The next stall grilled a large shellfish as it is.

“Shina-kun! Are you having fun?”

While enjoying eating while walking, Elja-san and the others came from the other side of the crowd.

The location is the central square. There is a stage and it is the most exciting.

Right now it’s just between events, there is nothing on stage.

The fact that Elja-san and the others came here means that the information gathering has probably ended.

“Every stall was delicious, and we ate a lot together.”

“I really enjoyed being with Shina-san.”

“Me too! Stalls are so much fun!”

Hey. When I smiled at Shizuku-chan, Shizuku-chan smiled softly.

And Ryleigh-kun also answered cheerfully.

It’s not only me, but it seems that both of them enjoyed it a lot, and above all,

“How was it on your end?”

“Yeah, well, it’s still the first day! There’s no rush! . . . But I thought it would be more noticeable because it’s a big deal!”

“Do you stand out?”

“Yes! Even if you don’t collect information, if it’s me, it will gather on its own!”

“Haa. . .”

Well. . . if it’s the crown prince, I wonder if that’s what it’s like. . .

For the time being, I nod at Elja-san’s words.

And then, I checked everyone’s appearances again. . .

-Very cute girl and handsome boy (Shizuku-chan and Ryleigh-kun)

-A man who gives the impression of being intelligent but acts suspiciously (Thruster-san)

-The brightly exposed man (Elja-san)

-A man who laughs loudly with golden brown hair (Ash-san)

-A tall man with red hair and bad eyes (Zezgard-san)

-Handsome polar bear

. . . . Isn’t it impossible to be inconspicuous?

“It still stands out though. . .”

“Shina-kun. I want to talk to girls more! I came all the way to the south, so I want to do it!”

“. . . You’re honest.”

How was the information gathering?

“That’s why I’m thinking of appearing in this!”

Saying that, Elja-san handed out a poster.

The letters written are. . .

“‘Man of the Sea Contest’. . .”

“That’s right! They seem to choose the most handsome men at this festival. There doesn’t seem to be any prizes, but I’ve heard they can show off their strength, show off their skills, or do anything! This is a city with a lot of sailors, they probably like competitions. It’s exciting to compete at festivals! And it’s also an opportunity to bring men and women together!”


“So, what’s interesting is that it’s ‘One group of four’!”


“That’s why I, Volvi, Zezgard, and Ash Claude will come out together!”


Zezgard-san was the first to raise a voice of refusal to Elja-san, who declared it as a decision.

‘Impossible!’ and a deep wrinkle appeared between his eyebrows. Yes. I’m frightened of Elja-san.

“Absolutely no! Why do I have to go to such a thing!”

“Hahaha! Don’t worry, I already wrote Zezgard’s name on the participation list!”

“Aren’t you stupid! Before I know it. . .!”

“At my level, I can escape Zezgard’s surveillance at any time!”

“Shit! I’m not going!”

“Hahaha! It already says you’re participating though? Don’t you think it would be a problem to hold the contest if the group of four suddenly lost one person?”

“Guh. . .”

Ah. . . Zezgard-san was caught right in the middle of Elja-san’s spell. . .

He took advantage of your strong sense of responsibility and makes you feel like you have to join in the blink of an eye. . .

I don’t know about the operation! It seems like that, but Zegard-san doesn’t say it. . . . Fufun Rush. . . .

“Hey, Shina, those eyes!”

He noticed is as soon as I looked at him with a warm look. Way to go.

“Then let’s move! The stage is right there!”

“Go alone.”

When Elja-san, who has Zezgard-san in his hands, tried to start walking, Hurst-san speaks coldly.

Besides, Elja-san put his right hand on his head and shook his head on purpose.

“Volvi never listens to my requests.”

“I have no reason to.”

“I thought I was listening to Volvi’s request.”

Elja-san looks at Hurst-san with purple eyes.

But Hurst-san shook his head firmly.

“I want Shina-sama to enjoy this trip. I won’t stop you if you want to stand out, but I don’t want to stand out myself.”

“Eh. . . maybe, Volvi, you thought you weren’t conspicuous. . .”

Elja-san blinked at Hurst-san’s straight words.

Yeah. . . well. . . Hurst-san stands out just by being there. . .

“I can’t help it. I didn’t want to get Shina-kun involved too much.”

After saying that, Elja-san turned to face me.

“Shina-kun, do you think Volvi isn’t conspicuous?”

