From the ideal kitchen, I brought the nabeyaki udon and returned to my private room.

. . . Yes. This figure is already me as a waitress from a restaurant somewhere.

Restaurant Isarai.

In my room, Shizuku-chan was sitting on the sofa and waiting.

In order not to make Shizuku-chan nervous, Hurst-san, Ryleigh-kun, and Zezgard-san seemed to be watching over us from a distance.

I used the skill behind the sofa where Shizuku-chan was.

At the time, Shizuku-chan was talking to Zezgard-san, so she probably didn’t see the moment when I was summoned to the kitchen.

For the time being, I told her that I would leave my seat, but I think she would be surprised if she saw me now.

So, I gently called out to Shizuku-chan so as not to startle her.

“Shizuku-chan, thank you for waiting.”

“. . .”

At my voice, Shizuku-chan’s shoulders shook for a moment.

And she slowly turned to me. . .

“Eh. . .”

Shizuku-chan’s big black eyes widened even more.

My hand is on the other end of the surprised gaze.

What I’m holding in that hand is a tray.

On top of that is a clay pot for one person.

Steam rises from the vent hole in the lid of the clay pot.

. . . Yes. That surprised her.

She was surprised when someone suddenly appeared with nabeyaki udon.

You will be surprised when you suddenly find yourself in a restaurant.

Even if the person speaks gently, you will still be surprised.

“Sorry to startle you.”

“. . . no. . . ah, . . . the smell of soup stock.”

Shizuku-chan wouldn’t be able to tell what was inside because the pot was covered with a lid, but she seemed to be able to smell the soft, fragrant broth.

“Yes. Please come this way.”

Inviting Shizuku-chan, I pointed at the dining table at the back of the room, by the window.

And I walked carefully so that the polar bear grated radish in the clay pot wouldn’t fall apart.

I put the tray with nabeyaki udon on the dining table, so Shizuku-chan can sit on the chair and eat it as it is.

“Um. . . I . . . .”

“Hey, Shizuku-chan, sit down, sit down.”

Shizuku-chan seemed to be interested in my actions and words, so she stood up from the sofa in the center of the room and headed towards me.

I beckoned Shizuku-chan to come here and pulled out a chair.

I think it’s a little pushy, but I think it’s better to deal with Shizuku-chan, who seems unnerved and obviously anxious.

“It’s sudden, but there’s something I want Shizuku-chan to eat. . .”

“. . . You want me to eat?”

“Yeah. I made it for Shizuku-chan.”

“. . . For my sake”

Shizuku-chan, sitting in the chair, looked anxiously at the pot and me.

I smiled at Shizuku-chan. . .

And then, I opened the lid of the clay pot.

“It’s polar bear nabeyaki udon.”

“. . .”

When I opened the with a snap, Shizuku-chan held her breath.

Those black eyes were getting wetter and wetter. . .

“. . . . . ,Udon. . . .”

The small voice that leaked out was trembling.

The trembling of her voice echoed in my chest.

“My skill is a skill that can be used to make food like this. Shizuku-chan, you’ve probably eaten better food since you came here, but I wondered if you could eat Japanese food. . .”

“. . . I haven’t eaten it. . . for a long time. . .”

“If you don’t mind, try it.”

“. . . Yes.”

Shizuku-chan sniffed once. . . Then she timidly held the chopsticks in her hand.

She put a little bit of udon noodles on the serving plate and added the soup with the lotus root.

It seems that her gentle and careful hand is careful not to break the polar bear grated radish.

“. . . . Itadakimasu.”

“Yes, please eat.”

Shizuku-chan scoops the udon gently with chopsticks.

Then, she exhaled.

The udon just went into her mouth. . .

“. . . . . .Delicious.”

Words spilled out.

Shizuku-chan seemed to have swallowed the udon after chewing several times.

“It’s delicious. . .”

After muttering that, Shizuku-chan’s body began to tremble.

Shizuku-chan seems to be trying to suppress it, biting her lip and letting out a short breath. . .

However, she couldn’t hold back, and when she let out a small, scream-like voice, her knees were dripping with water marks.

“I. . . I’m, sorry.”


“This is. . . It’s nothing. . .”


“. . . .hu”


“hu. . .”

Shizuku-chan put down her chopsticks and brought her hands to her eyes.

I’m sure she’s been holding it in for a long time.

It seemed like she was trying to stop it, but once the dam broke, it seemed like she couldn’t control her emotions.

The small voice that is leaking out is painful. . .

The tears flowing from big black eyes are heartbreaking. . .

I crouched down next to Shizuku-chan and gently held her hand.

“Shizuku-chan, it’s okay.”

I looked into her tear-filled black eyes.

When I did that, I was reflected in Shizuku-chan’s eyes.

Because you should be able to see me, who has the same black hair and black eyes. . .

“Sorry for leaving you alone.”

Shizuku-chan. . . I’m sure she doesn’t rely on anyone.

If she could ask someone to help her, she wouldn’t explode like this.

