saint, Thruster-san was staring up at me.

“. . . It’s you.”

The blue eyes behind the glasses pierced me.

“Saint-sama came here just to see you.”

I turn my gaze as if being repelled by those words.

There was Shizuku-chan who got off the carriage.

Her dark, moist eyes widened when she saw me.

Surprised, confused.

For about five seconds.

Those black eyes that were staring at each other narrowed tightly. . .

“. . . hu”

That sigh that can’t be heard.

I heard the leaking sound.


At that moment, Shizuku-chan pulled away the hand that was on the special squad commander.

And ran straight towards me.

With heeled shoes and a delicately embroidered dress.

Shizuku-chan didn’t stop, even in that outfit that made it difficult to run.

“. . . Shizuku, chan?”

Shizuku-chan ran straight to me.

With that momentum, Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun stood in front of me as if to protect me.

So, I knew Shizuku-chan stopped, but I didn’t know what kind of expression she was making.

“. . . Shizuku-chan?”

I called out to her again.

Then, Shizuku-chan kept looking down. . . but she grabbed my sleeve tightly.

“. . . he, lp. . .help. . .”

A small, small voice.

The words that were told on an exhale.

A trembling, desperately outstretched hand.

“. . . Yes.”

I wonder why I thought she would be okay.

I wonder why I didn’t talk to her properly at that time.

. . . Regret and repentance.

But, right now, that’s not what’s important. . .


. . . I really don’t know anything.

What Shizuku-chan is worried about or what she wants.

I may not be able to do anything.

I may not have that kind of power.

. . . Such a week voice came out.

But, I have to put those feelings aside.

“Leave it to me.”

I grabbed Shizuku-chan’s hand, which was holding my sleeve.

Then, I wrapped it tightly with both hands.

After all, the words I would should say to the girl who is trembling in front of me. . .

What I can do for that desperately outstretched hand. . .

“I will absolutely help.”

. . . I will accept all your worries.

Because I think that’s what I’m prepared to do for you.

Poor Shizuku. She must have been so lonely with so much pressure put on her. Everyone around her cares too much about her being a saint and doesn’t take her feelings into account. I hope she can find some peace and happiness after spending some time with Shina.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!