Gyabussh also came, and now we have the expected members.

“This time, I tried making two different flavors. The one on this white plate is sweet, and the one on this black plate is salty. I think you will have a preference, so please try both.”

“I see. Even if it’s the same thing, the seasoning is different. . . Then I’ll start with the one on this black plate.”

As if he had known how to use chopsticks since birth, Hurst-san naturally moved the chopsticks and picked up a piece of tamagoyaki.

And put it in his mouth. . .

“. . . Delicious.”

. . . The usual delicious sign.

“This is very fluffy. I imagined it would be a little harder because the egg was well cooked, but the texture is completely different from what I expected. Is it because it is rolled? And when I took a bite, the taste gradually seeped out.

After saying that, Hurst-san put his hand on his mouth as if thinking.

“How should I put it. . . it’s like the taste of the sea? It has that kind of flavor. . . No, it’s not the same as the smell of the seashore. . . Yesterday, the Saint-sama ate the ‘Polar Bear Nabeyaki Udon’. It’s the same scent as that time.”

“Yes. That’s right. I used the same seasoning as the one from that time.”

Thank you Hurst-san.

Udan and tamagoyaki. He seems to have noticed that they use the same seasoning.

“Where we’re from, we used seaweed called kelp and dried fish to make soup. We call it dashi.”


“In addition, there is a seasoning called soy sauce made by fermenting beans, and I tried using it today.”

“Soy sauce? . . . It’s strange to be told that this taste is made from seaweed, fish and beans.”

“That’s true.”

To match Shizuku-chan, I made Japanese food. . . or rather, Japanese home-cooked food, but the taste is unfamiliar to Hurst-san, so even if he listens to my explanation, he probably won’t get it.

When I think about what mentsuyu is made of, the ingredients, and the process of making it, I think it’s really strange.

He said, ‘Delicious,’ but it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t suit your taste.

“. . . Actually, I also wanted to try ‘Polar Bear Nabeyaki Udon’. It’s a different dish, but I’m glad I was able to taste it like this.”

Because those light blue eyes are always shining brightly.

Not flattering. Because I know you think the food I made is delicious. . .

“. . . There are many delicious dishes using dashi and soy sauce. I will make them again.”

“Yes. I’m looking forward to it.”

. . . My heart is getting warmer.

“Well then, it’s sweet, so I’ll try it.”

Ryleigh-kun says so and picks up the tamagoyaki.

And somehow put it in his mouth. . .

“Yeah! Delicious!”

His young leaf-colored eyes sparkled brightly.

“It’s just as Vol-san said, it’s fluffy! It’s sweet, but it’s not just that, it makes me want to eat another one right away! Does this also contain what Shina-san said?”

“Yeah. Even though it’s sweet, it contains dashi and soy sauce.”

“That’s right! Hey, can I try this one too?”

“Of course.”

Saying that, Ryleigh-kun picks up the salty tamagoyaki on the black plate.

And just like when he ate the sweet one, ‘it’s delicious!’ he raised his voice.

“Then Shizuku-chan, please.”

“. . . . Yes.”

I also recommended it to Shizuku-chan, who still had chopsticks and hadn’t touched it yet.

“. . . . . It’s delicious.”


“Shina-san’s cooking. . . warms my stomach.”

“That’s good.”

“Fluffy and warm.”

“It makes me happy to hear Shizuku-chan say that. Ah, try the salty one too.”

“. . . .Yes.”

I recommend Shizuku-chan the black plate that is a little far away from her.

Shizuku-chan put it in her mouth like the sweet tamagoyaki.

Normal at first. But, as soon as I saw her eyes, they were shaking. . .

“. . . This tastes like my mother’s. . . it’s similar. . .”

“I see. Shizuku-chan’s house had a salty taste.”

The taste of tamagoyaki is the taste of home.

Sweet of salty. Add green onions and wrap it in seaweed. Each one has different flavors.

I’m sure Shizuku-chan has memories too.

Because it’s important.

“I want you to tell me a lot about Shizuku-chan. The fun times and the hard times. How you lived in Japan. . . . I think it can make you sad when you think about it. Then, that sad feeling.”

I can only listen to you talk.

Still, I can listen to you.

“So, after you cry a lot, let’s do something fun together next time.”

“Something fun?”

“Yeah. Fun things. It’s like Shizuku-chan is smiling involuntarily. Before you know it, the day will be over. Such a thing.”

I stare at Shizuku-chan’s wet black eyes.

“It’s okay. I’m sure there will be a lot of fun things to do.”

Shizuku-chan’s eyes wavered at my words.

Shizuku-chan bit her lip once. . . Then she closed her eyes.

“Shina-san. . . You said that if I ate Shina-san’s cooking, I would become stronger and more energetic. . . I might be able to use my skills.”


“. . . After eating this, can I try using my skill?”

“Of course. Oh, don’t overdo it.”

“Yes. . . .”

Shizuku-chan said that and opened her eyes.

Her eyes weren’t shaking anymore, but the atmosphere was a little stiff.

Shizuku-chan didn’t say anything after that, and everyone went to eat the tamagoyaki.

Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun as well as Gyabussh, were very happy and Gyabussh roared ‘Ngaaah!!’, and when he saw it, Zezgard-san said, ‘Damn it, damn it. . . but it’s delicious. . . damn it.’

After eating all the tamagoyaki, the plates, trays, and chopsticks disappeared, and each person’s body glowed.

. . . . . . Somehow, it’s a bit complicated if I’m the only one shining like this. It should be funny to shine. I feel like it’s natural to shine.

“. . . I’ll try.”

When the light ended, Shizuku-chan muttered.

When I nodded, Shizuku-chan closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm herself down.

“. . . [Holy Magic]”

Shizuku-chan chanted.

At that instant, light overflowed from Shizuku-chan’s body.

. . . The skill activated.

Everyone who was there must have thought so.

After all, the light that overflowed from Shizuku-chan shone light blue, and I felt that it was something very pure.

A pure light like Shizuku-chan.

. . . She was able to use her skill.

As soon as I was convinced.


The overflowing light suddenly vanished.

The unnatural way of disappearing had my voice leaking out involuntarily.

The dazzling light and pure air that filled the room is now gone.

. . . What happened?

Because it seemed to work perfectly. But now I can’t feel anything.

All that was left was. . .

“I. . . I knew it. . . I, I, I”

. . . Shizuku-chan is frightened by something.

“Shizuku-chan, what happened?”

“I’m sorry. . . please. . . I’m, Shina-san. . . . I.”

Drops of water fall down.

“What should I do. . . I. . . I’m sorry, please. . . Shina-san, I’m sorry.”

I hugged her as if to protect her body, trembling a little. . .

I’m sorry, she repeated.