Chapter 2: ?Task

Early the next morning, Uchiha Kai did some simple training and walked towards the gathering place.

In times of war, any ninja is a resource for fighting. Even big families like Uchiha and Hinata must fight to protect the village.

Of course, there are policies above and below. For example, the Hyuga clan sent out to fight are basically members of the branch.

With the protection of the caged bird, they don't need to worry about their white eyes being taken away by others, especially when a member of the clan was killed in the face of Kirin, and a white eye was gouged out.

The people of the Uchiha clan are not stupid. Although the ninjas they will send also have members who have opened Sharinyan, the areas they go to are all 'relatively safe' places.

And the members who didn't turn on the writing wheel will completely obey the village's mobilization and go to the place where the village needs them to go.

Uchiha Kei is the type that obeys the village's mobilization, the main reason is that Uchiha Kei really has never shown his writing wheel in front of anyone.

Uchiha Kei would rather hang on until he doesn't feel safe enough. Although war is dangerous, it's better than being on Konoha's 'blacklist'.

There are advantages and disadvantages to doing this. The disadvantage is that Uchiha Kaikai is very dangerous, but the advantage is that his guidance, Joininkai, is a person that Konoha trusts.

Just like Obito, the trash of the Uchiha clan, he has a Shangnin mentor like Feng Minato.

Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Obito are in the same class, but Uchiha Kai's luck is not as good as this guy Obito.

His guide, Junin, is not a famous person, let alone any one of the pigs, deer and butterflies.

He is just a Jōnin who is completely loyal to the Hokage family, and his name is Fujiu Hangping.

And it's not the Junin that Uchiha Kai originally delivered. His first guide, Junin, had already sacrificed heroically in a mission to cover the team.

As for Uchiha Kai's teammates, they are also a bunch of tricks. There is no Mike Kay, no red, and no Asma or Shiranui Genma.

His teammate is a civilian ninja named Imai Kenta. He is a ninja with very strong physical skills, and a very smart guy who has lived from the beginning of the war to the present.

The other one is more interesting, her name is Hyuga Aya, just like her name, she is a member of the Hyuga family branch.

And she is also very smart, and it can even be said that she is a very scheming woman.

Kei Uchiha and his teammates have an average relationship. They are not very good, but they don't have too many hatreds. The fact that they are together is the result of the constant change of teams.

And they also performed a lot of tasks together, and it was precisely because of these tasks that Kai Uchiha noticed their scheming and some obscure thoughts.

During the war, ninjas suffered a lot of casualties. Even Uchiha and his teammates died several times. The same is true for the two of them.

To put it bluntly, the three are old silver coins, otherwise it would be impossible to live to the present.

"Why is it so slow? Is the Uchiha family like this?" When Uchiha Kai walked to the gathering place, he found that everyone else was already there, and Hyuga Aya looked at him with a frown: "We are going on a mission."

"Mission?" Uchiha Qi nodded calmly, but soon he looked around strangely: "Where's Tomohisa Hangping? Why are there only three of us?"

Sitting aside, Kenta Imai, who was wiping his knives by himself, raised his head and said, "The captain followed the other Joinin to the front line half an hour ago. Iwanin's offensive is very ferocious, and we have a separate mission."

The Battle of Kikyoyama was very tragic, especially since Konoha had just dealt with the sand ninja, and there was no rest at all.

Killing 10,000 enemies, self-destructing 3,000, Konoha's strength has been severely depleted. At this time, Rock Country is obviously trying to take advantage of the fire.

However, it was precisely because they had such thoughts that they also attacked Raikage, I am afraid Konoha really won't be able to hold on.

Although according to the official explanation, the squad led by Minato destroyed Kannabi Bridge and completely cut off the enemy's backup supply line.

But Uchiha Kei felt that being attacked on both sides was also the reason why Iwanin couldn't stand it. After all, he had to face Konoha in the front and Yunnin behind him, so no one could stand it.

"What is our mission?" Uchiha Ki nodded: "Also, who is the captain?"

"It's you." Hyuga Aya seemed a little dissatisfied, but she said seriously: "Our task is to cover the Kaminami Feng Minato class and let them complete the task."

During the war, the ninjas in various countries were largely militarized, and their quality was much better than in the comics.

It's just that Aya Hyuga's words made Kai Uchiha frown. This mission is to use them as bait.

They didn't tell them Minato's mission, they just asked them to cover Minato's mission. Although Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya knew that this was a decoy mission, they had absolutely no idea what Minatoban was going to do.

But Kei Uchiha knows, this class's mission is to blow up the Kamubi Bridge!

This also means that the three of them are simply going to die to attract firepower!

Think about the fact that in the original book, Kakashi and the others did not encounter many enemies at all. Just imagine such an important strategic position, why is there no heavy guard?

Even if what Kakashi and the others have to do is sneak in, but it can't be just one or two people, right?

Then it was obvious that someone else attracted their attention, which led to Kakashi and the others sneaking in smoothly.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi frowned. UU reading This is not a good task, but he remembers that after Obito died, a bunch of rock ninjas appeared. That does not mean that these attracted people are basically finished. already?

Especially Uchiha Kai remembered that Obito was taken away by Uchiha Madara because of this mission. In other words, in fact, near the Kamabashi Bridge, there is actually a stronghold of Uchiha, the immortal.

However, Uchiha Kei doesn't think he has the ability to refuse this task. Being a deserter in wartime is no better than losing his life on the battlefield, or even worse.

"There are a few more groups that cooperate with them in their mission." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and asked, "How far are we going to go?"

"There are also six groups that cooperate with their mission." Hyuga Aya replied quickly: "As for how deep it is, we don't know, what we have to do is to attract the enemy, and then contain the enemy."

What a tedious task!

Uchiha Kai cursed inwardly, but soon he cheered up, since there are still six groups of people, they still have a chance in general.

Although this is entirely a matter of luck, Kei Uchiha, who has always been hidden, feels that he is not unable to survive.

With so many experiences, Kai Uchiha felt that as long as he was careful enough, he would have no chance.

"Then, let's go."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi waved his hand and rushed out of the gate. Since it is a task, naturally it cannot be delayed.

Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya quickly followed, they didn't have much time so they had to speed up.

It's just that when they were about to leave the village, they happened to see the team of Minato Namifeng, and they seemed to be preparing to leave the village...