Shizuku’s POV*

I’m glad I met Shina-san.

We were only together for a short time, but I got a lot of things.

And. . .

. . . I knew what I had to do.

After telling Shina-san that I was returning to the royal palace, preparations proceeded at a rapid pace, and in the evening of that day, I decided to leave the Northern Knights.

Actually, I had talked to the glasses person before telling Shina-san.

Last knight, after confirming that Shina-san was able to summon the magic beasts, we parted ways.

After that, I returned to the tower, and in the room I talked to the person with glasses about two things.

-I want to return to the royal palace immediately.

-As soon as I return, I want to use holy magic to create a barrier.

. . . Until now, I couldn’t even use the skill, I ate Shina-san’s cooking, and even if I could use it, I stopped activating it.

I thought the person with glasses would just laugh at me.

However, the man with the glasses immediately arranged for me to return, and now I am in the carriage headed for the royal palace.

. . . Maybe. Everything may be moving according to this person’s idea.

but. . ..

That’s why I have to ask him something.

“. . . . Um”

Inside a carriage running on the night road.

I called out to the bespectacled person who was sitting diagonally across from me and looking at some material.

“Yes. What is it?”

Inside the carriage, glowing stones illuminated the room instead of electricity.

The green eyes of the bespectacled man shone in the light.

“. . . What do you think about Shina-san?”

“Ah. . . That’s right. I think it’s funny that she’s come this far.”

The bespectacled person spoke politely, but he raised the right corner of his mouth just a little as if he couldn’t hold back and answered.

It’s about Shina-san’s personality.

But that’s not what I want to ask. . .

I’m sure this man with glasses knows what I want to ask and is deliberately avoiding my question.

“What I’m asking about is Shina-san’s skill. . . We learned this time about the ability to summon magic beasts.”

“Was that what you want to know about?”

I see, I nod exaggeratedly.

And this time, it was easy to understand, and he suddenly smiled.

“That skill is impossible. Just muttering two words, but she will teleport to a different space, and there will be water and food there. She can cook there, and when you eat that food, it will increase your physical strength and treat injuries and illnesses. . . ah, it also promotes the effect of skills, doesn’t it? I’m afraid she will do it by her own will.”

The person with the glasses hints at the danger of Shina-san while laughing.

It’s not good for the world for one person to have too much power, is it?

. . . . .Yes, I wonder what it is. I think so.

But. . .

“I’m not afraid of Shina-san’s skills.”

I don’t really understand what a skill is, but she laughed and said it was pretty fun.

She told me that [Summon Kitchen] is amazing.

If you think of Shina-san stroking the kitchen while cooking, you’ll know that what the person with glasses says doesn’t apply to Shina-san.

“I’m sure Shina-san will only use it for cooking and helping the people around her.”

Yes. So it’s not a scary skill.

As long as Shina-san has that skill, there’s no need for anyone to be afraid.

“. . . Well, yes. I don’t know if she doesn’t dare to think about it deeply or if she lacks the ability to think in the first place. . . I guess she’s laughing while saying the she cooked the food and it was delicious.”

At my words, the person with the glasses stopped laughing and let out a sigh.

“When you say other powers, do you mean the power to turn magic beasts back into animals and the power to summon magic beasts? I haven’t verified the power to summon magic beasts, but it’s okay to assume that she has that power.”

“. . . Has there ever been a person with such power?”

Since there are a lot of skills in this world, I thought it wouldn’t be strange if there were [Magic Beast Master] and [Magic Beast Control] in the past.

But Thruster-san shook his head.

“Magic beasts are an existence that is outside the logic of this world. So far, no skills related to magic beasts have been confirmed. That’s why we create a barrier and confine them.”

“Is that so. . .”

I was a little discouraged. . . but somehow I was convinced.

Magic beasts cannot be manipulated with skills. That’s why it’s necessary to create a barrier with holy magic and confine them.

Then I have only one thing to do.

“If I create a barrier. . . Shina-san, no matter how much she wants to eat meat, if I create a barrier, don’t you think the magic beasts won’t come out?”

If only I had my skill [Holy Magic].

With [Magic (infinity)], I can pour the maximum power into it.

If I can create a strong barrier that won’t lose to Shina-san’s power. . .

“So far, the magic beasts have only appeared twice. And I heard that there was a time difference the first time. They should have arrived at the royal palace in about a day. The fact that there was a much larger time difference is probably related to the strength of the barrier. . . The barrier is getting weaker by the minute. That’s why the magic beasts appeared without any time difference the second time.”

The weakness of the barrier makes Shina-san even more dangerous.

If so. . .

“. . . I have a bad feeling about it. I’m sure. . .”

. . .There is no barrier.

“. . . Is that so? Since the Saint, who has the skill of holy magic and is the beloved child of God, says so, there is no doubt about it. We need to hurry.”