“Well. . . if it’s whether he stands out or not. . .”

I look at Hurst-san.

The clothes are the same as those of ordinary travelers.

However, he is tall and has a large body, so his presence cannot be erased. His silver hair and light blue eyes match him very well, and although his expression doesn’t change much, his kindness oozes out.

Above all. . .

“I think it’s impossible for such a nice person not to stand out.”

. . . Cool and cute.

Because I think that anyone will see Hurst-san.

“Hahaha! That’s right! Come on, Volvi, let’s go!”

“. . .”

“Good! That slaughterer Volvi is so surprised that he can’t move right away!! Let’s get him on stage before he regains his sanity! Ash Claude! I heard you’re good at singing! I want you to sing and I’ll dance.”

“Ash, can we hear Ash-san singing?”

“Isarai Shina. . . are you looking forward to my singing?”


“Right! That’s right! Alright, I’ll let you hear it!”

Hurst-san with red cheeks and Ash-san who was in a good mood and laughing headed for the stage.

“Look! Those guys are so cool!”

“I’ve never seen them in this town, so i guess they’re travelers!”

“All four of them are wonderful. . .!”

‘Kya-kya’ and cheers are rising from here and there.

The volume of their voices are clearly different from the other groups.

I feel like the number of women in the central plaza has increased since I heard that. . .

Anyway, there is no doubt that the four of them are attracting attention.

“Ash-san is really good at singing.”

It got so heated that I moved to the edge of the square, but even when I was there, Ash-san’s song reached me. Of course, the melody is beautiful, and the voice is good. The treble that was trained with loud laughter is also impressive.

“As expected of Elja-san.”

Elja-san is dancing in the center of the stage, and it really catches the eye.

Since he’s the crown prince, I thought he’d dance like an elegant waltz, but I wonder if it’s a sword dance. He seems to have borrowed Heirloom Sword #2 from Ash-san, and he is using it to dance.

He’s brave, but he’s also elegant. . . his sex appeal is amazing.

The combination of revealing clothes and glittering precious metals makes him look like a real dancer. He definitely doesn’t look like the crown prince. He’s the personification of sex appeal. . .

“Hurst-san is just standing, but it’s a picture.”

Compared to Ash-san and Elja-san who are raising the stage, Hurst-san is just standing.

If it’s not my imagination, I feel like he’s looking at me.

So if I raise my hand for a second. . .


Hurst-san smiled back.

And the women around me got hit.

As expected of a handsome polar bear.

“I can’t do it anymore. . .!”

Then, Zezgard-san got angry and said it was too much.

He managed to stay there with a sense of responsibility, but I guess he’s reached his limit.

And then, as if responding to that voice, the rustling of wings resounded. . .

“Ah, Gyabussh.”

It’s Gyabussh. Gyabussh is flying onto the stage. . .

“What is that?”



The plaza is in an uproar due to the sudden attack of a giant creature.

We were on the edge of the square, so there was no damage, but i could see people in front of the stage running away in a hurry.

And then Zezgard-san jumped on the descending Gyabussh.

“Look! He’s riding a dragon!”

“No way! Are you sure it’s a dragon knight!?”


But riding a dragon made the cheers louder.

Regardless of that, Zezgard-san flew away with Gyabussh. . .

“So this is the ‘Man of the Sea Contest’. . .”

On the stage, Ash-san sings and Elja-san dances and shows off his sex appeal.

Hurst-san is just standing there, but many women have been hit, and Zezgard-san has escaped on Gyabussh. . .

Yes. Chaos.

“It seems that the ranking of the contest is determined by how much the square is heated up. If we’ve made it this far, it’s as if the winner has already been decided.

Any more people in the square would be dangerous, so let’s leave.”

“Is that so”

“This way.”

To be honest, the plaza is too heated up, and I thought it was dangerous.

It’s fine if it’s just me, but I can’t put Shizuku-chan and Ryleigh-kun in danger.

So, I obediently follow Thruster-san’s towards and enter one of the side streets from the plaza.

There were no stalls, no lights, and a narrow road that even carriages couldn’t pass through, unlike the road where we had been while walking until just a little while ago.

Then. . .

“Hey, hey guys, why don’t we go have a look?”

We were called out to by people who looked bad.

Shina got Hurst-san with a critical hit to the heart. Shina, please realize his feelings soon! Hurst-san, good luck!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!