A tuna transformed from a magic fish. A pearl came out of it’s belly.

“Let’s make delicious food!”

Yes. First, let’s eat the tuna in front of us. Because it’s delicious.

“Are things okay over there. . .?”

Shizuku-chan next to me tilted her head worriedly.

By over there, she means the wharf.

We were back at the inn just as the guards arrived at the wharf.

“Yeah. I think Zezgard-san is doing well.”

Yes. We left Zezgard-san to give an explanation about the magic fish.

Since Zezgard-san summoned Gyabussh, the townspeople found out that he was a dragon knight, so it seems that he is being relied on.

Originally, the crown prince, Elja-san, would be in charge, but no matter how you look at it now, he doesn’t look like someone of high status. . .

Since no one else has mentioned that they are knights, the ‘Dragon Knight’ is inevitably seen as the highest ranked person to them.

Zezgard-san was reluctant, but this is the price of running away from the Man of the Sea Contest. . .

He is popular with women and is relied on by the townspeople. It’s a good thing.

Zezgard-san is a person with a strong sense of responsibility, so he does his role well. It’s good.

. . . . No, I didn’t force you to take care of it yourself, Fufun Rush.

“Shina-sama, the preparation is over.”

“Thank you!”

Saying that, Hurst-san handed me the tuna meat divided into pieces.

“I’ll put it on the table.”

Hurst-san said so and put the tuna on the plate on the table.

We were on the inn’s terrace. Starlight, festival lights, and the light from the window of the room, there is a certain amount of light even though it’s night.

Illuminated by the light, the red flesh of the tuna shone brightly.

“Shina-san! It’s my turn next, right?”

“Yeah. Ryleigh-kun’s heat determines how delicious it is.”

“But is it really okay to bake it with high heat? That way, the surface will be burnt, but I don’t think the inside will be cooked. . .”

Ryleigh-kun’s face clouded at my reply.

It’s true that the tuna pieces are thick, so if you don’t bake it over low heat, the surface will burn before the inside gets cooked.

But that’s okay!

“I want to eat the inside raw this time., so I’d like to do ask you to do it.”

“Okay! I understand.”

“In particular, I want the surface to be crispy.”


When I continued to explain, Ryleigh-kun immediately understood and nodded with a smile.

“Shina-sama, it’s salt. Can I sprinkle an appropriate amount?”

“Yes. Please.”

Hurst-san evenly sprinkles the salt on the tuna and let it soak in on the surface.

After that, Ryleigh-kun put his hands over the pieces tuna.

The blue flame that came out of his palms licked the surface of the tuna.

Then, the red meat turned white and the skin was also browned.

“How is it Shina-san?”


It’s perfect. There is also a fragrant smell, and I want to eat it right now.

But just one more step!

“Would you mind waiting for a while, everyone? I’ll go to the kitchen and finish it.”


“I’ll wait!”

I lift the plate with the tuna pieces.

Hurst-san and Ryleigh-kun, who were helping me, immediately nodded.

“Shina-san, I’ll go too!”

“Yes, thank you!”

Shizuku-chan put her hand on my arm. We’re ready now.

Let’s get started. . .

“[Summon Kitchen]!”

. . . Here I come, my ideal kitchen.

“Then, Shizuku-chan, please wait a moment.”


After calling out to Shizuku-chan, I put the tuna in my hand into the refrigerator.

The tuna that was just grilled by Ryleigh-kun a little while ago has a high temperature. I want to chill it the down to squeeze it.

Since Ryleigh-kun took the effort to make a good fire, I want to avoid the residual heat from causing the tuna to get cooked through.

This refrigerator not only cools it, but also has the added value of keeping it in the best possible condition, so I think it’s much better than cooling with ice water. This refrigerator asserts it’s presence in the kitchen because of it’s large size. There is only trust.

And after putting the tuna in the refrigerator, it’s time to exchange points.

“Green onions and ginger. . . I wonder if there was any garlic. And this. . . . and. Okay.”

I decide by operating the liquid crystal display.

Then, the area glowed, and the things I exchanged appeared on the cooking table.

“Oh, it’s ponzu sauce.”

The one that appeared. Shizuku-chan smiled as she picked up the seasoning in the glass bottle.

“Yeah. I’m thinking of making a special sauce this time.”

“Don’t you just pour ponzu sauce?”

“Well, it’s a simple one. Can Shizuku-chan help me too?”


“Then, can you cut the green onions into small pieces first?”

“Small pieces. . .”

“Ah, I think you’ll understand better if I say it’s a normal round slice and cut the green onion used for condiments. It’s okay if it’s a little connected, thin, or thick.”

I washed the green onions I exchanged for points with water, prepared a cutting board and kitchen knife, and explained to Shizuku-chan.

Shizuku-chan didn’t seem to be able to know how to cut it into small pieces, but it seems that she understood immediately when it was said that it was green onion for a condiment.

Holding the kitchen knife she received from me, she faced the green onion with a serious face.

“Quickly. . . quickly. . .”

Cute. She’s cute just by cutting green onions.

“It’s okay to take it slow.”

So, I decided to leave the green onions to Shizuku-chan and grate the ginger and garlic.

Then, the cooking table glowed white. . .

“Ah. . . this is for the sauce, isn’t it?”

“It looks like this is for putting green onions in. . .”

What appeared was a large bowl with a spout.

It seems that you can grate ginger and garlic directly in this and mix it with ponzu sauce. What’s more, it has a spout so you can pour it over the tuna on the platter.

The other bowl is perfect for putting in the green onions that Shizuku-chan is cutting.

“. . . I like it.”

Rub, rub. I love the kitchen. Rub, rub.

Shizuku-chan is there, but I caress and stroke it. . .I can’t stop loving it. . .

“Shina-san. . . you really like this skill, don’t you?”

“Yeah. I always think that this skill is good. . .”

It’s too much of a super darling. . .

Shizuku-chan laughed softly at my love story.

The kitchen is my ideal, Shizuku-chan is cute, and this space has a strong healing power.

“Okay, then let’s continue.”

“Yes, I will cut too.”

I want to keep stroking it forever, but everyone is waiting on the terrace, so I resume working.

Plenty of ginger and garlic in the bowl that the kitchen provided. Then add ponzu sauce, soy sauce, and mentsuyu.

“Condiments, you mix several kinds.”

“Yeah. The ponzu sauce is delicious on it’s own, but it’s a little thin, so I add soy sauce, and then I add the sweetness and soup stock with mentsuyu.”

In terms of proportion, ponzu sauce is the most common, and I like soy sauce and mentsuyu.

That’s how I made a special sauce with a lot of condiments.

After mixing, put it in the refrigerator and tap the door to let it blend.

“How is Shizuku-chan?”

“It’s done. . . . I’s a little bit out of size.”

When I finished making the special sauce, Shizuku-chan also finished cutting the green onions.

Shizuku-chan cut a lot of green onions. She must have worked hard to cut it.

“You did well.”

“. . . . .That’s good.”

When I answered with a thumbs up, Shizuku-chan seemed relieved and shy.

“Then, Shizuku-chan, can you get the green onions?”


Shizuku-chan, who answered firmly, held the bowl with green onions in it and grabbed my arm tightly.

I had the seared and chilled tuna and the special sauce.

. . . Tuna Tataki and special flavored sauce.

“[It’s Done]!”

Shina really knows how to escape reality and avoid thinking about bothersome things by cooking.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and thank you for reading!