The man with glasses said so and stopped the carriage.

And once he goes outside, he seems to be talking to several people.

When he returned sooner than I expected, the bespectacled person sat diagonally across from me again.

“It’s going to be a busy trip, but let’s go back in tree days.”

“. . . it was supposed to take a week, but can we get back in three days?”

“We will change the horses on the way and run day and night. Please forgive me for not being able to provide a comfortable trip for the Saint.”

“. . . Please hurry.”

I don’t need a comfortable trip.

Anyway, for Shina-san’s safety, I’ll set up a barrier as soon as possible.

. . . . .I’m sure I can. Believe me.

“By the way, Saint-sama, I have an interesting idea, would you mind listening?”

Inside a carriage illuminated by dim lights.

Without doing anything or talking, I was looking outside when the person with glasses suddenly started talking to me.

I didn’t think it was a very good topic, so I turned my gaze while being cautious.

“Actually, dragons are not animals. In other words, they are considered to be somewhere between animals and magic beasts. . . .The dragon was fond of her regardless of her skills. What do you think of this?”

The document shown has a picture of a dragon.

There are other drawings that look like magic beasts, and the person with glasses seems to have read such materials.

“. . . I think Gyabussh likes Shina-san’s cooking.”

“That’s it. Originally, dragons don’t need to eat. It’s thought that they get their nourishment from something in the air. The dragon wants to eat. The dragon that eats it will grow fond of it and will listen to what she says.”

Having said that, the glasses guy looked happy and raised the right corner of his mouth.

“Don’t you think this could work with the magic beasts as well?”

“Eh. . . .”

“The magic beasts are removed from the circle of life, and magical energy circulates instead of blood. Because the northern forest is overflowing with magic, magic beasts continue to be born. In the meantime, the magic beasts will create magic stones in their bodies and store magic power. Then, even in lands with little magic power, they will be able to work for a while, it seems.”

You’re also thinking about magic beasts, aren’t you? And then he turns over the materials.

“Magic stones are used effectively, and the magic stones that Ryleigh wears, as well as the magic tools that create the barriers that Saint-sama has seen several times, are made from these magic stones.”

His brother wore a lot of red jewels. That must be a magic stone.

I’ve seen bigger ones than that.

I was told that it was a tool that creates a barrier, and the size of the magic stone was so big that I couldn’t hold it with both hands.

“The magic beasts’ ecology supports the current kingdom. Magic stones are used to prevent the fear of magic beasts from becoming excessive.”

The person with the glasses laughed and said, ‘Humans are also doing the same.’

“Everybody is afraid of magic beasts. No. Humans can abandon magical lands and live elsewhere.”

. . . That’s how this country should be.

It’s a balance to live peacefully.

“Currently, there are problems with the saint-sama not being able to use her skills, and problems with the disappearance of the barrier, but with this premise, I guess we will manage somehow.”

After saying that much, the person with glasses suddenly lost his smile.

Just calm with a flat look.

“. . . But what if there is something that can replenish magical power to the magic beast at any time?”

The man with the glasses mentioned only one possibility.

“[Summon Kitchen]. I thought it might be a skill that can pass magic power to others. Those who obtain that magic benefit from physical strength enhancement, treatment of illness, and promotion of skill effects. Humans have magic. It’s not like humans need magic to live, so maybe that’s all she can do with it? . . . But a magic beast is something that can be breathed directly into life. The charm will be considerable.”

A magic beast. . .

What if that gigantic, ferocious creature ends up looking like Gyabussh in front of Shina-san?

“First of all, you could summon the magic beasts to a land with no magical power. Then, create something with [Summon Kitchen], and while replenishing the magic power, you can take over the land and destroy it. If it’s possible, if magic beasts that stop their activity after their mana runs out can continue to operate permanently.”

. . . Destroy the world.

“There is someone who can do this.”

There is neither ridicule nor impatience in the voice of the man with glasses.

But he was calm all the way through.

“I thought. Ah, this kind of person is called a demon lord.”

Before I know it, my hands gain strength.

A voice explaining indifferently echoed in my ears, and there was a gurgling sound.

“. . . If Shina-san is like that. . . if it’s known. . .”

I want to think otherwise.

But. . .

“The barrier is not stable in this situation. What will the country do? If it were you, should you tie her to the forest of magic beasts alive?”

. . . Shina-san.

“Ah, but if she says [Summon Kitchen], it seems like she can run away even if you tie her up. In that case, you should gag her, or rather, crush her throat.”


“If she wants to cooperate with us as well. If you can’t use it anyway. . . . It’s safer to kill her.”


“I won’t let you use Shina-san. I won’t let you kill her. Absolutely.”

I will create a barrier.

A strong barrier that monsters can never come out of.

. . . Protect the person you love.