Like this. . . She wouldn’t cry until her chest hurts.

“I’m here. I’m here.”

She ran to me.

She asked me to help.

She reached out desperately.

. . . I won’t let go of that hand.

In response to my words, Shizuku-chan tightly squeezed my hand back.

I wanted to encourage Shizuku-chan, so I gently spoke to her so that she could turn her attention to the nabeyaki udon.

“Shizuku-chan, the point of this nabeyaki udon is this polar bear.”

“. . . ha, I, . . . wai, oh, it was there.”

When I glanced at the nabeyaki udon, Shizuku-chan also looked at it.

There is a polar bear made of grated radish.

The forelegs were crumbling a little due to soaking up the sauce, but they were still in good shape.

“Don’t you think this polar bear looks like the knight over there?”

I secretly told Shizuku-chan, as if telling her a secret.

Hurst-san is now watching over us from a distance from the dining table, but he can hear the conversations we’ve had so far, and I’m sure he’s hearing this conversation as well.

Shizuku-chan’s wet black eyes blinked at my words.

“This cute polar bear. . . is that scary-looking person over there?”

Shizuku-chan looked at the polar bear grated radish. . . and then looked at Hurst-san.

However, she didn’t seem to understand much and tilted her head a little.

So, I’m going to teach Shizuku-chan even more.

“Yeah. He’s very strong, but sometimes he’s really cute.”

“. . . geho.”

Hurst-san choked at my words.

“Eh, Hurst-san, are you okay?”

“hu. . ., I’m sorry.”

Hurst-san cleared his throat several times before returning to his usual expressionless face.

As for Shizuku-chan, she was staring at the polar bear grated radish.

“. . . does that person really look like this?”

“Yeah. His face and atmosphere are similar.”

When I answered Shizuku-chan’s question with a serious face, Shizuku-chan relaxed her cheeks.

“. . . . cute.”

Saying that, Shizuku-chan stared at me, while being bathed in the light from the window. . .

“Is it okay if I stay with you?”

Shizuku-chan stared at me with a worried look in her eyes.

You must be very brave to say this.

So, I gently shook her hand and nodded yes.

“Of course. What is good for Shizuku-chan? Let’s think about it together.”

I don’t know what I can do.

But if we stay together and think together, we can surely do it.

My words made Shizuku-chan burst into tears again.

I reached out and wiped Shizuku-chan’s tears with a handkerchief, and Shizuku-chan smiled softly. . .

“Udon, let’s eat it.”

“Yeah. . . it doesn’t have to be all of it, okay? Just eat what you can.”

Shizuku-chan shook her head at my words.

“I will eat it all.”

Saying that, Shizuku-chan let go of my hand and picked up the chopsticks again.

And as promised, she ate the nabeyaki udon.

Once she decided to eat, Shizuku-chan never stopped.

On the way, when the polar bear grated radish broke, it seemed to have been delicious again, and she started eating it while saying it was delicious.

“Thank you for the meal.”

Shizuku-chan put down her chopsticks and put her hands together.

Then, Shizuku-chan’s body shone brightly, and the nabeyaki udon disappeared.

Shizuku-chan seemed surprised by that. . .

“. . . this is?”

“You’re surprised. I’ll explain the details later, but you just need to think that my skills shine.”

Yes. I didn’t make it for Shizuku-chan’s skill now.

I just wanted to ease Shizuku-chan’s nerves and reduce her anxiety.

Don’t think about the saint’s skill, just think of it as a meal that shines.

Since there wasn’t a black haze like Ryleigh-kun, there seems to be another reason why she can’t use the saint skills.

So don’t worry about it, I smiled and Shizuku-chan stared at me.

“This is my first time. . . having such delicious udon.”

“That’s good.”

“When you mix the grated radish well, the taste changes. . . The grated radish is sweet, but it’s refreshing. . .”


“It was delicious.”

Shizuku-chan laughed softly like a flower blooming.

Her smile was so cute that it took my breath away.

Shizuku-chan looked away as if she was embarrassed when I started at her.

And then she whispered quietly.

“. . . I want an older sister like this.”

The lips that leaked out those words were soft pink.

Her black hair was shiny, and her wet black eyes sparkled.

Even her cheeks with traces of tears and her slightly swollen eyes all emphasized Shizuku-chan’s beauty.

And a lily flower in the background.

Why. A white lily is in full bloom behind Shizuku-chan.

“. . . I want you to think of me as your older sister.”

And when felt that flower, the words came out automatically from my mouth.

Somehow, I ran for her sister.

Somewhere, Ma-kun was also running for her brother, but even I couldn’t help it.

“Oh, you! You said that much to me!”

“. . . Because this is an agreement.”


Hey. Because I agree. Agreement. We both have the same intention.

Do you know? My sister is the best.

Hurst-san better hurry and make Shina fall for him or she might be taken away be Shizuku. But seriously, I’m glad Shizuku and Shina were able to get along. Shina truly does only care about what’s best for Shizuku, not her title as a saint. I think Shizuku needed that.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!